Day Trip

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    I woke up the next morning with James still asleep beside me. I quietly got out of bed, so as not to disturb him, and put my clothes on. I went over to the window and looked out, the sun was quite high in the sky, so it must have been around nine o'clock. From my window, I could see a small park, with swings and a climbing frame. There were a couple of kids in there, just laughing and joking around. I remembered being in that same park, just a few years ago and being bullied by a group of kids that looked very like the kids in there now. I jumped as a pair of skinny arms grabbed me around my waist. I looked up and James was grinning at me, I turned round and hugged him. I had been so caught up in my memories, I hadn't heard him wake up and get dressed, well, half dressed. He still hadn't put his shirt on and as I hugged him, I felt all his ribs sticking out.

"What do you want to do today?" James asked me and I looked up at him, smiling.

"Something worthwhile!" I said and James nodded. Once we had had breakfast, we went to the Potter's homestead to ask a favour from Harry.

"So you are going to go paintballing in Manchester, but you want me to be your driver?" Said Harry, James and I nodded and looked hopefully at him.

"All right." Sighed Harry at last and James and I high-fived each other. "On one condition. Lily and Al come too."

"What!" James exclaimed in horror. Harry chuckled.

"Not to go paintballing with you, I will take them out in Manchester and we will go and do something together and then we will pick you guys up when you are finished." Explained Harry and James sighed with relief and I laughed.

"I would have had to take them anyway, because Ginny is working today." Said Harry.

"What does Ginny do?" I asked.

"Mum is a quiddich commentator." Said James.

"Lil! Al! Come down here please!" Yelled Harry up the stairs and barely a minute later, they both came crashing down the stairs.

"Today, you guys are coming with me to Manchester! I am taking James and Ava to paintballing and then maybe we can go and see a game of football!" Said Harry and Lily and Albus both cheered. We then all piled into the car with Lily, James and me, sitting comfortably in the back. A bit of the way through the journey, I saw Lily looking a bit worried and I reached out at took her hand. She gripped it tightly.

"Don't worry Lils, I will drive slowly." Said Harry, looking in the rear view mirror at Lily. She smiled and opened her window. A load of cool air was blasted into the car and I suddenly felt a bit shivery. James put his arm around me.

"Look! A sign saying 'Greater Manchester-4 miles' we are nearly there!" Lily cried, staring out of her window, looking very excited. We all grinned. After another fifteen minutes of negotiating around the backstreets of Manchester, we found the paintballing gym and parked.

"Thanks for the lift." I said.

"No problem, James, have you got your phone?" Harry said.

"Yes Dad, it's in my pocket." Said James, patting his jeans pocket. Harry nodded, waved goodbye and pulled out of the car park.

"I didn't know you had a phone?" I said, looking a James. He grinned.

"I only use it for emergencies. I have got the hang of it now!" He replied and we went into the gym and walked up to the reception desk, where a woman was tapping away on her computer. She looked up as we entered and made a big smile.

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