**Chapter 19**

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[Louis POV]

After dropping Harry at he's house I couldn't help but think about how often the curly haired kid has been on my mind these days. After meeting him in that dumpster he seems to be all that's on my mind. I have huge urges to protect him from Zayn and Liam in which that caused me to get the beating of a lifetime but in my eyes it was worth it because Harry wasn't hurt. I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that I may have feelings for the boy.

I reached my house 10 minutes after dropping Harry home to find no one in. I walked through to the kitchen to find a note on the table from my mum explaining she's gone away for the weekend for work. I'm not particularly in the mood to be sitting home alone to night so I reached for my phone and texted Harry.

To Harry

Hey Haz, mums gone away for the weekend and I'm not in the mood to be sitting home alone it's so boring. Do you fancy coming over for dinner and a movie? We can just hang out and chill. Let me know Lou xx

I set my phone down on the kitchen side next to the note my mum left me while I flipped the kettle on and pulled out the sugar and teabags to make myself a cuppa. I placed the ingredients in the mug and then added the boiling water and milk. Just as I put the milk back away in the fridge my phone buzzed on the counter so I grabbed my tea and picked my phone up before heading into the living room and opening my text.

From Harry

Hey Lou, dinner and a movie would be great. Once again my mum's not home so I would rather spend my time with you then at home on my own as well. Let me get changed and I'll come over. I'll see you soon. Haz xx

I quickly text him back saying I will see him soon and dropped my phone on the coffee table and sprinted upstairs. It's not going to take him long to get changed and come over so I had to think fast. I need an outfit that's casual but something to impress as well. Soon enough I found a pair of dark skinny jeans and a white V-neck shirt. It'll have to do because I don't have the time to find another outfit, plus my tea's getting cold downstairs. I climbed out of my clothes I wore to school and pulled on the fresh ones before running back downstairs and jumping over the back of the sofa. I reached for my cuppa and took a sip of the now warm tea before switching on the TV to find something to watch.

"Boring. Seen it. Boring. That'll do." I said leaving the music channel on.

I sipped on my tea as I listened to the music while thinking about Harry. If tonight goes well and we get along like we usually do I think I may just ask him out. Not like to be my boyfriend just yet but asks him on a date and if he says yes then we'll just have to see what happens from there. A knock at the door snapped me out of my thoughts. I jumped up excitedly from the sofa and quickly ran to the door swinging it open to see Harry standing there happily holding a couple of pizza's.

"Thought I'd bring dinner if you supply the movie." he smiled and I grinned stepping aside to let him come in.

Harry walked into the hall slipped off his shoes then made his way into the living room while I ran to the kitchen to grab drinks. I got us both a Pepsi from the fridge then walked back into the living room setting them down on the table.

"What kind of film do you want to watch?" I asked Harry and he shrugged.

"I don't mind. You choose!" he answered opening the pizza boxes on the table.

As Harry took a slice of Pizza and took a seat on the sofa I hatched a plan in my head to choose a horror movie hoping that if Harry got scared then he'd cuddle into me. If he does this then my mind is made up and I will ask him out on a date. If he doesn't then I guess he's not that into me and I'll have to stick to being just friends. I picked out Nightmare on Elm Street as old school horrors are always quiet creepy and placed it in the DVD player before taking a seat next to Harry.

"Pizza?" He asked handing me a slice but instead of taking it with my hand I bit the end of it and tugged it out his hand with my teeth, Harry laughed and just grabbed himself another slice.

"And you call me different." he chuckled taking a normal bite of his own slice as the credits of the film began to run.

I shrugged my shoulders and clicked play on the remote while chewing on the piece of pizza in my mouth. Harry had lifted his legs onto the sofa and sat crossed legged while I lifted my legs and placed them in his lap. I'm so happy that we have become as close as we have because otherwise this would be really awkward.

By the time the film was half way through we had finished both pizzas and Harry was hugging a pillow high up his chest occasionally hiding behind it. So by now I had figured out he was scared of the film but he was yet to move closer to me. I decided to make a move of my own and sit up with one leg crossed underneath me and the other hanging off the sofa. As I did this Harry shifted in his seat like he was upset at the loss of contact.

"You alright Haz?" I asked curiously.

"You moved!" He pouted unexpectedly.

"Sorry. I thought my legs might have been getting heavy."

"They were protecting me!" he replied timidly

"Aww, are you scared? Come here!" I said extending my arm so there was room for him to snuggle in my side. It's now or never.

I held my breath as I sat there for just a couple of seconds with my arms out stretched waiting for Harry. Thankfully he moved from his spot on the sofa and climbed into my arms. I wrapped them protectively around him; one over his shoulders and one around his waist while he placed a hand on my chest and the other around my hips. The warmth of his body against mine felt so nice, I could stay like this forever if I had the chance. But this is the moment I was waiting for, now I knew he wanted to be near me and I felt me protecting him I knew I could ask him out.

Harry stayed in my arms until the film finished. I could feel him occasionally hiding his face into my chest when a scary part came on the screen and every so often I would feel him stroking my chest with his finger tips. When the credits started rolling at the end of the film I moved my hand from around him and switched the DVD player off.

"Stop moving, you're so comfy!" Harry moaned as I shifted underneath him.

"I'm sorry; I had to turn the film off. Unless you wanted to watch it again?" I suggested already knowing his answer.

"NO. Not again!" he frowned looking up and me and I smiled stroking a stray curl out his face. "I gotta get going anyways. I just don't want to move!"

"Well if you gotta go then you have to move!" I told him and then took a deep breath to continue. "There's erm actually something I wanted to ask you!"

"Oh yeah, what's that?" he asked sitting up and then standing from the sofa heading to the hall to put his shoes back on.

"Well I erm. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tomorrow. On a date!" I stuttered as I followed him into the hallway.

"You want to take me on a date?" he asked looking up at me from the floor.

"Um yeah, if you'd like to go with me?" I said now feeling a little nervous.

Harry continued pulling on his shoes while I stood there waiting for an answer. My heart is beating a thousand miles per hour, why is he making me wait so long? The next thing I knew Harry reached for the door handle opened the front door and stood in the opening. Is he really just going to walk away from me after I just asked him that?

I watched as a smile filled his face and he stepped toward me. Harry then leant down and placed a small soft kiss on my forehead before speaking again.

"I'd love to!" he said and I let out a sigh of relief which he seemed to notice. "You really think I'd pass up and opportunity to go out with such a great guy?"

"I didn't know what you were going to say!" I answered truthfully.

"Well my answer is yes, so I guess I will see you tomorrow?"

"I'll pick you up around 6!" I told him and smiled as I watched him walk away down the driveway.

Once Harry was out of site I closed the door behind me and jumped around like a little school girl who just got her first crush. I'm so glad he agreed to go out with me otherwise things would have got really awkward between us. Now to plan our date!

We Met In A Dumpster [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now