Birthday Wishes

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    When I woke up the next morning, the space beside me was empty. I heard two sets of voices coming from downstairs and I hurriedly got dressed and ran into the kitchen.

"Oh, good morning!" Said Arizona, looking pointedly at me. James was perched on the work surface, eating a bowl of cereal. He winked as I looked at him.

"Morning!" I said brightly, walking over to the fridge. Ariz's eyes followed me as I poured myself a glass of milk. I jumped up onto the sidebar and sat down beside James.

"So, how long has this been going on for then?" Ariz asked, sitting down at the table and buttering her toast.

"About five weeks." James said and Ariz almost choked.

"Five weeks?" She spluttered. "Five WEEKS? How come you didn't tell me?"

"You didn't need to know." I shrugged. Ariz glared at me. I glared back.

"I don't want to intrude on the staring contest, but it is half past ten." said James and I gasped and checked my watch. He was right.

"Oh no! We have missed almost half the day!" I cried.

"Why are you so worried about the time?" Ariz asked.

"Because I am leaving for my boarding school in one week and we want to spend as much time together as we can." Replied James and Ariz nodded.

"It's okay baby, we can go to the clearing this afternoon, or to that park over the road." James soothed and I looked at him.

"Not the park." I said.

"Why not?" James asked.

"Because she got bullied in that park when she was younger." Said Ariz, from behind us. James put his arms around me and gave me a hug.

"Nobody is going to bully you, know Ava, it might even be fun." He said and I straightened up.

"Yes. Let's go to the park." I said and James smiled and kissed me.

"Woah." Said Ariz. I glared at her and James and I left the house, his hand entwined tightly in mine.

Over the next few days, we did as much as we could, going swimming, exploring in the woods around the clearing. We spent every moment of everyday together, except for Saturday. As Sunday was James's birthday, Ginny came over the day before to take me to Diagon Alley to get James a present. James was not coming to see me today, he was going to the cinema with Harry, Albus and Lily.

"Ready Ava? All you do is say 'Diagon Alley' and drop the powder." Said Ginny, positioning me in the fireplace.

"Make sure you say it very clearly, the first time Harry used Floo Powder, he ended going to a different place because he said it wrong!" Said Ginny. I took a deep breath, yelled 'Diagon Alley!' And dropped the powder. I was instantly spinning around, tremendously fast, I tucked my elbows in and kept my mouth shut. When I started slowing down, I put my hands out, as to stop myself if I fell over. I did, actually and it was lucky that I had my arms out because I narrowly missed hitting my head on a flagstone floor. I picked myself up and stared around. I was in what looked like, an old-fashioned pub. A second later, Ginny came spinning into the room. Once she had regained her balance, she ushered me out of a small door in the side of the room. Through the door, was a small backyard, with a large brick wall covering the opposite side. They were no other doors. Ginny then stepped towards the wall and tapped several bricks with her wand. To my amazement, the whole wall started moving, making a gap to get through. We walked through and I gasped in astonishment. It was a huge street, filled with the most incredible shops. Eyelops Owl Emporium, Ollivanders, for your wands, Madame Malkins, for robes. As we turned a corner, a shop hit you right in the face by the colour it is painted, a bright stinging orange. Ginny grabbed my hand and we went into the shop. I wanted to look at everything in that shop. There were '10-second pimple vanishers' love potions, even muggle toys, like dominoes and some skipping ropes.

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