Just Your Everyday Sunday Morning, Waking Up Next to a (HOT) Girl in Your Bed.

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It was about ten in the morning when Leila woke up to the sun streaming in through the curtains straight into her extremely sensitive eyes.  She had a terrible hangover and her head was pounding against her skull as if it wanted to escape, leaving her practically incapable of even getting out of bed.  When she went to pull her fluffy covers over her head to try and sleep off the pain, her hand accidentally knocked against something warm and soft as silk.  The brief physical contact left tiny strands of electricity shooting up her arm, and caused her to jump in surprise.  What happened last night?  She peered over at the other occupant in her bed and realized it was Maya Grey, the one who had been making Leila feel out of place all week.  Her dark brown hair swirled around her face majestically and seemed to caress her very essence.  Being next to her, Leila felt a safeness she rarely felt with anyone else, and she felt herself drawing closer to Maya.  

She got so close that she could feel Maya's slow, steady breathing, and could smell her raspberry scented (and possibly flavored) lip gloss.  Before she could move any closer, Maya's chocolate brown eyes fluttered open sleepily and looked curiously into Leila's blue ones.  Leila watched as the gears clicked in Maya's head and she quickly tried to get out from under her.   Leila hesitantly pulled away , and for some reason, she felt a pang in her chest from Maya's reaction to her closeness.  

"What time is it?"  asked Maya, looking around for a clock. Somehow, her make-up had managed to stay flawless despite sleeping in it, and her dress seemed to have come off overnight and was on the floor halfway across the room.  

"It's ten in the morning...You don't have to be home yet, do you?"  Leila was worried that Maya might get in trouble for staying out late and not coming home without telling her parents.  Just because Leila's parents weren't around all the time didn't mean that everyone else's weren't.  

Maya shook her head and sat up in the bed.  She looked at Leila and gave her a once over before shaking her head in disbelief and stretching her arms over her head. "How is it possible for you to look even more beautiful in the morning? If I were gay, and not dating Giovanni, I would totally ask you out."  She winked at Leila playfully and laid back down on the bed, but she seemed to be weary, or cautious of Leila--as if she were dangerous or something.  Nonetheless, the way she looked at Leila gave her almost an adrenaline rush, and for some reason, she couldn't keep her eyes off of Maya's perfect figure laying in her bed.  

Her cheeks reddened at Maya's remark. "Th-thanks...I guess. But I'm straight.  And I'm dating Zack." She averted her eyes from Maya as if what she said made neither of them happy.

Maya shrugged, and then playfully said, "I guess we were never meant to be."  Even though Leila knew Maya was just joking around, she couldn't help but feel as if Maya were refraining from saying something else.  She sighed a little, but caught herself when Maya was examining her with a strange look.    


Maya seemed to be looking at her neck with a shocked expression on her face.  "Is that a hickey on your neck?"

Leila's hand reached up to touch her neck where Maya appeared to be looking.  Feeling nothing, she hurried over to her personal bathroom and looked in the mirror.  On her neck was a big, purple hickey.  Where could this have come from? Leila thought.  I don't remember anything from last night...  She suddenly recalled Maya's lack of clothing and blushed at the possibility of Maya giving her the hickey.   Wait what?  She shook her head and turned around to face Maya, who was conveniently still lacking proper clothing.  

"Zack probably just gave it to me last night...no biggie." She shrugged it off like it was no big deal, and headed back into her room.  "Do you remember anything from last night? God, I got sooo smashed that I don't remember a thing."  Leila headed over to her dresser and pulled out clothes for both herself and Maya, and tossed Maya's clothes to her.

Maya frowned as if trying to remember and shook her head.  "Nope.  I just remember getting here with Giovanni and dancing like an idiot.  Do you have any Advil or something? I have a killer hangover."  By this point, Maya had pulled on the dark jeans and white blouse Leila had given her and was pulling her hair up into a loose ponytail--something Leila felt was unnecessary since her hair was perfectly fine the way it was.

Leila headed into her bathroom and pulled out her giant bottle of Advil reserved just for those mornings when she had awful hangovers.  She didn't look like the type to drink, and she really didn't fit the sterotype either, but drinking was her escape from reality-and she wasn't going to let that go so easily.

Once they had taken their painkillers, the two went downstairs and Maya made breakfast, even though Leila tried to protest and offer to make breakfast herself.  Maya insisted that it was the least she could do since Leila had thrown such an awesome party and let her stay over, and Leila was forced to concede.  Thankfully, Maya was a really good cook, and Leila didn't regret giving her free rein of the kitchen.  She made scrambled eggs with feta cheese and sun-dried tomatoes, as well as bacon, Leila's secret lover, and all of it was made to perfection.

"Well?" asked Maya, looking at Leila with a small smirk on her face, and pushing her fork delicately around her plate.  "Am I good or am I good?"

"Don't get all arrogant on me, Maya," Leila said, waving her fork at Maya condescendingly.  "Just because you're a good cook does not mean I'm going to fall in love with you or something."  She smiled playfully up at her, only to find Maya shifting uncomfortably in her seat.  "Are you okay?  Did I say something?"

Maya shook her head slowly and looked down at the ground.  "I just suddenly don't feel well.  Goddamn alcohol screwed me over probably.  Do you mind if I go?"  She was already getting up from her seat, and Leila noticed that she did look a little pale.  

"Sure," Leila said.  "Here, let me walk you to your house."  The two walked to the foyer and Leila pulled both of their jackets off of the coat  rack--her light hooded black winter jacket and Maya's gray pea coat.  Maya didn't have anything else to wear underneath, so Leila loaned her her favorite blue beanie hat and matching blue scarf.  She had to admit, Maya looked amazing in blue, even if she did look a bit sick.  

They walked over to Maya's house and went inside.  Leila couldn't stay for long because Zack said he was going to be over around one, but Maya insisted that she at least come in for a few minutes to warm up.  Maya changed into some of her own clothes and handed Leila back the loaners.  Leila noticed that they smelled like Maya, and she couldn't help but steal a sniff or two while walking back to her house next door.  Why do such simple things about her drive me crazy?  It's like she's starting to possess my every thought.

When she got home, she straightened up her room for when Zack got there, and realized that Maya had left her dress behind.  Leila blushed at the memory of Maya laying in her bed half naked that morning, and quickly stowed away the dress in her hamper.  I'll just wash it and return it to her, she thought.  She went to the bathroom to put on some sexy lingerie for Zack and suddenly noticed that her hickey looked shiny or something.  She went to touch it again, and realised that there were remnants of lip gloss where her skin had been marked.  When she  smelled the gloss that she wiped off with her finger, it smelled like raspberries, and the memories of the previous night came rushing back to her.  

Author's Note:  CLIFFHANGER!  Dun dun DUNN!  o_0

Hey y'all- ThoughtsAnonymous here! (Who else? Your conscience.  Shh, nobody can know!) ... Haha anyways, here I am, posting another chapter. ^^  So far I'm getting quite a few reads and some good feedback via votes/fans and stuff, but I want more interaction you guys!  Since I'm just writing this story off the top of my head, I have room to accommodate for suggestions and criticisms-feel free to leave both (within reason of course-I'm not having a talking cow or anything suddenly show up in my story...or will I?).  I mainly want to know what you guys think of the characters.  Do you like Maya and Leila?  Do you want to see more of one over the other?  Am I writing too much in Maya's P.O.V.?  I don't know.  That's where you come in, fellow Wattpadders! :P  Okay, rant over.  Vote, fan, COMMENT. :)

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