**Chapter 6**

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[Still Louis POV]

I texted Harry halfway through class asking if he wanted to have lunch outside with me and weirdly he actually agreed. I knew he was a little unsure of me at first but I'm a nice guy, we both get bullied so the good thing is we can look out for each other.

When the bell rang I made my way out of class and onto the field where I told Harry I'd meet him. I got there first seeing no one else around and took a seat on one of the empty benches. I got comfortable and pulled out my phone ready to play a game while I waited for Harry. Just as I got onto the app a curly haired smiling boy appeared in front of me.

"Hey Lou." He smiled and took a seat opposite me.

"Heey Haz, you ok?"

"Yeah I'm alright, little sore from the beating the other day but other than that I'm cool."

"Ah that's good, so how are your classes?" I asked

"Yeah they're ok, I still can't believe you're in my music class and we've never noticed each other before!" he chuckled and I smiled at his laugh.

It's nice to hear his laugh; I don't think the poor kid laughs very often. We sit happily together as we eat our lunches that we'd both packed and just enjoy each other's company. That's until our demons decide to turn up. Zayn and Liam walk up laughing and joking talking amongst them then turn realising we're sitting on the bench. Immediately Liam has to say something.

"Look at the freaks sitting together!" he pipes up.

"Leave us alone Payne, go bother someone else!" I tell him and give Harry a small smile.

"Aww look at him trying to defend his boyfriend." Zayn mocks.

"I'm not his boyfriend!" Harry mumbles just loud enough for me to hear.

"What was that? Did you say something? Did you just answer me back Styles?" Zayn spits as he steps closer and slams his hands down on the table.

I feel my blood boil under my skin as Zayn get closer to Harry's face, the instinct to protect him is hard to control. I jump up from my spot and push Zayn back with a firm hand on his chest. Zayn stumbles and falls back landing straight on his arse. I should have known better if I'm honest because as soon as Zayn was on the floor Liam's fist connected with my face.

I too fell back on my arse and soon enough Liam was hovering over me throwing punches. I covered my face and brought my knees to my chest to try and block anything coming my way but somehow he still manages to get some punches in. I hear Harry screaming for him to get off me, I look up to see him try and pull Liam back but then Harry is pulled back by I'm guessing is Zayn and thrown to the floor behind me. I yell for him and try to sit up but another of Liam's fists collides with my face, at this point I've had enough.

I push myself from the floor and tackle Liam to the ground. He falls back first as my shoulder connects with his stomach. When we hit the floor I hit my head but it's not on the ground it's on something soft. I brush it off and throw some punches of my own on Liam, he's left stunned for a few seconds so I take the opportunity to rip Zayn of Harry and get him standing. I push Harry in the other direction and tell him to run.

"No Louis I'm not leaving you with them!" he shouts back at me.

"Just run, I'll be fine!" I shout back and push him again.

This time Harry gets the message and runs off, he looks back once but I throw a quick hand signal telling him to go. Just as I turn to run myself Zayn grabs a hold on my arms and holds them behind my back, he's not as strong as Liam but as I've already taken a bit of a beating he was able to restrain me. Liam then got up from the floor and took a running start before fly kicking me in the stomach. I double over in pain as Zayn releases me. The boys then laugh and walk away after Zayn takes a low blow and kicks me in the side of the head.

The tear automatically fall from my eyes as the pain is too much to handle. I curl myself in a small ball and sob until I'm able to get to my feet. Once standing I use everything in me to walk and get myself home. Battered, bruised and bleeding I get in go straight to my room and shut my door. Shutting myself away from the world.

Tell me a secret i dare you! 

We Met In A Dumpster [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now