Home Again

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    The next few days passed quite quickly, with Ginny, James and me working out the seating, entertainment and the reception. Suddenly, it was the end of our stay and James and I were in our room, packing.

"I still have that picture of us together, almost a year ago." Said James, bringing out a small photo from his pocket. I smiled as I saw that it was James and me, hugging the day we met at that wedding.

"We met at a wedding and a year later, we are getting married, can you believe that?" I asked him, grinning.

"Yes, it was destiny!" Said James and I laughed and ran over to him. He pulled me onto his lap and smiled at me.

"I love you so much." He said and I kissed him.

"I love you so much too." I replied. There was a knock at the door and Ginny came in with a big smile.

"Ava, could I borrow you for a moment?" She asked and I nodded and slid off James lap. We left the room and I followed Ginny along the landing and down a flight of stairs. The then went into a room with a sign on the door saying: Ginny's Room. No brothers! I smiled at it and stared around Ginny's room in amazement. It was full of posters of a band called The Weird Sisters and a framed photo of her and Harry at their wedding. Ginny went over to her wardrobe and pulled out a box. I went over, interested. She opened the box and bought out a beautiful veil.

"I want you to have it, for your wedding." She said and I gasped. I picked it up and cradled it in my arms, like you would a baby.

"I couldn't. It's yours!" I said.

"Take it, you need it more than I do." She said and I hugged her.

"Thanks so much, Ginny." I said and I put it carefully back in the box.

"I will pack it in my bag, so James won't see." Said Ginny and I thanked her again and went back into James. He was just putting the last things in his case as I came in.

"What was all that about?" James asked.

"Ginny just wanted to know my opinion on the dress she was going to wear for the wedding." I lied. James nodded and I finished stuffing my clothes in my bag. One I was finished, I hoisted my bag onto my shoulder and followed James out of the room, down the stairs into the living room where everyone was gathered.

"Are you two coming with us by floo, or are you apparating?" Harry asked. I looked at James.

"We'll apparate." He replied.

"Well, just make sure you get to the right place, we don't want you ending up in Surrey!" Ginny laughed.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"This is my first time apparating after my test." Said James and I understood.

"We will see you back at home." Said Harry and we hugged Mrs. Weasley. James and I went outside and I took his hand. He turned on the spot and I was spinning very fast. When we stopped, I grinned. We were standing in front of the Potter's house. Two people I didn't recognise were standing at the door to their house. A man and a woman.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy, Scorpius is just inside, let me let you in." Said James, going up to them. The tall man smirked and stood back to let James and me through. James bought out a key and unlocked the door. Harry was in the hallway, taking off his coat. When he saw Mr. Malfoy, he stood up straight.

"Potter." Said Malfoy.

"Malfoy." Said Harry. I looked from one to the other, surprised at their frostiness. Scorpius ran forward from behind him and into his father's arms.

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