**Chapter 14**

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Mum dropped me outside Harry's house and I told her I would be fine before giving her a kiss and waving her off. I really hope Harry answers as I don't know how long it would take me to walk home feeling like this. I'm not in that much pain due to my meds and I have brought them with me but walking will still hurt and I don't want to be over doing it.

I walked up to his front door and took a deep breath before knocking twice loudly. I heard some shuffling from inside before the door creaked slowly open revealing a red puffy eyed Harry with a look of shock on his face.

"Can I come in?" I asked softly and he nodded opening the door fully stepping aside.

I walked through into the hallway and stood awkwardly while Harry closed and locked the door behind me. When he turned around I could see the fear and pain in his eyes, he was also still wearing the jumper he'd pulled on at mine so his cuts and scars were covered up.

"Why are you here Louis?" Harry asked and I smiled softly.

"I want to help; you can talk to me Harry. Why don't we go sit down somewhere and then if you want to talk to me about anything you can and if you don't we can just hang out." I told him and he nodded.

Harry led the way upstairs and into his room, I followed behind him slowly being careful not to hurt my ribs. When we reached his bedroom I closed the door behind me and followed Harry over to his bed, he sat down against his headboard and pulled a pillow onto his lap cuddling his face into it while I sat at the opposite end of the bed facing him.

"Do you want to talk about any of this? I mean you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want but I would like to know why you do it." I spoke up looking him straight in the eyes.

Harry looked down at his pillow for a second then back up making eye contact with me before taking in a deep breath.

"I don't even know where to start or how to explain Lou; my life's such a mess right now!" Harry said sadly

"Then start with why! Why do you do it Haz? Why do you hurt yourself?" I asked him sympathetically.

"It helps," he replied looking back up at me. "It's like a release; it's something in my life I can take control of. I control how deep I cut or how long I spread the blade. I know it's not a reason and I know I shouldn't do it but sometime things to honestly get too much and I have to."

Everything he just said to me my mum told me he would already say, at least now he's taken the first step in telling me. I don't know a lot about this stuff but I know that people who self harm don't talk about it often and usually go through it alone.

"Thank you for telling me. I want to help you to stop but I know you're not going to be able to unless you want to do it. Do you want to stop cutting Harry?" I asked and he nodded shyly.

"I've wanted to for a long time but every time I'm somewhat happy something comes along and fucks my head up and makes me do it again."

"I have a small idea and I don't know if it's going to work but are you up for hearing what I have to say?" I ask and Harry nods again. "Well tell me if I'm wrong but I have noticed that when I'm around you are happier, so how about we spend every day together. We'll hang out at school unless we have separate classes. If that does happen we'll meet up again straight after then after school we'll hang out and stay over each other's houses. That way I'll be around to cheer you up if you're feeling down and it'll be nice to have some company."

"But what if you get bored of me and end up hating me like everyone else?" he asked immediately

"Stop don't say that! No one hates you for one and secondly I could never hate you and wouldn't get bored of you." I told him honestly watching him blush at my words.

"Thank you Lou, you are a great friend. I'm so glad I met you even if it was in a dumpster after we both got beatings." he chuckled and I think it was the first time I've seen him genuinely smile in a while. 

I shuffled forward on the bed and held my arms out which Harry thankfully wrapped himself in. He nuzzled his face into my neck and breathed in deeply. I took this as a sign of him being comfortable with me and at the same time I am thankful he trusts me. For a guy who seems to have a lot of issues he is rather trusting of people.

"So you going to crash here tonight then?" Harry asked and I shrugged my shoulders

"If that's ok with you!" I answered and he nodded.

"Of course, you made the effort to come over here and look after me when you're all beaten and bruised. As long as you don't mine pizza for dinner and sleeping in the same bed as me then were all good."

"Well for one I love pizza and two I like sharing a bed with you, you're so cuddly and warm it's nice to have someone to snuggle with." I replied with a smile which Harry returned.

We spent an hour or so in his room before making our way downstairs to make pizza, while we were down there I took some more of my pain meds to keep the horrid pain in my ribs away. It didn't take the pizza long to cook so Harry carried it upstairs while I carried up some drinks for us both. We reached the top of the stairs and followed Harry into his room taking a seat on his bed.

"Hey Haz how comes your mum isn't home?" I asked curiously

"She rarely ever is, it's one of the reasons I get so lonely." he admitted and I felt my lips frown.

"Well then it's a good idea I came up with then because now neither of us will be lonely." I smiled and Harry mimicked me.

We dug into the pizza and when that was finished we climbed into bed to watch a movie, I lay my head on Harry's chest felling myself slowly drifting off, I don't even think I watched any of the movie as I listened to the steady beat of Harry's heart as it lulled me off to sleep.

We Met In A Dumpster [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now