**Chapter 20**

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Wow i can't believe how popular this story is i didn't think that many people were reading. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing with this story so if you have any ideas you wish to share then comment below. Love ya'll

[Harry POV]

I woke up this morning to an empty house as usual. Well not really morning more like mid-day as it's the weekend but that didn't bother me today. To be honest I'm still in shock that Louis asked me to go on a date with him. He's become such a good friend to me over these past few weeks that I couldn't imagine my life without him. We're both into guys and he obviously is interested in me for him to ask me out. I don't know why though as he is way too good for me but I'm not going to turn down the opportunity to go on a date with him. Not only is he a good friend but he's protective of me and he's gorgeous.

Just thinking about Louis made it a little harder to get rid of my morning glory but eventually it went down so I climbed out of bed and made my way down the hall in my boxers to the bathroom. When I entered the bathroom I didn't bother to lock the door as no one was home anyway so I had a wee, brushed my teeth then turned on the shower and dis-guarded my boxers jumping inside the cubical.

I stood under the shower head letting the water trickle down my body soaking my skin. When I was rinsed down I grabbed my shampoo and lathered my hair with it making sure to wash all my curls. Once my hair was clean I lathered my body in soap then washed that away before stepping out the shower and wrapping a towel around my waist. Luckily for me the house is warm so I wasn't freezing as I walked down the hall and back to my bedroom.

When I reached my room I stripped the towel from my body and dropped it to the floor before walking over to my chest of draws and pulling out a pair of boxer shorts. I slipped them on over my wet body then threw myself onto my bed picking my phone up from the side. I opened up the main screen to see I had a text from Louis.

From Louis

Hey Haz, just wanted to check you were still up for our date today? It's cool if you're not but I'd love to take you out. Let me know. Louis xx

I frowned reading the message in front of me. Why would he think I wouldn't want to go on a date when I've already said yes? I clicked reply and typed a message back.

To Louis

Louis stop being silly I said I wanted to go so I want to go. Pick me up at 6. I'll see you later. Haz xx

I set my phone back down on my bed and got up again. This time I went to my wardrobe and picked out a pair of sweats to wear until I had to get changed later. I pulled on the sweats and placed my phone in my pocket before heading downstairs and making myself some breakfast.


The day went by rather quickly to my surprise and it is now 5' o clock which means I have an hour to get ready. It shouldn't take me the whole hour but I'm going to start getting ready now just encase. I jumped up from my spot on the sofa where I'd been all day and made my way upstairs into my bedroom. I am still only wearing my sweats I had put on earlier as the day stayed pretty nice and the house stayed warm.

Once in my room I made my way over to the wardrobe like I had done earlier and started looking through to find something to wear. I don't know where Louis is taking me so I'm thinking maybe something smart as well as casual. After looking for about 10 minutes I found a nice dark blue shirt, it needs ironing but I know how to do that so it's ok. Next I need to find some pants. Walking over to my draws I opened my trouser draw and quickly found a pair of dark wash skinny jeans so I pulled them out and placed them on my bed with the shirt. Now I have my outfit sorted I just had to iron it and put it on before doing my hair and putting my boots on.

I grabbed my clothes and made my way downstairs with them. I checked em down on the sofa while I pulled out the ironing board and iron. Once everything was set I grabbed my shirt first and placed it on the board. After successfully ironing my jeans and shirt I pulled them on and made my way back upstairs chucking my sweats on my bed before heading into the bathroom and doing my hair. I don't have to do much to it; just add a little gel and style it to the side so the curls look right.

After doing all of that I looked at the time to see I had taken longer than expected. It was now 5:50pm which meant I had 10 minutes until Louis was here to pick me up. I grabbed my boots and slid them on before making my way back downstairs. I grabbed my wallet and keys off the side placing them in my pocket with my phone. I was now ready and just had to wait for Louis.

After a couple nervous minutes sitting on the couch a knock sounded at the door. I jumped up and made my way to the door and opened it to see a smiling Louis looking very handsome. He is wearing a pair of denim three quarter length jeans with a picture shirt and a denim jacket. His hair is styled into a long quiff with a bit of hair down the side.

"You ready to go?" He asked and I nodded.

Louis held his hand out for me to take so I did just that and shut the door behind me. We continued holding hands as we walked down the street and I must admit it felt nice to feel wanted by someone. I kind of recognised the direction we were walking in but didn't say anything just encase. After a 20 minute walk and pointless conversations with Louis we finally arrived at our date destination and I must say I was gobsmacked at the sight in front of me!

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