Unconsious in the Dark

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    I lived in darkness for a while, just falling peacefully. The roaring and fire had stopped and I felt quite calm. Above me, I started to see a light, it was getting brighter and closer. When it got blindingly bright, I shut my eyes tight and I was plunged into black again. I knew that I wasn't awake and that light must mean consciousness, so I pushed myself to open my eyes again. I did so, slowly. I heard voices coming from around me. Intrigued, I opened them wider. Suddenly, I was staring up a white ceiling with people all around me. I felt someone squeeze my hand and I looked to see who it was. It was the only person I wanted to see at this moment, James.

"Where am I?" I asked him.

"You are in St. Mungo's, I bought you here." He replied.

"Why? I just had a hangover." I said, confused. He shook his head.

"You have a, sort of illness." He said and I stared at him.

"Do you know what kind?" I asked him, my voice rising as I started panicking.

"We don't know. The healers have never come across an illness like this before." Said James. Tears started falling from my eyes.

"I told you something would go wrong." I said to him and he hugged me.

"You will be okay baby." He said, kissing my hand. I started shivering again, gripping onto his hand. He held me close.

"Teddy!" He yelled as my body started burning again. I started crying, not being able to bear the pain.

For the next few days, I alternated between blinding pain and blackness. Occasionally I heard the echo of James voice, his hand clutching mine, but I didn't know much else about those days. Then, there was one day, some would say, the worst day. I was in blackness, as usual and I then saw the light above me and I knew that I would wake up and feel the pain again. But I woke up and I felt nothing. James saw that my eyes were open and he smiled at me. I smiled back, weakly. I was breathing perfectly normally, but then, I just stopped breathing and my eyes closed again. I could feel my heart slowing down and James's cry.

"No! Stay with me baby, stay with me!" I felt peaceful, before I heard him say that. Then I thought. I couldn't die, I was going to marry him! I pushed really hard and I felt my heart speed back to its normal rate and I began breathing again. I opened my eyes and James gasped and hugged me tightly.

"I thought you had gone!" He murmured into my shoulder.

"How could you possibly get rid of me?" I said and he grinned, eyes sparkling with tears of happiness. Teddy then came through the door. He smiled at me and took my other hand.

"You are very strong Ava. We couldn't do anything about it, you did it all yourself." He said and I smiled and James kissed me.

"What day is it?" I asked.

"Saturday." James replied.

"The wedding is on Monday!" I gasped and then grinned. "I was just in time then!"

"You were." He said, smiling. I hugged him and Teddy handed me a glass of purple liquid.

"This is Pepper-up Potion, it will make you stronger." He said. I drank it all in one swallow. It wasn't a pleasant taste, but it wasn't unpleasant either. James laughed as steam started coming out of my ears and I giggled. For the rest of the day, I drank the potion until I was able to go home.

"We will keep an eye on that illness, in case it comes back." Said Teddy as he hugged me goodbye.

"Thanks so much Teddy. We will see you on Monday!" I said. He nodded and pressed a couple more bottles of Pepper-up Potion into James's arms. James took my hand and we apparated back to the Potter's house. Ginny and Harry were waiting for us.

"Oh Ava! I am so glad you are alright!" Ginny cried, giving me a hug.

"You gave us quite a fright." Said Harry and I smiled.

"Would it be alright if I went to bed? There is a lot to do tomorrow." I said and Harry and Ginny agreed. James followed me upstairs and I collapsed onto James bed, feeling exhausted.

"Don't judge me." I murmured to James and he snorted.

"What makes you think I'm judging you? You almost died today, you are allowed to be tired." He said and I heard the bedsprings squeak as he sat down beside me. I kicked my shoes of and climbed into bed, not bothering to change my clothes. I fell asleep instantly, relieved that I could close my eyes and not melt into blackness. 

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