The Letter

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    It is now December and I have only just started getting used to James not being around, we send each other letters every day, mainly just to say that we miss and love each other. Ariz has been a great help, she respected my privacy, when I wanted to sit inside my room and cry over James photo, and she left me to do so. But then after a while, she knocked on my door with some biscuits and a drink. This particular day, it was the 4th of December and I had just got home from work. I went up to my room and I found an owl on my windowsill. I ran over to it and read the letter.

My love,                                                                                     4/12

I have brilliant news! As it is nearing Christmas, Professor Krathem, called me to her office yesterday and told me something that made my heart soar. On the twelfth of December, you will take floo powder to Hogwarts and spend Christmas with me here! It will be just us in Gryffindor as everyone else is going home, including Lily. There are only a couple of people staying and there is a Hogsmeade trip when you are here, so I can take you to see everything! We can go skating on the lake and help decorate the common room! Mum and Dad know and you can use the fireplace in my house.

See you soon my sweetheart,

Love James xxx

I gasped and screamed in my excitement. I then heard a knock on the door and flew downstairs to open it. Ginny and Harry came in and I flung my arms around both of them.

"I'm going to see James again! I'm going to Hogwarts!" I cried and we all danced around in a weird huddle.

"Happy then?" Harry smiled and I nodded, unable to speak.

"Of course she is happy, her smile couldn't get any bigger!" Laughed Ginny and she gave me a big hug. I grinned and went into the kitchen to make Harry and Ginny teas. My hands were shaking and I spilled half the tea as I took it over to the table where they were sitting.

"I just can't believe it! I am so excited." I said, collapsing in the chair next to Harry.

"We are going to Diagon Alley tomorrow to get some presents, do you want to come?" Ginny asked.

"I won't, because I am going to get James's present in Hogsmeade, without him seeing." I replied and Ginny nodded. We talked for a while about Christmas at Hogwarts until Harry had to go to work. When they left, I thought about how Ariz would take this news.

"I'm home!" She called, coming into the kitchen where I was sitting.

"I have something to tell you." I said and Ariz's smile faltered slightly. She sat down beside me.

"What is it?" She asked, her eyes wide.

"James has to stay at his boarding school over Christmas and he has invited me to stay with him there." I said and Ariz's eyes narrowed.

"Why does he have to stay there?" She asked and I swallowed.

"He is a prefect and he has to stay to be with the teachers." I said and Ariz glared at me.

"I thought we were going to have a lovely Christmas together." She said and I felt sorry for her.

"I'm sorry, but I want to see James and he wants to see me." I said and I stood up and left her sitting there. I went up to my room to reply to James's letter.

Dear James,

I am so excited about seeing you again and going to Hogwarts! I am staring to pack now! But what about work, I end for the Xmas holidays on the fifteenth, I will have to make an excuse.

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