**Chapter 9**

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Louis POV

I am in so much pain this morning. I don't even know how I'm conscious right now. Yesterday when I finally made it home I crawled upstairs and into my room. I shut the door behind me and locked it making sure mum couldn't get in even if she tried. I can't have her seeing me like this she'd be heartbroken!

Luckily for me she's always gone before I get up for school so when I woke up this morning from passing out on my bedroom floor I knew I wouldn't be going to school today, hell I can just about drag myself to the bed and climb onto it. I hurt so bad I don't even want to see what I look like right now!

When I was on my bed I got into the most comfortable position possible and pulled my phone out my jean pocket. I saw I had two texts from Harry and opened them up. The poor boy is so worried bless him; he thinks it's his fault. I quickly text him back that it's not his fault and I am ok I just passed out so I couldn't text back. That of course made him even more worried and now he's on my case to come over and look after me.

From Harry

I don't care what you say I'm coming over and I'm going to look after you! From the sounds of it you're really not in good shape. Tell me your address now; I'm on my way over! Xoxo

Seeing as I have no choice in the matter and I little company would be nice I told Harry where I lived. He texted back saying he won't be long and I told him to let himself in around the back as I couldn't walk downstairs. He said ok and I set my phone back down. It's kind of a good thing he's coming over really because I really want to get out of these jeans and I need a pee but there is no way I'm going to be able to do either of them things on my own, I'm too beaten up! I hope he won't feel awkward by me asking him to do those things because otherwise I'm going to have to try and do it on my own and I think that would just cause more damage.

Seeing as I could barely sit up I decided to slide down in my bed and get comfortable until Harry arrived. I pulled up an app on my phone and started playing a game to keep myself occupied but to be honest the game wasn't very good anyway. I noticed luckily the TV remote was on the side table so I slowly stretched my arm and grabbed the remote turning on the TV. I flicked and flicked until some cartoons came on, it'll have to do there's never anything on daytime TV.

"Lou. Louis? Are you here?" I heard a voice call out and I knew it was Harry.

"I'm upstairs!" I shouted back hoping he'd find my room ok.

A couple seconds later I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and then hallways creaky floorboards as he walked closer.

"In here!" I called out when I heard him outside my room.

The door knobs twisted and the door wobbled as Harry tried to open it and it was then that I remembered one thing. I locked it. Yesterday when I got home I locked it so my mum couldn't get in and see me all beaten up.

"Lou it's locked I can't get in!" he spoke through the door.

"Yeah I erm. I kind of locked it last night. Erm Harry I can't get out of bed." I called back trying to think, then an idea came to mind. "Harry can you climb?"

"Yeah but what does that have to do with anything?" he called back sounding confused.

"You need to go back into the back yard and climb through my bedroom window, the walls really high but you'll be able to climb that then lift yourself onto the ledge and then through the window."

"Are you serious?"

"Afraid so mate." I replied feeling sorry for him.

All the kid wanted to do was come and look after me after I'd gotten a beating and now because I was afraid of my mum seeing me he had to go outside and scale the building just to get into my room. The one lucky thing is because it's currently summer my window is open and Harry will be able to climb through it.

"Louis can you hear me?" Harry called from outside

"A little, hang on let me call your mobile." I shouted back and grabbed my phone to call him.

After a couple of rings Harry answered and spoke down the receiver. [Harry in Bold. Louis in Italic]

Lou I don't think I'm going to be able to get up this wall. I know I said I could climb but I'm not that good a climber

Don't be silly just take a running jump, lift yourself and then swing a leg up. It's not as hard as it looks I've done it a couple times

Really? I don't know!

I promise you Harry, I've done it and you're taller then I am so it'll be easier for you. Just get off the phone and take a running jump



After hanging up the phone I set it down on the side table and kept an ear out for Harry. I heard a small thud then some groaning. I assume he didn't make the first jump so listening again I heard another groan but then some shuffling, after a couple seconds I then heard a small yes so I think he got up on the wall. Another oomph later and a mop of curls appeared at my window.

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