Learning the Truth

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    "Werewolves? Werewolves don't exist!" I said, laughing rather nervously. "Do they?"
    "Werewolves," began James, looking very white indeed.     "Werewolves do exist." He said and I snorted.
    "What are Death Eaters?" I asked him and he shook his head.
    "Okay, I won't ask you anything, can we please keep running through the forest?" I asked him and he nodded and stood up.
    "I have got something to show you, come on!" He said and we started running again. Suddenly we emerged from the trees, into a beautiful sunlit clearing.
    "Wow!" I said, in amazement. There was a large lake and some willow trees were dotted around.
    "Where are we? I asked, in wonder.
    "Just over there is Spinner's End." Said James, pointing towards a large oak tree, from where, I guessed, you could see Spinner's End. I sighed, this was such a magical place.
    "Catch me if you can!" Grinned James and he ran off, me close behind him. As we ran close to the lake's edge, I saw something long and thin, fall out of James's back pocket and I gasped as it fell nearer and nearer to the water. A sudden burst of adrenaline made me speed up, I reached forward, and, grabbed the thing in my fist, just before it fell into the lake. I fell over onto my stomach as I caught it and now I opened my hand to see what it was. It was shaped   like a stick, perfectly smooth all the way round, slightly larger at one end. I stared at it in surprise.
    "Are you okay?" Asked James, worriedly, helping me up. I nodded.
    "I caught this for you, it fell out of your pocket and was about to go in the lake." I handed him the stick and he took it.
    "Thanks!" He said. He touched the stick thing and it lit up at the smaller end and several sparks came out of it. I yelped and jumped backwards, sticks weren't usually supposed to do that.
    "I think I owe you an explanation." He said and I nodded. We sat down on the grass and he started talking.
    "I am a wizard, Ava. My whole family is magic and this is my wand." he said and I laughed, thinking he was joking. When he didn't laugh back, my eyes widened.
    "Are you serious?" I asked him, timidly. His deep brown eyes bore into my green ones.
    "Do you think I would lie to you? No. I am telling the truth. The boarding school that I go to, it is a school of magic, called Hogwarts." I just gaped at him.
    "So, Adam went to Hogwarts as well, that means he is a wizard too!" I said, with astonishment.
    "Yes, he was a couple of years younger than my parents."
    "Do you think Abigayle knows?"
    "I should imagine so, yes."
    "But why hasn't she told anyone?"
    "Us magical folk, we don't want everyone knowing what we are, we can't have too many muggles knowing."
    "Muggles?" I asked, confused. I had never heard that word before.
    "Non-magical people."
    "I must be a muggle then." I said, sadly.
    "Well, did you get a letter from Hogwarts when you were eleven?" Asked James.
    "No, I never get post." I said, gloomily.
    "You are going to get some from me when I go back there!" James said, trying to cheer me up.
    "Can you tell me more about Hogwarts?" I asked him and he nodded. He started to explain about the four different houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.
    "Me and Lily Luna are in Gryffindor and Albus is in Slytherin." James said. He then described the lessons and I got absorbed in Hogwarts and charms and potions and transfiguration. I also thought how attractive James looked when was explaining something.

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