**Chapter 8**

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I was shocked when I woke up this morning, I was sure that last night when I closed my eyes it would be the last time I went to sleep. In a way I'm kind of thankful that I did wake up but of course some part of me wishes I didn't. The house is empty so I'm assuming that mum's already been home and left for work again so once again I'm left alone. I'm not going to go to school today, I'm too beaten up and I can't be bothered to try and hide my cuts today.

I climbed out of bed and made my way into the bathroom down the hall, stripping out my clothes I quickly showered and then placed a new bandage around my wrist. The bleeding had stopped now but the cut is still fresh and sore. I'm going to need to keep it covered for a while other wise people will find out and I don't want their sympathy.

Once I had dried my hair I pulled out some basketball shorts and a short sleeve shirt from my draws, there's no one home right now so I don't have to hide anything. I grab my phone and head downstairs into the kitchen. I'm not really hungry but I know I should eat and drink something otherwise I'm going to feel weak and ill all day. I grabbed a banana and a glass of water then went straight back up to my room. I shut the door behind me and sat down on my bed; I peeled away the skin of my banana and took a bite.

As my hand reached up I caught a glimpse of my wrist and saw there was some blood on the bandage, it's definitely going to take a while for that to heal. I finished my banana and set the skin down on the side and grabbed my glass of water, I had a few mouthfuls of that then set that down as well. Looking down at my phone I noticed Louis still hadn't texted me back and I'm starting to worry about him. Could he be seriously hurt? I really shouldn't have left him! I decided I should text him again and see if he's ok.

To Louis.                                                                                  

Hey Lou I'm starting to get a bit worried you didn't get back to me yesterday after you told me to run and now I'm afraid you may have been really hurt. Please just text me back and let me know you're ok. Xoxo

I'm not very hopeful that he'll get back to me, something in my gut is telling me he's either really badly hurt or really pissed at me for actually running away. But I don't know what else there was to do, he told me to run so I did and even if I did stay they would have just beaten us both. Either way I'm a pussy! I feel the vibration of my phone on the bed and quickly pick it up. The name Louis flashes saying new text message so I quickly open it.

From Louis

You're not a bad person Harry I told you to run and I'm fine. Well kind of, I took a bit of a beating yesterday which is why I didn't text you back. When I got home I literally passed out until this morning. But a little better today, I won't be in school though so sorry about that xoxo

Oh wow now I feel like a complete jerk, he really took a beating for me, well and him but he stuck up for us and now he's not even coming to school because he was beaten that bad.

To Louis

Oh now I feel horrible, you passed out? Are you sure you're ok? Do you need anything? I'm not at school either; I can bring you some stuff if you need it xoxo

I waited a little longer for a reply but as I waited I pulled on some socks and my shoes. He's going to tell me where he lives and I'm going to look after him. It's the least I can do. After my shoes were on I grabbed a hoodie and hid my bandaged fresh cut. I can't have him seeing that. My phone soon buzzed again and I quickly opened the text.

From Louis

Harry I'm ok, you don't need to worry about me and why are you not at school. You can't be skipping! Xoxo

Boys and their pride I swear it's our one downfall but if he was offering to help me I wouldn't turn it down. We both need friends so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to be his friend. I texted back and ordered him to tell me where he lived. He gave in eventually and told me his address; luckily it wasn't that far from me so my legs shouldn't play up to much on the walk there.

I grabbed my keys, wallet and phone and exited the house. I'm going to pop to the shop on the way over and get Louis some stuff like munch, some drinks and maybe I'll get some soup or something for him. I'm going to look after him like he defended me, friends look after each other. 

We Met In A Dumpster [Larry Stylinson] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now