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[Still Harry POV]

Finally it's time for music; I've been waiting all day for this lesson. It's a little weird that I'd be excited for a lesson with two of the people I hate most in the world but I also have Louis in this class and that kind blonde kid Niall who helped me the other day. Not to mention I love music, it's like my favourite subjects. I made my way quickly down the hall to meet Louis outside his locker keeping my fingers crossed that I didn't bump into any of the bullies on the way. I reached Louis' locker in record time and slammed it shut making him jump.

"Dude calm down, it's just music!" He gasped looking at me shocked.

"I know but I love music and I get to sit next to you." I bounced on the spot excitedly while Louis re-opened his locker to retrieve his music books.

Once Louis had his books we made our way toward the music class just down the hall from the lockers. When we reached the classroom I walked in first with Louis just behind me. We are one of the first in the classroom so have our choice of seats as there is no seating plan in this class. I took a seat at a table near the middle of the classroom and Louis sat next to me setting his books on his desk.

"So what do you think we'll be doing today?" Louis asked me with a smile and I shrugged my shoulders

"I have no idea, you know what our teachers like one minute we're doing one thing and the next we're doing something else."

Louis nodded agreeing with me at the randomness of our music teacher just as he walked through the door. Most of the class had come in by now and were taking their seats but just as the teacher was about to close the door in walked Zayn and Liam laughing loudly not giving a care in the world about that fact that they were late.

"You're late again boys!" Our teacher scolded them but they shrugged it off and headed to the back of the class where they usually sat.

No one in the class dare look at them as they passed them down the aisles of chairs and took their seats. I especially didn't want to give them an excuse to start on me some more so I kept my eyes on the ground until they were in their seats. When I looked up I saw the blonde guy Niall giving me a sympathetic look so I gave him a friendly smile. It was nice of him to step in not only once but twice to help me especially when he doesn't even know me.

"You ok mate?" Louis asked snapping me out of my thoughts

"Ahh yeah fine, let's learn!" I smiled at him and turned my attention back to the teacher.

With Louis by my side I was able to ignore my bullies at the back of the class and I could focus on my lesson and the cute guy beside me. I don't know what it is about Louis but he and I get along so well I just love being around him. Soon enough the bell rang for lunch so Louis and I packed our things away and headed for the lunch hall to get some food.

"Ooo pizza!" Louis said excitedly as he grabbed a tray and entered the line with me following close behind him.

I grabbed my own tray and followed behind Louis. He picked up a couple slices of pizza with some chips and I copied him but also got myself a cake for desert. We both got a can of pop and then paid for our meals before going to sit down outside on the picnic tables. We both found it safer to sit outside the cafeteria as on days like this with the weather being a bit nippy people don't like to go outside.

"This cake is yummy!" I smiled and Louis frowned at me.

"I'm pretty sure you're supposed to eat your meal before your desert mate." he laughed and I joined him with a chuckle.

"But it looked so good."

"You're so different Haz. I like it!" Louis said and I smiled at what I think was a compliment.

He is right I am different which I guess is why I'm bullied but it is nice to have someone like me for who I am, someone who doesn't judge me just because I like school and learning. I like other things too people just don't seem to get to know me enough to learn about them.

"Well I'm glad you like that I'm different!"

We sat and spoke amongst ourselves while eating lunch thankfully not being disturbed by either of our bullies which is nice. When lunch was over Louis and I went our separate ways to our different classes but he promised he'd meet me by my locker afterward so we could walk home together.

The last lesson of the day dragged by so slowly it was almost painful. All I wanted to do was meet Louis and spend some more time with him before having to go home to an empty house once again. I don't even know why my mum bothers coming home to be honest, it's like she doesn't even exist sometimes. The bell rang and I jumped from my seat bolting out of the classroom and toward my locker. Louis was already standing there waiting for me so instead of stopping next to him I grabbed his hand and continued running out the school now with Louis running behind me.

"Haz stop, why are we running?" he cried out as we exited the school gates.

"Felt like it!" I smiled and he returned the grin as I came to a halt.

"You are different I give you that!" he smiled

"I thought we covered this already!" I laughed as I led the way down the street.

Louis wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walked alongside me until we reached my house. He dropped me off, we hugged goodbye and then he was off. I'm just so glad that it's the weekend now and I won't have to worry about Liam or Zayn until Monday. 

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