Patronus Pairs

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    I couldn't sleep all night, I kept holding my hand out in front of me, admiring the beautiful ring. It must have cost James a fortune. I noticed that he had stopped snoring and had gone quiet. I looked at him, his eyes were open, watching me.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"My scars are stinging a bit." He said. He got out of bed and stood by the window, giving his cuts some air. He had his back to me and I saw that he had scars on his back as well, in cross patterns.

"They are not supposed to do that." I said, walking over to him and tracing a cut on his arm, with my finger. He suddenly hugged me tightly, taking me by surprise and I squeaked.

"Sorry." Said James, apologetically. "Teddy said my scars would hurt occasionally, when I think about what happened."

"Were you thinking about it then?" I asked him and he nodded. I pulled him close and put my arms around his neck.

"You are okay now, you don't need to worry about it." I whispered in his ear and he smiled.

"I'll think about something happier, our wedding!" He said and I grinned at him.

"I still can't believe that we are going to get married!" I said and James nodded and spun me around.

"Where do you want to have it?" He asked and I thought about it.

"Here." I decided.

"In this house?" James asked, a little surprised.

"Yes, I would love to have a magical wedding and I think it would be so lovely to have it here, Fleur and Bill got married here." I said and James nodded.

"Okay fiancé, let's get married here!" He said and I almost squealed with excitement.

The next morning, we went downstairs for breakfast and met Harry and Ginny, having a cup of tea in the kitchen.

"Morning darlings!" Said Ginny as we entered.

"Where are the others?" James asked as he made some toast. Harry gestured out of the window.

"Al and Scorp went out about an hour ago, with Lily as well. They haven't come back yet." Harry said.

"Do you think they are okay?" I asked.

"I am sure they are, Al said that he would send us a message by patronus if they got into trouble." Said Ginny.

"What is a patronus?" I asked, confused.

"Expecto Patronum!" Said James, flourishing his wand. A cloud of white mist streamed out and it became the shape of a large animal. I narrowed my eyes, trying to make it out. It suddenly became clear and I grinned as I saw what it was. A huge lion.

"They protect you from dementors." Said Harry as the misty lion faded away. I shivered, I knew what dementors were and I hoped that I would never see one.

"Does everyone have a different animal?" I asked and Ginny nodded.

"Mine is a horse and Harry's is a stag." Ginny replied and I smiled.

"I wonder what mine would be." I said, thoughtfully.

"You said that you wanted to be able to turn into a lioness, which could be your patronus." Said James and I nodded.

"If your patronus's are a lion and a lioness, you are perfect for each other, like my dad and mum, who had had a stag and a doe." Answered Harry and James and I smiled at each other.

"James, I saw that you proposed the same way that I proposed to your mother." Said Harry, with a grin.

"Well, when you told me how you did it, I knew that I wanted to propose to Ava that way." Replied James.

"But I told you at the beginning of last summer, you had barely known Ava a week!" Said Harry, startled.

"Exactly." Said James and I grinned at him.

"Well that shows true love, you had only known each other a couple of days, when you became a couple." Smiled Ginny. Harry looked out the window as he spotted something.

"The kids are back. Wait, Al is carrying Lily!" Harry said and we ran outside and over to them. Lily looked unconscious.

"She fell in a hole." Albus said, setting Lily gently down on the grass. Harry pulled out his wand and whispered a few words and Lily's eyes opened. I sighed in relief. Lily sat up and hugged her father tightly.

"Are you okay Lils?" He asked her, worriedly. She nodded, smiling.

"How did you get out of the hole?" James asked. Lily didn't say anything, she just looked at Scorpius. He smiled at her Ginny went over to him and gave him a swift hug.

"Al didn't do anything. He just stood there as Scorp rescued me!" Said Lily and we all laughed. We went back inside and Ginny made everyone a cup of tea.

"So where did you guys go?" I asked them and Albus, Scorpius and Lily looked at each other.

"Where did you go?" Ginny asked sternly, her arms crossed.

"Only into the village and in a few fields." Said Albus, not quite meeting his mother's eyes. She sighed and gave him a hug.

"Well I am glad you are all back safe, at least." She said.

"Do you know when you guys are having the wedding?" Lily asked and James and I looked at each other. I whispered in his ear and he nodded eagerly.

"We are going to get married on the 31st of August, James's eighteenth birthday." I said and Ginny clapped her hands in excitement and Al, Scorp and Lily cheered.

"That leaves us only six weeks to get everything ready." Said Harry.

"We can get everything done in that time, it will be perfect!" Said Ginny, running forward and hugging me and James.

"Right, we need to get started on planning." She said, running over to the other side of the room and grabbing a notebook and quill. She sat down and James started suggesting ideas. Most of the stuff he said, I had no clue about what they were, so I was no help. I just explained what would be nice and Ginny made a long list. I really didn't know how to plan a wedding so I mainly stayed out of the way, trusting James to make it perfect. I was amazed about how much James knew about the subject, they didn't teach it at Hogwarts!

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