Kotori x neko reader

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Your pov

I walk down the hallway putting my hoodie up to hide my cat ears and their was only one person who knew that secret and that was kotori minami. I walk towards my locker and I heard a voice calling me. "Hey (y/n)-chan" I looked toward the direction where the voice was coming from and I saw it was kotori. I walk up to kotori and she sees my cat ears "Aww you look so cute (y/n)-chan." I started to blush when she told me I was cute. "Anyways you wanted to talk to me." I said "Yeah I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house after school." "Sure". Me and kotori started walking towards the idol research clubroom. "Kotori" I said " I'm gonna put my hood up so the other members don't see my ears. "Alright." I put my hood up while kotori opened the door to the clubroom.

Kotori's pov

I opened the clubroom door seeing the other members with (y/n)-chan behind me. "Hey you two what's up." Honoka said. "We're fine." (Y/n) said. I pull up a seat with (y/n)-chan sitting next to me. Some of the other members were suspicious when (y/n)'s hood is always up when she comes to the clubroom with me. "(Y/n) I have been very suspicious when your hood is up when your here." Maki said. "What" (y/n) said nervously. "Yes I been the same with maki are you hiding something from us." Eli said. "What no I am not hiding anything from you guys." (Y/n) said. "You know what I'm not buying this." Maki stood up from seat and walked towards (y/n) and pulled her hood down. Everyone was shocked when they saw (y/n). "(Y/n) has cat ears." Everyone said in unison. "Why were you keeping this a secret from us." Umi said. "Well, Umi I didn't want to show you  guys because you wouldn't accept me for who I am." (Y/n) said.

Your pov

When maki pulled my hood down everyone saw your (f/c) cat ears everyone was shocked and they scream in unison saying that I have cat ears. I felt like crying now that everyone in Muse knows my secret but I held back my tears. "Why did you keep this a secret from us." Umi said. "Well, it's because you guys wouldn't except me for who I am." I said. "But (y/n) we did accept from the start." Honoka said. "You did" I said. "Yes we all did." Eli said. I felt like tearing up when I heard that from them. I started to cry. "(Y/n)-chan are you okay." Kotori said. " I'm fine kotori nya~" "oh god what was that." I said "nya-" I covered my mouth. "(Y/n)-chan did you just nya." Hanayo said. "I think I did." I said. Then my tail popped out. Everyone got even more shocked when they saw my tail. "Nyaaa" I felt tired and then I fell asleep closing my eyes.

Kotori's pov

(Y/n)-chan started nyaaaing and then it even more shocking next thing I saw was that a tail popped out behind her. "No way she's a cat girl." The rest Muse screamed. Then (y/n)-chan started to nya again started to stretch her arms and her ears started to twitch and she fell asleep on us.


Your pov

I woke up from my sleep I stretched my arms and I looked around seeing that no one was here. I got up and turned around and I see that I have a tail. I went outside the clubroom door seeing kotori just walking from practice. "Kotori" I screamed. "Sorry I feel asleep on you guys earlier." I said. "Oh no it's fine."

"Anyways want to walkover to my house." Kotori said. "Sure."

Me and kotori started walking from the school building to her house. While I was walking with kotori my ears started to feel warm and my body started to feel weird when I'm with her. It's like I'm in love with her.

Timeskip( kotori's house)

"Well (y/n) we're here." Kotori said. "Alright". Kotori opens the door to her house and she let me inside. She took me up to her bedroom and we put our stuff down. Kotori sat on her bed patting a seat next to her. I put my hoodie down show my cat ears and tail. "(Y/n)-chan you are so adorable." Kotori said. I started to blush when she said that to me again. "Hey (y/n)." "Yeah kotori." "Can I feel your ears." She said. "Sure". I let kotori touch my cat ears and I started to purr when she was touching them. I laid my head on her lap to pet me more. "Nyyyaa" I said. "Aww (y/n)-chan your so warm and soft." I started to blush for a little and she stopped petting me. "Kotori what's wrong." I said " is something wrong." " yes their is whenever I'm like around you you make my heart feel so warm inside and I can't stop this feeling I have for you." She said. "So you are in love with me." I said. " I am but I think you wouldn't accept my feelings thoug---" I kissed kotori on the lips cutting her off.

Kotori's pov

(Y/n)-chan is kissing me my mind started to melt when she did that to me. We. pulled away. "Kotori I feel the same way about you too." (Y/n) said. She hugged me and I hugged her back. "Anyways want to spend the night with me." I said "sure." Me and (y/n)-chan fell asleep cuddling with each other. "I love you kotori-chan." She mutters in her sleep. "I love you to (y/n)-chan my little cat."

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