Kanan x male!reader

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A little story I thought from watch beasts music video fiction.

Kanan walked through (y/n)'s hallway running her fingers along the keys of (y/n)'s piano. Kanan walked to the bookshelves and a grabbed a book and she flipped through the pages seeing a picture of her and (y/n) she pulled it out reminding her of herself and (y/n). "Kanan are you okay." Which caused the diver off guard not seeing that it was Dia calling her. "Yeah I'm fine Dia." As she looked at the photo one last time before closing the book. All that was on her mind was the photo. As the day was progressing on Kanan wasn't being herself she was having thoughts of everything with (y/n) and how they would spend time together.

"Come on Kanan you coming." The (h/c) male said. She walked to the (h/c) male and linked her arm with his. "Hey (y/n)-kun where are we heading." She asked. "I was gonna take you to my house." He said. She nodded and then the two started walking to his house. As the two arrived at his house he would always play the piano for her and how she loved how he played. After he played he would wrap his right arm around her and lay his head on top of her head knowing that he would be there for her. Making her feel safe.

(Flashback end)
"Kanan are you sure your okay." Dia asked as she saw that Kanan has been spacing out. "Yeah I'm fine I think I just need time for myself." She said as Dia just nodded as Kanan headed off. As Kanan walked through town she had memories of how her and your name would go on dates together. As she walked through town she took off her shoes and walked on the beach viewing the ocean with the afternoon sun and she looked at the photo of her and (y/n) again. Then she saw (y/n) in front of her eyes as she reached her hand out she saw him smile and then that smile changed into a frown seeing a tear drop from his eyes then disappear right in front of her eyes and  Kanan dropped on her knees and began to cry wishing that (y/n) was never gone.

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