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    For the next two weeks, James and I went out every day, when it was sunny we went to the clearing, when it was raining, I took James to the cinema or bowling. I had been to the Potter's house for lunch two more times and met some more of their amazing family. Today, as usual, I was waiting for James to arrive. I heard a knock at the door and opened it to find...Ginny.

"Hey Ginny!" I cried, giving her a hug. We had grown very close.

"Hello Ava! Can I come in?" She said and we went into the kitchen. "Has James told you what is happening next Sunday?" Ginny asked as I gave her a cup of tea.

"No, what is going on?" I asked, James hadn't mentioned anything about next Sunday.

"Well, it is his birthday!" Ginny said and I gasped.

"Why hasn't he said anything about it, it is a big deal!" I said.

"Maybe he thought you were going to throw him a huge party, if he told you."

"I want to now!" I cried.

"What I was thinking, was that if you two went out on his birthday, maybe for a meal, then the rest of us could decorate the house for his party." Ginny said.

"And I could pretend that I didn't know it was his birthday and then I take him home and then there you all are, waiting to surprise him!" I grinned, but then I stopped. "I thought he didn't want a party though."

"Oh he would love a party, just not with the whole family!" Ginny laughed.

"So without all the Weasleys? This is going to be one quiet party!" I joked and we both laughed.

"Yes there are rather a lot of us." Ginny smiled. We began discussing the party and were talking about timings, when the doorbell rang, making us jump.

"Oh no! That is James! Quick, you need to hide!" I hissed at Ginny and she ran into the dining room, I heard a faint pop and went into the room, it was completely empty. Albus had told me about how wizards and witches can teleport a special way, called apparating, and I guessed Ginny had just done that. I ran to open the door.

"Hey." Said James and I jumped into his arms and hugged him tight. We sprinted all the way to the clearing and went over to the massive oak tree and climbed it, sitting on one of the huge branches.

"I want you and your family to come to my house for lunch tomorrow." I said and James winced.

"Are you serious you want all of us in your house?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I laughed.

"Yes I am serious, I would really like it and I want to return the favour, you have invited me over to your house and I want to invite you to mine." I said and James grinned.

"Well I'm sure they will be delighted!" He said and I hugged him.

"Don't worry about my sister either, she is going away to Rome for the weekend with some friends, she won't be back until the day after tomorrow." I said.

"Sneaky!" Replied James, nodding.

The next morning, I was cleaning the house extremely fast, with James's help, as he came a bit earlier. Finally, the place looked habitable again and I quickly put the roast chicken in the oven as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Called James and he opened the door. The Potters looked tremendously excited and they stared around in amazement. All except for Harry, who had grown up in a muggle house, so he was used to the still pictures and gadgets all around the place.

"I love your house Ava!" Said Albus, coming into the kitchen where I was stirring the bread sauce.

"Thanks Al, go and sit down in the sitting room, I will be there in a minute!" I said and they all sat down on the sofa and chairs. When I joined them, Al and Lily started asking me about all the devices like the TV and computer and what they did. They were so excited when I turned on the computer and put on Albus's lap. They immediately started playing with it and exclaiming when they pressed something.

"So Ava, there is something preying on my mind. Can you tell me how exactly you get on without magic?" Ginny asked.

"Well I suppose, because we have never had it, we have learned to live without it, we never really knew it existed." I replied and Ginny nodded. I then explained about the government and how it worked (well, how I thought it worked!) and Ginny was fascinated.

"When the timer went off in the kitchen, James ushered everyone into the dining room. When I came in with the chicken, I realised how small the table was, I had never had more than three people at one time before. Now there were six people and no space to put the chicken! I panicked momentarily, but James then ran forward and moved the water jug to the side, and I put the chicken tray down with relief. Once all the food was on the table, I sat down and everyone started to eat. I was sat between Albus and Harry, unfortunately, James was seated on the other side of the table, but the table was so small that I could talk to everyone very easily. Harry continued recounting his adventures when he was a kid and I was shocked to hear about all the magical creatures that Harry had to face when he was only a teenager. After lunch, I was in the kitchen, making a start on the clearing up.

"You don't need to do that!" Said Ginny coming into the room. She took out her wand and waved it at the dishes and they started cleaning themselves in the washing-up bowl. I grinned and thanked her.

"Ginny, I wanted to ask you." I said and she nodded.

"Go ahead." She replied.

"What am I going to do when James goes back to Hogwarts? I have been trying to stay brave, for his sake, but I am just going to miss him so much." I said and the tears started falling.

Ginny ran forward and put her arms around me.

"I have got used to seeing him every day, but in a few weeks, I won't see him for such a long time!" I cried into Ginny's shoulder.

"I know, we will all miss him, but you are going to start your new job and Harry and I will come and see you, you know we will. We won't forget you, and neither will James." She said, just as James came into the room. He took one look at my tear-stained face and rushed over to me, cradling me in his arms. Ginny smiled sympathetically at me and left the room.

"What is the matter baby?" James asked, worriedly.

"I am going to miss you so much!" I cried and buried my head in his chest. He hugged me tight and I think he was crying too, because when I looked up at him, his eyes were all moist and he was blinking rapidly. I sat up so that I was eye-level with him and kissed him. I then rested my head on his shoulder and we swayed in time to the music on the radio, just like we did at the wedding. After a while, Harry, Ginny, Albus and Lily all came into the kitchen.

"We are going now sweetie, thanks for having us, we had a brilliant time." Said Ginny and I gave her a hug. I also gave the other three a hug because I felt like I had become so close to them all. I stood by the door, waving them off, my arm around James's waist. I had stopped crying now but still felt sad that James and I wouldn't have many more days together. James shut the door and we went into the living room and sat down together on the sofa.

"You know, even though I only have two weeks until I have to go back to Hogwarts, we can still make the most of the time that we have together." Said James and he started kissing me. It all kind of went out of hand after that.


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