**Chapter 11**

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Harry POV

I called a cab in the end to take us to the hospital. We're currently waiting in the A&E department waiting to be seen by a doctor.  I can tell how much these uncomfortable plastic chairs are hurting Louis as he sits on them.

"How are we still waiting this is ridiculous" I shout getting up from my chair. Louis tries to pull me back but I need to say something to this receptionist. "Hello miss I'm sorry to be a bother but you can clearly see my friend is really hurt, he can barely breath could you please see if a doctor can see us like now?"

The kind receptionist nodded her head after taking a look at Louis and headed off to find a doctor. I returned to my seat and placed a friendly hand on Louis' shoulder he turned and smiled but I could tell it was fake. The kid is clearly in pain.

"Mr Tomlinson would you and your friend like to follow me." the receptionist came out a side room and lead the way up the corridor.

I stood up and placed my hands under Louis arms to help him gain balance. I got him upright but heard him groan out in pain, they seriously need to give him some painkillers. I helped him walk down the hall and into the doctor's office. I placed Louis down carefully on the examination bed and then sat in the chair shaking the doctor's hand.

"Hello doctor, I'm Harry Louis' friend. We really need you to check him over he took a pretty bad beating the other day and he's saying he's finding it hard to breath." I explained and the doctor nodded.

"Ok Louis let's have a look at you." the doctor stood up and stood opposite Louis. "Ok I'm going to lift your shirt and have a look at the damage. I can see the bruising on your temple but at this precise moment I'm more concerned about you not being able to breathe or walk properly."

The doctor lifted Louis T-shirt up to his chin and gasped just as I had. For a doctor to be shocked at some bruising it must be bad. He traced his fingers down the side of each single rub to try and feel damage without hurting Louis too much. I saw as he bit down on his lip trying to hide his pain.

"Ok I won't poke you anymore. I'm sorry if I hurt you. You have indeed fractured your ribs. Now there isn't really anything we can do apart from give you painkillers and tell you to rest. As for the bruise on your temple I suggest you try getting a good couple night's sleep. You were probably concussed and didn't realise. Do you have someone to look after you for a couple days? This young man maybe?" the doctor suggested and pointed to me.

Louis just gave me a weird look; he didn't say anything he just sat there. So I decided to speak up instead.

"I'm happy to look after him if he needs it!"

The doctor nodded and told us a bit more information about how to care for Louis' ribs before heading off to get him some medication leaving Louis and I alone in the doctor's room.

"I erm are you sure about looking after me? You don't have to!" Louis finally spoke.

"Yeah honestly you're in this position because of me the least I can do is look after you. Besides you're my friend and it's what friends do!"

The doctor returned bringing back tons of medication for Louis to take. I took them from him and placed everything in my pockets so I could still help him back out the hospital. Thanking the doctor I shook his hand for the both if us and we exited the hospital.

After getting a cab back from the hospital I helped Louis into his house only for us to be stopped by his mum. Louis introduced us both then we had to sit and explain everything about how things had happened and why Louis was now having to have days off school and why I would be staying over the night. His mum seemed nice and understanding. We didn't even have to lie about anything. It turns out Louis mum knows all about his sexuality and is fine about it.

Once everything was explained I helped Louis upstairs to his room and carefully laid him down on his bed. He shuffled around a bit but then found a comfy spot and sat still. I could still see the pain on his face and realised he still hadn't taken any painkillers.

"Shit Lou, I'm going to get you some water so you can take your pain killers. Do you want anything else from downstairs?" I asked the last part.

"No it's fine, maybe just an ice pack from the freezer." he smiled and I headed out the door.

When I got downstairs I had to ask Louis' mum where the glasses were and she kindly showed me where they were telling me I'm a good friend to be looking after Louis. I grabbed two glasses and filled them with water then got an ice pack from the freezer. I said goodbye to Louis' mum in passing then headed back upstairs to Louis' room.

"Here you go!" I said handing him the ice pack.

I grabbed the bottles of pills from my pocket and read each label. Two of them were painkillers and one was for the swelling and bruising. I popped the stronger painkillers open and then opened the anti-swelling ones open handing all three pills to Louis.

"They're so big!" he gasped at the size and I couldn't help but make a joke.

"That's what she said. Or in your case he said!" Louis laughed but quickly doubled over in pain with his stomach. "Lou don't laugh, just take your pills!"

He did as he was told and swallowed down the three pills. It didn't take him long to start getting sleepy with the strong painkillers so I tucked him in and turned out the light. I was about to lie down on the floor and try get some sleep when I heard his voice.


"Hmm." I answered

"Could you sleep in here with me tonight? I hurt and want cuddles." I could hear in his voice he was pouting.

"Are you sure?"

"Please Harry. I'm just so tired and I want someone to snuggle with!" he begged and I gave in. Walking over to the bed I stood for a second then spoke again.

"Do you mind if I sleep in boxers? I kind of can't sleep in clothes."

"I don't care Haz just get in!" Louis told me.

So I quickly slipped out of my clothes and lay them down on the floor next to the bed. I slipped under the duvet and opened my arm for Louis to wriggle into. He winced a little but soon found a comfy spot on my chest. I gently stroked his head until I heard his breaths even out before getting some shut eye myself. 

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