**Chapter 1**

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Harry POV

The loud beeping of my annoying alarm clock woke me from my not-so-peaceful slumber as I pried my tired body from the sheets around me. It's Monday again and I am not looking forward to school, I never look forward to school! It's full of stupid stuck up people who think they're better than everyone else and if you don't meet up to their standards then you're kicked, punched and thrown in a dumpster. If you're wondering how I know this it's because I am one of their victims. On a daily basis I'm either beaten in the corridors, taunted in class or sometimes even a bit of both. It's hell!

I climbed out of bed and walked tiredly into the bathroom down the hall. Mum would have already left for work so I have no reason to get dressed or cover my semi-naked body until I'm done showering. I closed the bathroom door behind me and switched on the shower. While the water heats I brush my teeth thoroughly; spitting away any leftover foam and toothpaste once I'm done. I rinse my mouth then step inside the now warm shower.

I stood centred in the cubical as I let the water and steam relax my body before another horrifying day at school. Looking down I remembered the cuts on my arms as they began to sting. It's been 4 days since I last cut, I try my hardest not to do it but sometimes it all just gets too much. I have to punish myself for being such a loser and easy target. I wish I could stick up for myself so I wouldn't have to put up with the shit they give me at school but I'm too weak; emotionally and physically.

Brushing the thought to the back of my mind I lather my body in soap and shampoo my hair washing away all the dirt and sweat from the previous day. Once clean I step out the shower and wrap a small towel around my waist and another in my hair. I know girls do this but with curls like mine they need drying too.

Once back in my room I pull out a fresh pair of boxers and socks pulling them on then releasing my towel dropping it to the floor. Next I found a pair of my favourite black skinny jean and slipped into them. It took me a while but I then settled on wearing a jumper as a T-shirt and pulled on my shoes. I check the time; 7:30am. I've got enough time to grab an apple and eat that on the way to the bus if I leave now.

Running downstairs I grab my backpack from the hook by the door and rush into the kitchen. I place my phone, keys and wallet into my pocket then grab a nice juicy apple from the fruit bowl. I double check I have everything before rushing out the front door and running to the bus stop. The weathers not too bad for once, a little breezy but at least it's not raining. I get to the bus stop just in time as the big yellow school bus pulls up to let a couple other students on board. I wait patiently in line before boarding the bus; I give a quick small nod to the driver who returns my greeting with a smile as he shuts the bus doors and continues driving.

I take my usual seat in the front of the bus; too scared to go any further back. You see the cool kids sit at the back and I could only imagine the things they would do to me if I attempted to sit any further back. I say imagine, they do it daily anyway. The moment I step off the bus I'm harassed. I don't even know what I've done for them to hate me so much!

After a couple more stops the driver pulls up outside the school and opens the door for all the students to exit the vehicle. I rush off quickly in the direction of the school hoping maybe today I can get into the building with being cornered by my bully. No such luck!

"Styles here now!" Zayn hissed.

Zayn is my bully and I daren't answer back to him. I face my head to the ground and quickly shuffle in his direction. I stop about a metre away from him only for Zayn to grab the back of my curls and drag me around the corner where there are no cameras.

"Thought you could slip away did ya Styles?" he teased as I shuffled my feet across the floor not bothering to look up.

Zayn's been bullying me for as long as I can remember, I don't know what his problem is. I have never done anything to him. I'm the kind of person who keeps himself to himself and gets on with his work. Maybe that's why he doesn't like me; because I like school and enjoy learning.

"Answer me you piece of shit!"

"N. No." I stuttered trying not to give him a reason to hit me.

"What? What did you say? I saw you Styles! Don't lie to me faggot!"

There was no point in trying to deny it; I knew what was coming next. Quickly I was brought to the floor by the strong grip on the back of my head. Zayn threw me face first onto the concrete below. I hit the floor with oomph and groaned internally. If I even made so much as a single noise he would know he was winning and the beatings would get harder. I'd learnt by now to just take what he handed out and then get on with the rest of my day. If I was lucky I'd only have to deal with this in the morning. But if Zayn's in a bad mood then I get beaten every chance he finds.

Instinctively I curled my body into a ball covering my head from the blows I was about to receive. As if on cue I felt the soaring pain of Zayn's foot colliding with my stomach knocking the wind right out of me! As much as I tried to hold it in I coughed gasping for air, this caused Zayn to chuckle evilly and hit me again. This time his fist connected with the side of my head catching me in the corner of my eye, I winced away in pain trying to tuck myself into the tightest ball possible but with my long limbs and frightened demine I was too slow.

Zayn gripped the back of my head again pulling me to my feet, I stumbled as I tried to regain my balance but was quickly knocked off my feet again when a large fist connected with my gut. As I doubled over in pain another hit clocked me square in the nose sending me flying backwards against a filthy dumpster. I grabbed my face in attempt to stop any bleeding but it was too late. The thick crimson substance thickly trickled into my hand and onto the ground. I could hear slight laughing as Zayn slammed something around. I then felt my body being lifted from the ground.

Zayn had his hands gripped tightly around my collar holding me upright, considering his shorter than me he's extremely strong.

"I don't even know why you bother coming to school you fag. Nobody likes you, nobody wants you hear. Why don't you do us all a favour and kill yourself!" he hissed before lifting my body off the ground and throwing me backwards into a large container.

I hit my back hard against the cold metal causing my body to curl automatically into a ball. The smell and feel of rubbish around me told me one thing. Once again I was in the dumpster. This is one of Zayn's favourite things to do to me. He knows that once I've climbed out of the smelly container no one is going to come within inches of me smelling like I do.

I sat up and slumped my body against the cold wall thinking about the words he said. Nobody wants you, nobody likes you. Just kill yourself and trust me I've tried! I've cut so deep before I ended up unconscious but as I woke up later that day I knew I hadn't cut deep enough!

As I sat thinking over my options for the situation I was in when heard a commotion outside. There was a bit of banging and some curse words being thrown about. Then a loud bomb and the lid of the bin opened. I didn't have a chance to move before a large heavy object was thrown in on top of me. I let out a groan of pain before tossing it off me, only to realise it was another person!

We Met In A Dumpster [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now