The Burrow

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    The day came when I was leaving with Ginny, to go to the Burrow. We were staying there for a week, Alex and Ariz were going to visit me there on my birthday, which was tomorrow.

"I love you, I will see you soon." I said, hugging him tightly. He kissed me and I left with Ginny. We apparated to a boggy field full of pond rushes. I saw a light in the near distance and Ginny and I squelched our way over to it. As we got closer, I realised that it was a house so crooked it must have been held up by magic. The house looked like several houses piled on top of each other, starting with a stone pigsty at the bottom. Many voices were coming from inside and as we got nearer, a plump old lady with red hair just like Ginny's, came out and hurried towards us. She had a lovely smile and she gave me a hug as well as Ginny.

"Ava, this is my mother." She said.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Weasley." I said and she smiled and ushered me and Ginny into the house. The cluttered living room was crowded and the kitchen had a couple of adults milling around, chatting. I recognised a few of them, Hermione and Ron, Neville and Luna. When we entered, Mrs. Weasley called out "Everyone, this is Ava." Everybody said hello and I smiled, I felt like I knew every one of them, even when I had never met most of them before.

"Would you like a cup of tea, dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked as I sat down on a chair in the kitchen.

"Yes please." I replied, staring all around me. Books were overflowing off shelves and the long table was covered in mug rings. I loved it. Then, two boys came into the room, they were completely identical. They both had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Are you James's girlfriend?" Asked one. I nodded.

"Lorcan!" Mrs. Weasley scolded and he grinned mischievously. His twin then looked at me, with wide eyes.

"You are very beautiful." He said and I blushed. Then Luna came into the room. She put her arms around the boys and they hugged her.

"Hey Luna, are these you're sons?" I asked her and she smiled. I noticed her wand was sitting behind her ear, for safekeeping.

"Yes, this is Lorcan and that's Lysander." She said, pointing to each of them in turn.

"How do you tell them apart?" I whispered to her and she laughed.

"Lysander has his hair parting in the left and Lorcan has his on the right." She said and I nodded. Mrs. Weasley gave me my tea and I went into the living room and sat down on a chair. Albus came up to me, a boy with white-blonde hair, behind him.

"Hey Al!" I smiled and he gave me a hug.

"Hello Ava! This is my best friend, Scorpius." He said, gesturing behind him at the boy. Scorpius grinned and held out his hand and I shook it.

"How did you guys do on your O.W.Ls?" I asked them and Albus shrugged.

"We don't know yet, we get the results sometime in the summer."

"I hope I have got at least five O.W.Ls, I studied really hard on ancient runes and transfiguration! But I know I got a question wrong in divination, which might have lost me one." Said Scorpius and I smiled.

"Don't worry about it Scorp, we have ages until we get the results!" Said Albus. I left them to talk about the exams and sat down beside a girl with red-brown hair. She was staring dreamily at Scorpius and I smiled to myself.

"You are Rose, right? Ron and Hermione's daughter?" I asked her and she nodded, not taking her eyes off Scorp. I leaned close to her and whispered in her ear.

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