**Chapter 5**

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Surprise chapter update, hope you enjoy it. Hey i wana see if you guys can do something for me. Could each of you who are reading just leave a comment below so i can see how many people are actaully actively reading this story. Would mean a lo, thank you. xx

Louis POV

I rubbed my eyes as the light from the window crept in and woke me up. This is weird, it's quiet. It's never quiet here in the morning. I glanced over at my bedside table and reached for my phone. I picked it up and held it above my head to look at the time. 10am, wait what? I jumped up from my bed and looked again. Shit 10am. I'm so late for school!

I quickly rushed around my room to the best I could pull on anything that I could find but my back was killing me. I rushed over to my long mirror and turned around so I could see my back. Shit! I have a huge gash on my spine with some grazes around it. Must've been when Liam threw me against that wall. I then took a closer look at my eye and that really didn't look good either.

Once I was dressed I quickly brushed my teeth and grabbed my sun glasses off the side. I then grabbed my phone, keys and wallet and ran straight out the door jumping in the car. I drove as quickly as I could to school without breaking the speed limit and soon pulled up into the parking lot. I put the car in park jumped out and locked it as I ran through the school doors and straight down the halls. I've already missed 1st period, it was half way through 2nd and it was near enough brake by this point so I stopped by my locker and grabbed the stuff I'd need for 3rd. There's no point in me going to class half way through so I took a seat on the floor and caught my breath.

I sat playing on my phone while I waited for the bell to signal lunch. When it did students filled out of their classrooms rushing to get something to eat or drink before they had to go back to class. I just watched from the ground as people passed by like I wasn't even there. That was until I heard someone's voice above me.

"Right where you belong Tomlinson on the floor like the scum you are!" Liam hissed as his friends laughed behind him.

I only recognised one of them; I think his name is Zayn or something. He never done anything to me as I always fought back, Zayn is the type of person to pick on someone who can't fight back; he's a pussy like that!

"Fuck you Payne and get out my face!" I spat back and got up from the floor encase he was going to try hitting me again.

To my surprise Zayn took his arm and lead him away. Just as well really because I was about to let out a can of woop-ass on him. The bell soon rang echoing down the halls so I grabbed my books from the floor and headed to my first class of the day, it should be my first class but somehow I woke up late.

I quickly strolled down the hall at a normal pace, when I reached my classroom I didn't bother to take my glasses off as I don't want any extra attention. I just want to sit back and enjoy this class. It's Music so it's good. I walked in and took my seat sort of in the middle of the room. I didn't want to be with the bullies at the back aka Zayn and Liam but I also didn't want to be sat up front with the geeks who want to learn everything! Hang on. I leant carefully from my seat over to one side and noticed a mop of brown curly hair down the front. No it can't be, I've never seen Harry in here before!

I sat back in my seat and watched the boy carefully to try and see if it is in fact him or not but I just can't see passed all the other students, damn it! The teacher walked in and told the class to hush but a few whispers were still heard from the back. Obviously the naughty kids who don't even want to learn.

"Ok class so this week we are going to be presenting some music pieces to each other. You can work in pairs or alone it's your choice. The piece has to be in by the end of the term and finished, no slacking!" our teacher whose name I still don't know explained and I sighed inwardly.

I like music I really do and I'm not worried about performing it in front of anyone I just I don't think I'm very good at music. Maybe I can pair up with someone. I looked around the room and noticed people were already in the pairs they wanted to be in or were happy to work alone. Well I guess I'm working alone too! I pulled out my note book and began jotting down ideas, they weren't great but it's all I got at the moment as well as a headache that is. I should really eat something!

Class was over pretty quickly so as the bell rang everyone rushed out to get to their next class, I on the other hand held back a little so I was pushed around in the halls, I can't take another blow to my back just yet. It's already aching like hell. When the majority was out the class I picked up my things and headed for the door. I was just about to walk out when I heard someone call my name.


I turned around quickly. I knew that voice, it's Harry.

"Harry what are you doing in here?" I asked quickly as I adjusted my glasses

"Ha-ha very funny. Have you always been in this class?"

"Yeah, have you?" he asked in return.

"Yup!" I replied popping the P.

"Oh well I guess I'll see you around." he smiled and then walked away.

I couldn't help but watch his cute little bum as he walked into the hall and was engulfed by the crowd and disappeared. I followed his lead into the hallway but headed in the opposite direction to my own class. Just this class left and then lunch then one more class after that and I can go home. Maybe I'll invite Harry over one day this week and we can hang out. Letting that thought stay in my mind I entered my next class and took a seat ready to be bored to death!

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