Looking Forward to the Weekend

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It was a long week for Maya.   After getting used to her schedule and getting caught up in her classes, all she wanted to do was fall asleep when she got home on Friday.  However, she had already made plans to hang out with Leila to work on the project, so no extra nap time after school was to be allowed.  Thankfully, Maya and Leila shared most of the same classes since they were both in IB, and Maya didn't have to exert more energy at the end of the day looking for Leila at the end of the day.  Maya sighed, thinking about the past week.  She had only known Leila for a short time, but she already knew that she was whipped.  At this point in time though, she didn't expect anything and she didn't want anything.  She knew she had to get a 'boyfriend' soon to distract herself or people might start noticing the looks she gave to Leila when she wasn't paying attention. 

Maya's eyes lazily drifted over to Leila's figure for the fifth time that class.  It was almost time for the bell to ring, and Maya couldn't pay attention to the churning mass of theories being thrown in to the conversation for the life of her.  Her mind-the only place she could openly think about her 'gay side'- drifted to darker places as she got carried away with what could happen at her house.  Within a few moments of breaching on dangerous territory, Maya shook herself and scoffed at the dark, unrealistic imaginings she had conjured.  For the last five minutes of class, she forced herself to pay attention, and when the bell rang, she took her time packing up her things.  

When she looked up, Leila was standing by her desk anxiously biting her lip and looking expectantly at her.  "Are you ready to go?" she asked timidly, looking anywhere but at Maya.  "I don't know where your car is so you're going to have to show me."

Maya smiled reassuredly and got up to start walking by Leila in the direction of the exit by the theater.  "Yeah, I'm ready.  Do you have all of your stuff for the project?"

Leila nodded quietly while looking ahead at the herd of people massing in front of the doors to the school.  Just as they got outside, Leila suddenly disappeared from Maya's peripheral vision.  

"...Leila?" Maya looked around a little frantically, confused as to where Leila could have disappeared off to so quickly.  She sighed in relief and slight irritation when she saw that that boy Zack had taken her aside for a quick make-out session.  Typical boy,  Maya thought, Can't keep it to himself for more than five minutes.  She cautiously walked over to the couple and cleared her throat loudly so as to signal her presence.  The two broke apart as if they did something wrong, and Leila gave Maya a sheepish smile.  She waved goodbye to her boyfriend and she and Maya headed once again toward the parking lot.  When they got to Maya's Fiat, Maya noticed Leila smile a little at the little car.  

"I love your car...Does it have a name?"  Leila asked, climbing into the passenger seat and looking admiringly around.  

Maya laughed a little.  She wasn't one to name inanimate objects. "No," she said, "I never thought of it. Why?"

Leila shrugged and said, "I don't know, I feel like it deserves a name.  It's too cute not to have a name."  She looked around once more at the interior of the car and snapped her fingers decisively.  "Since you don't have a name for it, I'll name him Henry.  It's perfect!"  Leila was smiling at Maya like a little kid would.

Maya laughed again and looked at Leila incredulously.  She had only known Leila for a week and she was already laughing at little things she said.  Normally, it took months for Maya to warm up to new people, but it seemed like Leila wasn't going to let that happen.  "Alright," Maya conceded, "Sounds like a plan.  Just don't expect me  to call it Henry."

Leila looked as if she was about to retort, but instead she just shook her head while smiling and looked out the window at the passing houses.  "Hey, you must live near me," she said to Maya, who was concentrating on the road. "I go this way to get to my house when I take the bus."  

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