The Best Day of My Life

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     I woke up on the 31st of August quite late and when I turned over, I saw that James was awake and staring up at the ceiling.

"Happy Birthday James." I whispered, kissing his cheek. He smiled and turned to me.

"Happy wedding day to you as well!" He said and I laughed. James held me close. I had my back to the door and I didn't hear it open, but I heard a definite cough. James and I froze and rolled over slowly to look at the door. Ginny was framed in the doorway, her arms crossed, her mouth, a grim line. James kissed me, got out of bed quickly and pulled on his jeans.

"See you at four!" He grinned, before dissaparating with a loud crack. I glanced at Ginny and was surprised to see that she was smiling.

"I thought you were angry?" I asked her, bewildered. She laughed and sat down on the bed next to me.

"I am not angry, Harry did the same thing the night before our wedding." She said, dreamily. I grinned and squealed and Ginny hugged me.

"I have been dreaming about this day for ages and it is finally here!" I said and Ginny nodded. I got into some old clothes and went down to breakfast with Ginny. Down in the kitchen, all the girls were sitting on the table, chatting. Mrs. Weasley was bustling around the oven and a delicious smell was wafting out.

"Hello dear! What would you like for breakfast? Bacon and eggs? Cereal? Toast?" She said, giving me a hug.

"Just toast thanks, I'm too nervous to eat anything else." I said and Rose looked at me.

"Why are you nervous? It is your own wedding!" She said and I smiled.

"I think I am nervous because I have to do it in front of loads of people." I said and Victoire nodded.

"I'm more worried about if I will be able to stop Teddy from getting too drunk!" She said and we all laughed. Poor Teddy had a reputation for getting drunk. I peeped out of the kitchen window and grinned as I saw the large marquee in the front garden. Molly and Lucy joined me at the window and I put my arms around them.

"Do you think it will be okay?" I asked them. Molly stared at me.

"Of course it will!" She said and I smiled.

"If you get worried about everyone watching, imagine them naked!" Lucy added and I laughed.

"It actually works! When I was doing a speech at Hogwarts once and I was really nervous, I did that and I was able to do it easily." Molly said and I nodded.

"Thanks guys." I said and they smiled.

"Ava?" It was Mrs. Weasley. She was holding out a plate of golden toast and I thanked her and sat down at the table with it.

"Your dress is all ready on your bed Ava." Said Ginny, coming into the kitchen again. I smiled at her.

"Thanks Ginny, I'll go and get ready after breakfast." I said. I went to pick up my toast, but then stopped. Mrs. Weasley had given me two slices, but now there was only one. I glanced at Ariz and scowled at her. She grinned and took another bite of my toast. The other girls giggled as I pretended to hit Ariz.

"Before you go upstairs, we need to do your hair and makeup." Said Lily. I stopped eating.

"I don't want any makeup." I said and the girls stared.

"Why not?" Ariz asked, shocked. I sighed.

"I never wear makeup and James loves me, so I don't need to wear some for when I am marrying him. He won't mind, he doesn't know what I look like with it on, so I am not wearing any." I said and there was silence. Victoire stood up and went over to me.

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