Goodbye For the First Time

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    "I can't think where he gets that from, seeing as neither Harry or me are very good dancers. Maybe it comes from one of my brother." Ginny said.
    "Do you have many brothers?" I asked.
    "I have six. Well, five now." Said Ginny, sadly and Harry patted her arm. She took a deep breath.
    "Fred died, some years ago." She said and I gasped.
    "I am so sorry!" I said, feeling really sorry for her. She smiled at me.
    "Go on, I want to see you guys dance!" She said, in a slightly wavy voice, but I respected her for being strong about it. I waved goodbye to Harry and Ginny and James and I then made our way back to the dance floor.
    "Are you ready to do the Jive?" James whispered in my ear and I nodded. There were only a couple of people dancing so we had enough space. I only knew a few steps but I put my heart and soul into them so James and I turned a few heads. As the evening went on, more people joined in the dancing, Lily Luna and the black-haired boy started dancing rather flamboyantly in one corner. The black-haired boy, James told me, was his brother, Albus. We danced every dance and only slowed down when it got to the slow songs at the end of the evening. By then I felt really close to James and I think he felt the same way because when a beautiful, romantic song came on the stereo, he pulled me in close and wrapped his arms around me. I rested  my head on his shoulder and we swayed around the floor until the end, when everyone clapped and started dating their goodbyes. I didn't want this night to end and I hated goodbyes and I have to say goodbye to James it would be really hard. Harry and Ginny came up to me as I was sorting out my bag.
    "Ava, we were wondering where you live, because it would be lovely to see you again and I am sure James would want to see you." Said Harry.
    "I live at 39 Cornelia Drive." I said and their faces lit up with delight.
    "We live just two streets away from you, at Gosling Street!" Ginny exclaimed, clapping her hands. I beamed and James came running up.
    "Come on Harry, let's go and talk to some people!" Said Ginny and her and Harry left me and James standing in front of each other.
    "It is great that you live so close, we can meet all through the summer!" James said, with delight.
    "Yes! We could also meet on weekends, back in the school semester." I said and James winced.
    "Yeah I would love that, but I can't. I go to a boarding school." He said, gloomily. I sighed.
    "But at least it is the start of the summer now, we can see each other at the he moment." I said and he brightened up.
    "Do you go to that exclusive boarding school that Abigayle's new husband, Adam, used to go to?" I asked.
    "The very same!" James said, pretending to bow. I laughed. Most of the people had left the marquee by now and there were only a couple of people chatting. James looked into my eyes and gave me a swift hug. I held onto him as long as I could, my arms knotted around his neck. I eventually let go and he smiled, kissed me on the cheek and ran out of the marquee. I smiled, he hates goodbyes too. I picked up my bag and found my sister waiting for me outside the tent.

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