Eli x delinquient!reader

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I was the sister of nozomi Toujo yet we are totally oppisite from one another. Though I get my self in trouble while she doesn't. She made me meet some of her friends Muse a school idol group she was in though it was a pain being around them but one of them stood out the most her friend Eli ayase. "Ohh (y/n) do you have a crush on eliichi." Nozomi smirked. "Huh what makes you say that I snarled. "Woah calm down sis." Nozomi said. "Whatever I'm going." I walked from nozomi and her friends went to my gang downstairs.

They saw me while they were playing cards. "So boss what's in store for us today." (F/n) said. "I don't know why don't we go tag a wall or pull off a prank." Another member said. "Tch I don't care what you guys do." I said. "Ohh I got one." One of the members whispered to the others and they nodded with one another. "So boss wanna come with us." A member said. "What are you guys gonna do." I said. "We're gonna fight a rival school gang on the other side that owes us something's wanna come." One of them said. "Whatever I don't care." I got up and followed them to this other school gang is. When we got there we saw some of them hanging out or loitering near the outside of their school. "Hey." (F/n) got one of the other members from the rival school gangs attention. "You guys owe us something that you haven't paid us back a few weeks ago." One member said. "We don't need to pay your sorry asses anything." A guy with dark blonde hair said. "Ohh yeah you do or else we'll give you something else." One of my members cracked her knuckles. "Ohh a fight is it." A guy with red hair said. "Yeah give us what you owe us so don't have to beat it out of you." I said. "Make us." A guy with black hair said. "Whatever you asked it." I reached my pocket a pair of black gloves I used every time when I get into a fight with anyone. I strap them on and launched myself towards the guy with red hair punching him in the gut which trigger the fight to break out. The guy with black hair pulled out a knife he striked towards me cutting my cheek leaving a straight line of blood bleeding. "Boss!!." The members said. "I'm fine now beat up these guys." They nodded and head straight for the rest of the guys.

"Tch that asshole and his knife." I put my hand against the cut that guy gave me earlier. "So did we come here for what we wanted." I said. "Yes but let's get a message across to them." One of the members said. I walk over to one of the guys and press my foot against his chest. "Where is it." "Where's what." The guy said. "Where's the stuff you owe us." I kept pressing my foot against his chest making him scream more. "Our boss has it." He points to the guy with black hair. I search through the guys pockets looking for the (random object) he owed us. "Found it." I said. "Alright now lets get outta here before anyone finds us." I said. Then we went our separate ways.

The next day

*Yawn I walk into school several minutes after my sister. When it was around break nozomi comes up to me with bad news. "(Y/n)." She screams at me. "What's wrong sis." I said. "Have you seen Eli." She said. "And I found this in the student council room when I got there." She hands me this envelope. 'Dear (y/n) leader of the (gangs name) of otonizaka I have something very important you cherish we have with us if you want her back come to warehouse H39.' Signed (E/n) of (school name). "That asshole." I crumpled up the paper. "Who was it." Nozomi said. "A leader from a rival gang I got into a fight with." I said. "You what." I cut nozomi off. "That doesn't matter right now I'll save Eli you go tell the others." I said she nodded. I ran off to the warehouse where they had Eli. "Boss where you going." (F/n) asked. "Doesn't matter I need you to come with me." I asked she nodded and came with me. "Where are we going boss." (F/n) asked. "We are going to save someone who is very important to me right now." I replied. "Now come we got to get now." Me and (F/n) ran to warehouse H39 busting through the door seeing they had Eli tied up in a chair. "(Y/n)!!!" Eli screamed. "Ahh look who decided to show up." (E/n) walked in front of us with the guys we bested up yesterday. "(E/n) let her go she is not involved what we have between you and me." I said taking out my gloves. "I don't have time for your games (y/n) take her down." (E/n) said to the guys. "Get ready (F/n)." She got into a stance getting ready for what's coming at us. All three of the guys came straight for me and (f/n) at the same time we dodged back and kicked the first guy in chest. The second guy grappled (f/n) from behind and I swept him and launched my foot towards his jaw. All that was left was the third guy and (e/n). The third guy dashed towards me "Boss." "(Y/n)." Eli and (F/n) screamed. I kneed him in the stomach and uppercutted his chin just leaving (e/n) left. "Don't move or else the blonde gets it." (E/n) pulled out a gun and pointed it towards Eli's head. "No!" I dashed towards him and he shot towards my foot making me stand in my tracks. "You got two choices (y/n) I either kill your friend over there or I kill the blonde over here." I look towards (f/n) and Eli. "Boss it's fine just save her." F/n said. "No, I don't want either of you to die you two are both important to me including nozomi." "I decline both offers (e/n)." I dashed towards (e/n). "You never learn do you (y/n)." (E/n) aimed the gun towards me shooting me two times in the legs and three times in the chest. "Boss." "(Y/n)." (F/n) and Eli said. I fell to my knees and (f/n) dashed towards (e/n) disarmed him and shot him in the head. She went to Eli and untied her and they both ran to me. I see them both over me. "(Y/n) I'm sorry I'm sorry." Eli started to cry over me. "Boss no you can't die now." (F/n) started to cry. "It's fine (f/n) and Eli." I wiped my thumb from Eli's tears. "(F/n) I want you do something for me if I die tell the others I'll be gone and Eli their is something I wanted to tell you ever since nozomi introduced me to you guys." I said. "Say it anything." She said. "I want to say that you are a very beautiful person and I wanted to say that I love yo-." My eye suddenly shut close. "No (y/n) come on speak to me come on." Eli started to shake my lifeless body trying to wake me up but all her efforts aside she couldn't anything. "You idiot you never heard my answer yet I do love you too." Eli cried over her lovers lifeless body not to know what do without her.

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