First Contact

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I am going to my cousin's wedding tomorrow and I am worried that I will be really bored. I don't like dancing alone and I am too shy to just go and talk to someone. When I get to the wedding, some people are already dancing and I found myself a seat near the dance floor to watch them. A song that I loved came on and I got lost in the music, not realising that someone had sat down beside me. I looked at the person and did a double take.
    It was a boy about my age, well, I am seventeen so not really a boy, but you get what I mean. He was wearing a cleanly cut dark suit, his brown hair was slightly curly at the back, his smile, a crooked grin. His eyes, oh his eyes were amazing. Deep brown and warm, behind rectangular glasses.
    "Hi, I'm James Potter." He said, holding out his hand and I shook it.
    "Ava Ross." I replied.
    "So, not dancing then?" He asked, glancing at the dance floor. I shook my head.
    "I am not very good at dancing." I smiled and he laughed.
    "Oh, I don't think that's true! Come on." He said, jumping up and pulling me to my feet. I grinned as he led me to the dance floor, where other people were grooving away. He took hold of my hand, it felt warm and safe. I didn't want to let go. He picked up my other hand and placed it on his upper arm and he put his other hand lightly on my waist. The song changed to a slow waltz and James slowly led me around the floor. For the first few seconds I stared at me feet, trying not to stand on James's, he then let go of my waist and lightly lifted my chin up so I was looking into his gorgeous eyes. He smiled and we continued dancing, his gaze not leaving mine.
    When the song ended and people went off to get some food, James and I were left on the dance floor.
    "Not good at dancing, eh?" James said and I smiled. James looked around, everyone was helping themselves to food and nobody was watching us.
    "Do you want me to teach you the Jive?" He asked me and I nodded eagerly. The music was still on in the background and James taught me the basic steps of the Jive. I was amazed that he knew so much about it, maybe  his parents had taught him. James stopped as a girl came up onto the dance floor and strode over to us. She had flaming red hair and green eyes like emeralds. She was smiling, but their was an air of authority about her.
    "James, who is this?" She asked, in a fairly pleasant tone.
    "This is Ava, Ava, this is my sister, Lily Luna." James said and Lily smiled. She held out her hand to me and I shook it gratefully, I was unsure about her, she seemed a bit suspicious of me.
    "Well James, mum and dad want to speak with you." She said and she turned away and walked back to her table, before starting a conversation with a black-haired boy sitting next to her. James smiled at me and we walked back to the chairs we were sitting on earlier.
    "I'm sorry, I will only be a minute!" James said and he hurried to a table close by, where a friendly-looking man and woman were sitting. The man started talking to James and I suddenly realised that he must be James's father because James was the spitting image of him. The woman next to him had bright red hair and I guessed she must be his mother because Lily Luna looked like her a lot. James came back after a few minutes, looking a bit anxious.
    "Is everything alright?" I asked him.
    "yes thanks, my parents would like to meet you, if that's okay." He said and I smiled and agreed. We walked over to the table and the man and woman stood up.
    "Hello, I'm Harry and this is my wife, Gina. We just wanted to thank you for looking after James tonight, he was a bit worried the he wouldn't be able to talk to anyone!" Said James's father, Harry, with a smile.
    "Oh, the pleasure is all mine, he is great to talk to and a wonderful dancer!" I grinned and Ginny laughed.

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