Love Doesn't Die Easily

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As Maya ran along the deserted streets around her house and listened to the rhythmic pounding of her feet on the asphalt, she thought about Leila, and how she was going to win her back.  Carmen was the only one who had seen her since the day Maya got out of the hospital, and she told Maya that Leila just needed time to recuperate from the shock of seeing Maya with her ex girlfriend Christie.  But it's been two weeks, Maya thought sadly, and she hasn't even tried to talk to me. Still running, she felt the twinge in her chest where she was shot increase in pain.  Maya really wasn't supposed to be exerting herself, but she preferred a little pain over the extreme restlessness she endured if she didn't do something.  She rounded the last corner of her daily route and jogged up to her house, almost stopping in front of the blue facade of the house next door...  Maya shook her head.  I can't talk to her until she's ready, she said to herself while looking forlornly at the white door that led into Leila's house.  As she turned away, she sighed heavily.  Tonight was going to be a drown-in-ice-cream-and-chocolate-syrup kind of night for her.

Maya was about halfway through a carton of cookies and cream ice cream, as well as her favorite movie Imagine Me and You when someone knocked on the front door. Groaning, she got up and walked slowly to the door, at the same time finger-combing her hair in hopes of making it look somewhat presentable.  Generally she would check the peephole before opening the door, but today she felt lazy, and so she merely opened the door to find the last person she would expect to be waiting there.  

Zack.  In non-hospital clothes, looking as if he just stepped out of a fashion magazine, he stood there looking grimly at Maya through the veil of floppy, dark brown hair that were his bangs.  

"Zack," Maya said, allowing the tone of shock to be evident in her voice.  "what are you doing here? I thought you were still in the hospital."  She had been planning on visiting him as soon as possible, but unfortunately she had been too emotionally drained to really take the time to visit.

He grimaced a little.  "I had to practically ensue World War Three to get out of that hellhole.  It wasn't until this morning that the doctors said I could leave only if I promised not to do anything more than sleep at my house and watch television for the next month."

Maya eyed him skeptically, but in the back of her mind she felt uneasy.  "And after being ordered to stay bedridden you are here because...?"

Zack gave the smallest hint of a smile.  "Can I come in first?  All this standing is kinda exhausting."

Maya pulled a face in sympathy before leading him to the living room and she silently thanked her stars that she had turned off the television before answering the door.  It would be awkward to explain to him why she was watching a lesbian movie when he didn't even know yet that she was gay.  She hastily neatened up the blankets she had strewn across the large sectional while watching television and picked up the remainder of her ice cream carton before inviting Zack to sit down next to her.  "So," she said, pulling a lopsided smile, "have enough energy now that you're here to tell me what's up?"

Zack brows furrowed a tiny bit as he looked down at his pale hands, that looked feeble in comparison to what they looked like almost two months ago.  "Leila broke up with me."

It seemed as if the mention of Leila's name and what she did knocked all the air out of Maya.  "Oh," she said lightly, still a bit surprised, "I'm so sorry Zack-I'm sure it was for a very good reason.  But why did you come to me?"  She and Zack weren't quite on close terms, seeing as Maya tried to not get too close to him due to the fact that he had been dating Leila, and that she was in love with her.

Zack looked up from his hands and into Maya's eyes.  "She fell in love with someone else.  And I thought that since you two were so close, you might know who it is.  Carmen refuses to tell me and Gio avoids the topic at all costs."  At the mention of Giovanni's name, Zack almost seemed embarrassed, but Maya passed it off as a reaction to the rejection of two of his closest friends.

Maya took a deep breath and reached for his hands.  "If you really want to know, you have to go to the source.  It's not my place to tell you what lies in Leila's heart."  Not like I know anymore anyways, she thought morosely.   

Without warning, Zack nodded his head and leaned in dangerously close to her face. Then, just as Maya was about to freak out and push him away, he gently kissed her cheek, smiled, and stood up to say goodbye.  By the time he was out the door and safely on his way hopefully home for bed rest, it was well past midnight, and despite all her best efforts, Maya couldn't help but think of seeing Leila.  However, she fought the urge to run outside and act like a teenage boy by tossing rocks at windows, and instead deferred to her bed, where she restlessly tossed and turned all night, thinking about her conversation with Zack, and how she planned on winning Leila back.

~~~~~~~(Ooooh transition squiggles!  Que fancy!)~~~~~~~

The next morning, Maya didn't wake up.  She hadn't been able to sleep at all because her brain seemed to refuse to relax, and she secretly knew the answer, but was afraid of rejection: she had to talk to Leila and win her back, today, or risk going crazy thanks to her love-wired brain.  Maya sighed as she got up and stretched in the weak rays of early morning sunshine, and then went to take a quick shower to at least try to clear her head.  When she finished, she pulled on a pair of shorts and a light purple summery button-up blouse before grabbing her phone and heading downstairs to grab a quick bite to eat from the kitchen.

Much to her surprise, sitting at the kitchen counter was her mom, drinking her morning coffee while sifting through the newspaper.

"Morning sweetheart," Mrs. Grey said, setting down the news and looking at her stressed looking daughter.  "Is everything all right?"  she asked, her brows furrowing slightly as she saw the tension in her daughter's composure increase at the question.

Maya grabbed a bowl of her favorite cereal, Cap'n Crunch, before replying.  "I have to win her back mom.  And I need to do it sooner than later, or I'll go mad."  She frowned at the sweet breakfast in her hands, and took another bite, tasting nothing.  Her stomach felt like a rock.

Smiling, for who knows what reason, Maya's mom walked over to her daughter and embraced her in a careful hug (to spare the cereal of course), and kissed her on the cheek.  "Don't worry about it Maya," she said assuringly.  "If she loves you as much as you love her, she won't fight back for long.  In fact, she's probably been waiting for you to get your ass over there already!"  She laughed as she took in Maya's facial expression of shock at her swearing.  Continuing on without letting Maya get a word in, Mrs. Grey commented, "I'm surprised you didn't think of that before me!  After all, you're a teenage girl just like her, and I'm sure if you were in her shoes, you'd be acting the very same way."

Maya just looked at her mother like she was a newly discovered deity and held her mouth slightly agape at her mother's obvious insight.  Laughing still, Mrs. Grey patted her cheek and grabbed her purse to head to work.  However, just as she was about to leave, she quickly spun around and signaled for Maya's attention. 

"Oh!  Before I forget, I need to tell you that Lucas is going to a sleepover tonight and I'm leaving for a business trip right after work.  Please pick him up tomorrow at eleven?"

Maya nodded her head and said, "I will mom-have a safe trip!"  Mrs. Grey smiled appreciatively and headed out once more, and Maya went to put away her dished before running over to Leila’s house.

Okayyy so I’m thinking that I’m pretty close to the end of the story, and that I just have to tie up a few story lines and voila!  I will have finished my very first story ^^ Moving on though, what did you guys think?  Do you think that Zack is still hung over Leila?  Or are your theories correct about him and Gio??  ORR am I just tricking you and in reality it’s all misleading?? Muahaha even I don’t know >:D  Well maybe I do. You won’t know ‘til it’s all over :P  Do you think Leila will take Maya back right away?  Do you WANT her to take Maya back right away?  In theory, you have some power here, so don’t be shy!  Donne upon me those beautiful ideas of yours and I may or may not take them! :)

Anyways-vote, fan, comment, and do whatever you do when you read.  Like cuddle up on your bed, or admire yourself in a mirror!  Lol I really don’t know what I’m saying.  I’m a weeee bit tired.  Not like that’s affecting me.  Weeell maybe a tad.  Hehe.

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