**Chapter 3**

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Heey guys so i have set up a schedual for this story. I will be updating this story every Wednesday and Friday for you guys so please enjoy and dont forget to leave a comment. Best comment will get a dedication! Love y'all

Harry POV

"Erm hello. Is someone else in here?" A new voice asked a little worried

"Yes." I sighed thinking it was probably one of Zayn's goons joining me to give me another beating.

 I shifted slightly backing away as much as possible from the new person in the dumpster with me. I have no idea who this person is. All I know as of now from the sound of their voice is that they're probably a guy.

"You landed on me!" I pouted forgetting it was probably too dark for him to see me.

"Sorry. It was kind of out my hands!" he laughed slightly breaking the tension.

"You were thrown in too?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah!" he sighed once again.

Not wanting to sit in the dumpster any longer I stood up carefully and lifted the lid slowly. I quickly glanced around making sure Zayn and his friends weren't hanging around, when I saw the coast was clear I popped the lips back and climbed out. The boy who had been thrown in after me then appeared from the dumpster and lifted himself out.

The swelling around his eye socket looked painful not to mention was still bleeding quiet badly. I pointed to his eye and didn't even have to say anything for him to know what I was going on about. He then proceeded to point at my nose and I nodded know exactly what he meant. When Zayn hit me he hit me hard and I'm guessing my nose is either broken or badly fractured.

"What happened to you?" he asked and I dropped my gaze to the floor.


It was silent between us for a moment but then I decided it would be courteous to ask the same question back.

"What happened to you?"

"Got in a fight. With my bully!" he explained and I looked up at him in shock.

"You hit him back?" I gasped.

"Well yeah, I'm gunna let him use me as a punch bag!"


I suddenly felt embarrassed. This kid had the guts to stand up to his bully even though he knew he'd get a kick in and there was me curling up in a ball and cowering away like the loser I am. I gave him my best fake smile and began walking in the direction of the school. I'm already late for class I may as well skip the rest of this one and go to the nurse.

"Hey where you going?" The boy shouted from behind me.

I turned quickly to see him limping behind me to try and catch up. What does he think that because we were thrown in a dumpster together that were suddenly?

"I'm going to the nurse!" I told him with annoyance in my voice, I wasn't trying to be mean or anything I just can't be bothered to talk to anyone, especially after getting beaten up.

I continued walking in the direction of the nurse's office with the random boy following close behind me still limping. When we reached the office I stepped inside leaving the door open for the blue eyes boy to walk through. I know mentioning his eyes is a little weird but I don't know his name and I couldn't help but notice when I saw the gaping hole above his eyelid.

"How may I. Oh my god Harry what happened this time?"Emma the nurse gasped noticing my nose at first glance.

"I fell. Again!" I lied and she huffed knowing I was lying.

"And what about your friend?" she asked looking to the boy standing in the doorway.

"He's not my friend." I quickly spoke.

"I got in a fight!" he stated matter-of-factly making me feel like shit for not fighting back against Zayn.

"Right well let's get you both clean up so you can go to your next lessons yeah?" Emma spoke again and pulled the guy in the room shutting the door behind him.

I took a seat in my usual spot on the second bed furthest from the door. Emma guided the guy who'd followed me to the first bed and looked over his eye first as it is starting to look really bad. The blood still hasn't stopped bleeding and the swelling is getting progressively worse. I watched on as Emma clean away all the blood and stopped the bleeding; she then placed some sterile-strips over the wound and told him to keep it clean.

Next I was up and I am really not looking forward to this part. Emma came over and took a quick look at my nose. I noticed from the expression on her face it wasn't good news.

"I think its broken love." she told me sadly.

"Is it going to hurt?" I asked knowing she was going to have to re-set it.

"I'm not going to lie. It really might hurt. You ready?"

I nodded my head quickly hoping this was going to be over as soon as possible. My legs started to shake and I waved my hands around frantically as I felt Emma step closer and take a soft hold on my nose. I squinted my eyes shut as hard as possible and braced myself for the pain. Suddenly I felt a hand take hold of one of my own. I grasped the hand without thinking and held on as tight as I could.

In a quick movement I heard a loud CRACK and a horrible shooting pain shot through my nose and up in-between my eyes. I screamed out in pain as I heard Emma mumble a sorry and passed me some tissues. Immediately my nose began bleeding again but at least now it's back in place and I can get on with my day.

Emma apologised for hurting me, gave both me and the other guy some painkillers and then sent us on our way. I stepped out the office muttering a thank you as I held the tissue to my still bleeding nose. I got about half way down the corridor when I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see the blue eyed boy still following me.

"Harry wait up!" he called out.

"How do you know my name?" I asked confused for a second.

"The nurse said it. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Louis Tomlinson." he replied holding out his hand.

I took his hand in mine and shook it. I'm not the kind of person that if someone offers me their hand I'm going to swat it away so I politely shook and introduced myself properly.

"I'm Harry Styles."

We Met In A Dumpster [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now