Muse x flirty! Reader

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Request from dterrible18

You had been in otonokizaka high for about a month right now. Before you went otonokizaka you went to (name) high even though you were considerably popular and sometimes can act like a flirt towards girls with your kindness and Prince Charming ways making some girls swoon over you. When you first arrived there in the classroom you introduced yourself and you weren't even thinking that some girls would scream and faint on the ground. When you were finally introduced to your class you sat next to an ash haired girl with soft droopy eyes with a girl with long dark blue hair in front of you and another with Ginger hair and blue eyes. "Ms Minami would you show ms (y/n) around the school." The teacher said. "Yes." She said. After the class I went to her where she was with her friends. "Kotori is it." You said. "Yes and you must be (y/n)- chan right." She said. "Why yes I am." You kiss the front of her hand and kotori became a little flustered from this action you did. "Ahem." The girl with long dark blue hair said. "Oh sorry." You said putting your hand behind your head. "My name is Sonoda Umi." She said. "I'm-." But you were cut off. "I know who you are (l/n) (y/n)." She said. "Yes I am." You smiled. "Don't worry about Umi-chan over here she's just shy when it comes to meeting new people." The ginger said. "Hi I'm honoka kousaka." She said. "Hi I'm (y/n) (l/n)." You said. "Nice to meet you (y/n)." She said. "Well kotori are you gonna show me around the school." You said but seeing kotori drifting off into space. "Hello kotori." Waving a hand in front of her face. "Huh yeah sorry." "It's no problem you smiled. After that she starts guiding me around the school. 

(The next day) 

You walked to school seeing Kotori with Honoka and Umi. You four walked to school and met up with the first years and third years at the gate. The ten of you went inside the clubroom discussing where there training camp will be held. They were either doing the mountains or the beach. Either or you didn't really care where you guys went ever since you were muses manager. "So mountains or the beach." You said. Five of their hands said the beach while four of them said mountains. "Well beach it is." You said. "Well Umi will be going over the training schedule." You said letting Umi take over. "Also how are we gonna pay for this." You said. "Well my parents have a beachouse over there." Maki said twirling a loose peace of hair. "Are you sure maki." Eli asked. "Yeah are you sure." You said. "It's fine since we do need a place to say." Maki said twirling her hair still. "Well that settles it." You said. "So what time should we meet here?" Hanayo asked. "We'll meet at my house tommorrow." You said. "Well that declares our meeting today so all of us will meet at my house tomorrow." You said. "Hai." Everyone said. 


You woke up early to get ready for the beach with Muse and spending a night at Maki's parents beach house with the ten of you. You put on your (f/c) sweater with some (s/f/c) pants and some shoes. After you got ready you heard a knock on the door you went to open the door revealing Muse. "Well you guys ready." You said. "Yeah." All said. The ten of you walk to the bus stop for the ride to Maki's parents beach house 


You guys arrived to the beach house. The ten of you were staring in awe while Maki didn't care at all. You guys settle in putting your things away then all of you were outside going over the training schedule. "Well this is the training schedule for today." Umi said. The other eight members were looking at the schedule. "10 km run." Honoka said. "15 km swim." Nico said. I see honoka, Nico, and Rin in a huddle which made you suspicious of what they were gonna do. You see Rin pull Umi about to show her something then Honoka and Nico sped off to the beach. Which made Umi just give up and move the practice for tommorrow. The day was a beach day while honoka, umi, kotori, Hanayo, Rin, and nozomi were in the water splashing each other while Maki and Nico were sitting in the shade with maki reading and Nico sitting next to her. You were wearing a (f/c) tank top with some shorts and some flip flops. "(Y/n)-chan come on." Honoka said. While you were splashing in the water you saw that nozomi had the video camera in her hand capturing some of these moments. Next thing you saw was that kotori had a water gun shooting people Rin was laughing at umi's embarrassment until got she  shot by kotori  with the water gun she just innocently smiled thinking that she didn't do it. After you guys got out of the water you went back to the beach house to relax and dry off. 

While you guys were at the beach house you decided to tease with some of the Muse members. One time while you were helping the cooking with Nico and Kotori while the others were setting the table. You see Nico having a hard time with the cooking. "Nico do you need help." You said. "Yeah I do can you help me with cutting some of these leaks." Nico said. You went behind Nico and layer your hands over hers you could tell that blushing a little when you did this. Right after you helped with the cooking Hanayo need your help with setting up the futons until some of the futons almost fell on her until you came in and protected her from the falling futon. "Are you ok Hanayo-chan." You said. "Yes I'm fine (y/n)chan thank you." She said. "Thank goodness I wouldn't want to see your pretty face being hurt." You said seeing the rice lover blush from your statement. After all that you got all the futons set in the living room you all slept until you heard a crunching sound didn't know where it was coming from Nico turned on the lights and saw that it was honoka eating some cookies. "Honoka-chan." Kotori said. "Why are you eating this late." You said. "Well I thought eating would help me fall asleep." She said. "That's never gonna work here come with me to the kitchen." You said. You walk with honoka into the kitchen preparing a warm glass of milk for the both of you. "Are you sure about this (y/n)." She said. "I'm sure warm milk always makes me fall asleep." You said. You both drank the milk and went back to your futons. Nico turned off the light again. "KYAHH." You heard a scream feeling your arm being clutched by Eli who was afraid of the dark you kissed her on the forehead telling her it's alright she then hugged your arm until she fell asleep. "I envy Eli." They all said. You fell asleep into a very deep sleep. 


You felt your eyes shot up looking at the time it's around 3:07 am. You decided to go outside and get some air. You carefully get out of Eli's grasp and quietly sneak out the door letting the other Muse members get their sleep. You walked outside still seeing the moon and the stars still out. "Hey." You heard a familiar seeing that it was maki. "Hey." You said. "What are you doing up this early." Maki said. "I would be asking the same thing as you." You said. Maki sat down next to you looking at the stars. "Pretty isn't." You said. "Yeah it is." Maki said. While you two were sitting on the grass you took the time and saw that maki was leaning on your shoulder almost falling asleep. You carried her back to the beach house bridal style. You set her down on her futon you went back to your futon until you felt a tug. You turned and saw that maki wanted you to sleep with her in her futon. You gladly accept Maki's offer and you layer down in the futon with her seeing her red locks and amethyst eyes. "Good night Maki-chan." You whispered. "Good night (y/n)-chan." She whispered back. Seeing that you and maki both fell asleep together. 

(A/n) I know what you guys are gonna in comments saying that this isn't Muse x reader type also this my first time involving the nine girls with the reader. 

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