Woken Up To a Surprise

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    "Hey Ava, I didn't want to interrupt you and the hot boy, so I decided to stay out here. Did you have fun?" She asked as we walked to the car. I nodded and gave her a cheeky smile and she laughed. Arizona is the best sister anyone could hope for, if there is something I don't want her to know about, she doesn't mention it or try to find out more. More brilliantly, she is my roommate. When we got home, I quickly ran upstairs, got into my nightclothes, jumped into bed and turned off my bedside lamp. I heard Arizona walk past my door on the way to her bedroom, stopped just outside and opened the door slightly. I held my breath and kept still until Ariz closed the door again. I then fell asleep, dreaming of a certain boy with brown hair and a clean-cut suit.
    "Wake up Ava! Wake up!" Shouted Ariz up the stairs as I yawned and stretched. I looked at my watch, it was half past eight on a Sunday. I heard her thumping up the stairs in her slippers and she opened my door wide.
    "James Potter is in the living room she said and I froze, halfway out of bed.
    "WHAT?" I cried, leaping out of bed and hopping around my room, pulling on jeans and a t-shirt. I put on my sandals and brushed a comb through my hair, pulling it into a ponytail, I then galloped down the stairs and into the living room. Their he stood, grinning crookedly. He was wearing simple shorts and a shirt, but he still looked really good. The sleeves of the shirt were rolled up, revealing quite skinny arms, but strong. He held out a bouquet of flowers to me and I gasped.
    "Thank you!" I said to him and he smiled.
    "I am sorry I got you out of bed so early on a weekend." He said.
    "Oh it's fine, I am used to getting up quite early anyway." I replied.
    "I came here to take you out, if that's okay?" He said and my heart almost burst through my chest.
    "That would be amazing!" I said and he grinned with relief. He led me to the door and took my hand before we stepped outside.
    Cornelia Drive is quite plain. large driveways, perfect lawns, but on the other side of my garden hedge, there lay another, quite different world. I just didn't know it was there. James led me to the bottom of my garden and at the end was a tall stone wall, covered in ivy.
    "What are we doing back here? There is nothing here." I said, turning away, when I heard a noise. I whipped back round and saw James dissapearing over the wall.
    "Hey, wait!" I cried, pummelling the wall in frustration.
    "Ava, I'm right here!" I heard James's voice from the other side of the wall and I pummeled harder at it. I tried to pull myself up onto the top of the wall, but I wasn't as tall as James, who could reach the top. I then nearly fell over as the bit of wall that I was punching, opened like a door. Just as I fell forward, strong arms caught me and lifted me back onto my feet.
    "There is a door there." I said and we laughed and then I realised what I had walked into. A forest lay in front of me, the trees swaying slightly in the summer breeze. I gasped.
    "It is just like something out of a fairytale!" I said, dreamily.
    "Then let's hope we don't find any wicked witches!" Grinned James and he took my hand and we ran into the forest. It was surprisingly light inside, despite the dense trees. We ran on and on for about ten minutes, then I had to stop.
    "I-need-to-have-a-break!" I gasped, wheezing between every word. I laid down on the soft gras and closed my eyes. I felt James lay down beside me and I looked at him, still panting.
    "How can you run like that and not be tired?" I asked him and he shrugged.
    "My dad did a lot of running when he was young so I might have got it from him." Said James, thinking hard.
    "Why did he have to run so much?" I asked.
    "He and my aunt and uncle, used to get chased a lot, in school."
    "Chased by who?"
    "By werewolves and Death Eaters and other things like that." Said James, then he froze and clapped a hand to his mouth, his eyes wide. My heart had skipped a beat when he had said werewolves and I didn't even want to know what Death Eaters were.

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