Of *Course* She Has To Be My Partner

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Maya pulled out her notebook and took out a pencil, preparing to take notes for IB Psych.  She had always wanted to take the class at her old school, but they didn't offer it to juniors.  She sat patiently for Mr. Rogen to start teaching, but instead, after five minutes of looking up random crap on his computer like all teachers do at the beginning of class, he started the class off differently.

"Alright class," he began, standing up and walking around to the front of his desk with his hands excitedly clasped in front of him, "since Maya is new here, I figured that we would take this period to introduce ourselves.  Everyone give your name, age, and a random fact about yourself."  He turned to a boy in the front right corner and gestured for him to start.  

The boy stood up and turned to look at Maya.  He was cute, Maya conceded, and he obviously liked what he saw.

"I'm Adam, I'm eighteen, and I like girls..."  The class laughed and Adam sat down.  Typical player boy... Maya thoughtHowever, she still paid attention to the introductions, so that she could scope out her first 'boy toy'--and to find out who the girl with the bright blue eyes was.  Her plan to avoid outing herself was to secure a boyfriend or five and use them as her distraction from any, ahem, *feelings* towards girls.  Of course, she wasn't denying the fact that she was gay, she was just denying that specific fact to her new classmates.  She had no idea whether this school was conservative or not, and she did not want to risk it.

The next few students that introduced themselves were, Maya guessed, major nerds.  One of the boys that spoke was stuttering on every other word, and was fidgeting with his 'hipster' glasses constantly.  "I'm... uh... Ryan.  I'm seventeen and I like quantum physics."  Of course he didn't actually say he liked quantum physics, but that's what Maya imagined him saying, and she laughed inwardly at how fitting it would be if he had said he liked quantum physics.  

The next boy who stood up was very good looking, although he had that vibe that said it didn't go to his head and that he was secretly a nerd.  He had dark, scruffy brown hair, and his blue eyes were very pretty.  Maya saw potential in him as her new 'boy toy,' but she was worried they could actually become friends.  She didn't want to use someone she actually liked as a friend.

"I'm Zack, I'm seventeen, and I love soccer."  Maya smiled inwardly.  I bet he's part of the popular group... she reflected, and just as she thought that, he turned to the annoying kid Adam and started chatting quietly with him,  confirming Maya's suspicions.

Next, a couple of popular girls introduced themselves, all the while sizing up Maya.  Like Adam, they seemed to approve of what they saw--just what Maya had hoped for.  She wasn't anyone important at her old school, and she was hoping that her new clothes she got as a gift from her mom for moving would do the trick.  So far, they seemed to be doing just that.  

The introductions had now moved into the third row, and the blue-eyed girl would introduce herself after two more students- another handsome guy and a shy girl- went.

The guy stood up.  He was very tall at almost six foot five, and his grey eyes reminded Maya of ice as they searched her face.  He messed up his black hair a little bit, smiled crookedly, and started talking in a very hot accent.  If Maya were at all straight, she would have no trouble finding a good-looking guy at Rosetown Springs High.  "I'm Giovanni, I'm eighteen, and I'm from Italy."  Maya smiled and nodded her head.  He is so gay.  She didn't want to brag, but she had a very keen gay-dar.  That, however, did not mean she had a 'bi-dar,' something that she wished she had quite often, but could never grasp.  She could tell that Giovanni wasn't out also, because the guys didn't act weird around him, or boo him as he stood up, and the girls were practically drooling simply by looking at him.  

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