Two Drunk Girls and One Bedroom

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Author's note: Yay! New chapter!!!  Since I started break today, I'll be able to post more often!! Double yay!  I think y'all will like this chapter... maybe the title will give you some clues as to why ;)

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DING DONG. Leila groaned out loud as she heard the doorbell ring. Too tired to get up just yet, she merely covered her head with a pillow and tried to go back to sleep. DINGGG DONGGG. Leila punched her pillow half heartedly and rolled out of bed sleepily. She quickly checked herself out in the mirror and sighed as she noticed her awful bedhead. She tried to make it look somewhat presentable and then quickly ran down the stairs to the front door. When she looked at the clock in the hallway, it was only 7:30.

She opened the door to find Carmen standing there looking as if she were about to attack the doorbell again. "It's about time you answered the door," she said, entering the house and setting down her expensive purse on the table in the middle of the large foyer. "We have a lot of work to do today if you want to give your boyfriend the best surprise birthday of his life!"

Leila closed the door and looked at Carmen incredulously. "It's seven thirty in the morning! Couldn't you have at least waited until ten before you raided my house? Seriously. What can possibly take twelve hours when preparing for a party?"

Carmen rolled her eyes dramatically. "You clearly don't know how to make a successful surprise party. We ordered balloons, catering, a new up-and-coming D.J., and an enormous cake! We're going to need all the time we can get to make this the best party of the year!" The entire time Carmen was giving Leila her pre-prepared speech, she was walking around the house taking measurements and texting people. Apparently Carmen had been planning this party for weeks, even though Leila had only brought it up Monday.

A thought suddenly came to Leila and she frowned. "How is this going to be a surprise flash-mob party when everything is already set up before he gets here? He's bound to figure out what we're up to." Zack was not one to be underestimated. Although he was one of the most popular guys in school, and sometimes acted like he was in middle school, he was no idiot.

Carmen smiled at Leila and patted her on the head as if she were a lost puppy. "Silly girl. So naive." Leila gave her best friend a quizzical look and Carmen laughed. "Just tell him to close his eyes and lead him up to your room. He won't see a thing and he'll think he's getting laid tonight. It's a win-win...even if he doesn't get laid right away." Carmen winked at Leila and skipped off into the kitchen. When Carmen mentioned 'getting laid,' Leila inwardly flinched a little and dark memories tried to invade her thoughts. However, for some reason her mind started to drift toward thoughts of Maya. I wonder what she's doing right now. Probably sleeping peacefully, unlike me. She sighed and followed Carmen into the kitchen, and helped her get ready for the party...


Maya woke up at ten feeling stressed and unrested. All night her subconscious had been going crazy in her dreamworld, making up various dark fantasies with Maya and Leila together... Maya shook her head, trying to wipe away the dreams. I am not falling for a straight girl again... She sighed as she recalled the pretty blond cheerleader Christie she had fallen in love with two years ago. To this day Maya still had feelings for her, but past wounds from their time 'together' kept her from ever letting Christie come back into her life. 

Maya pulled out her phone and texted Giovanni, whose number she got the second day of school after class. She had basically gone up to him and said he was gay and that they would have a great friendship. He had laughed and asked what she wanted from him, seeing as she was gay herself. And that's how she got his number.

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