Freedom and Imprisonment

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Maya woke up to find the pale morning sun stretching it's warm rays over the window sill of her hospital room onto the somewhat soft contours of her light blue hospital blanket.  Today's the day, she thought happily, today I can finally sleep in my own bed, I can finally see Leila outside of this hospital room and have her all to myself.  At the thought of being alone with Leila, Maya's heart fluttered with excitement and anticipation.  They had been semi-secretly dating since that day, with only Maya's family and Giovanni knowing.  Leila's parents were left in the dark because she wasn't ready to tell them, and wasn't sure how they would take it, and neither Maya nor Leila wanted to tell Carmen because they were sure with her family's conservative background that their relationship wouldn't fly with Carmen. 

Stretching in the light of the new day, Maya sat up and looked out the window happily.  She still hurt a little when she moved her torso, but it was more of an ache than anything, and she would take an ache easily over staying in this boring old hospital even a single day more.  Standing up, Maya went over to the suitcase her mother had brought over a week ago, and pulled out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a baggy, off the shoulder, bohemian style short sleeved shirt.  She then pulled off her big v-neck night shirt and replaced it with a black laced bra.  Just as Maya had finished finishing buttoning up her jeans, and went to reach for her top, the door swung open, just loud enough for Maya to hear. Gasping, Maya scrambled to reach for her shirt, but wasn't able to reach it before two small, warm hands wrapped their way around her waist and tugged her closer to the owner of said hands.  

Maya sighed in pleasure, and leaned back into the arms of her girlfriend.  "You scared me," she giggled, but Leila merely shushed her and proceeded to reach up from behind to shut Maya's eyes.  She then turned her around, and connected their lips together in a passionate, almost lustful kiss, all the while holding Maya's face in the palms of her hands.  As they kissed, Leila slowly walked Maya to the small bed backwards, and only when Maya fell onto the bed did she open her eyes to find herself peering into the deep, lusty, green eyes of the one she loved.  Wait. Maya froze.  Green? She immediately rolled away from the intruder above her gasping in surprise and anger.  

Christie grinned her signature Cheshire cat smile that had once held Maya's heart captive as she crawled seductively over to Maya.  "Did I get you too hot to handle Maya?  Because I know you're not gasping from not being satisfied enough."  At this point, she was on top of the stunned Maya, pinning her down easily with her overpowering strength, and was slowly kissing her way down Maya's chest to her scar from that accursed bullet.  She obviously hadn't forgotten Maya's sweet spot, and Maya involunarily whimpered as Christie went on.  "You know, I think you're even hotter with this scar on your chest, baby.  I bet your little plaything wouldn't agree, though. Pity.  You seem to like her a lot, but not as much as me.  Does she make you moan as much as I did?  Or haven't you even gotten-"  

Just as she was about to finish that last sentence, a heavy math book came flying from behind and hit her square in the back of her head.  With Christie groaning in pain and distracted by the attacker behind her, Maya shoved her off and ran to Leila, who had just come in and was turning red in the face from anger.  "Why is that BITCH in here, and WHY was she on top of you kissing you all over the place Maya???"  Leila's beautiful blue eyes were tearing up as she looked back and forth between Maya and Christie, and her face spoke of unmeasurable pain, and fear of betrayal.  She was about to open her mouth again to say something to Maya, but Christie had recovered and was storming back to the two of them, looking as if she were about to punch someone.  

Thankfully though, the nurse came in with perfect timing, and immediately went to hold Christie back.  "YOU, young lady, are not allowed back in here!" Shouted the nurse, and she pulled Christie out of the room and dragged her down the hall tp security while Maya just looked at Leila desperately trying to read her beautiful face.  

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