A Breaking Point

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Author's note:  If you don't like major and possibly ridiculous plot twists (that do not stray into fantasy), I recommend you don't read this chapter/story.  Kthxbai :P

OH and there's a tad bit more foul language than usual in this chapter (I'm sorry!!!)

Enjoy! (if you dare)


It was Monday.  Two days had gone by since Maya had spoken to Leila, and she couldn't concentrate on anything for the sole reason that all she could think about was Saturday afternoon, and the look on Leila's face when she walked away.  It had torn Maya apart to walk away from the one she loved, but it had to be done.  She didn't want Leila to endure the torment she herself had gone through, and stopping their relationship before it even started was the best choice.  I hope she's okay. She sighed.  She was stuck in class looking out at the dark and cloudy sky, which reflected her mood perfectly, and she couldn't help but feel like something big was going to happen that day--she just didn't know what.

Maya was thinking to herself about how she was going to approach Leila during lunch.  That morning in psych, there wasn't any class because Mr. Rogen had a family emergency and a substitute couldn't get there on time, so Maya didn't have to face Leila right away.  However, lunch was next, and they couldn't show that they had a disagreement over the weekend--it would look suspicious.  It would be just like it was with Christie... Maya thought, her mind wandering once again to the nightmare that was her old school.

Finally the bell rang, and Maya jumped up from her seat and quickly walked to her locker with her friend Clara, who Maya met in art class when they were working on a project.  She had first recognized her from psych as the shy girl, but now that she knew her better, Maya would say that Clara was quite the opposite of shy.  As the walked down the long hallway, they chatted lightly about the summer and plans for what classes they were taking next year.  However, when Maya was midsentence while talking about wanting to go to California for college, Clara cut her off, frowning.

"I don't know why, but I feel like you're in a bad mood today or something... Did something happen with Giovanni?  You know you can tell me anything."  Maya winced inwardly.  That was almost exactly what Leila had said to her on Saturday.  Clara had rested her arm on Maya's shoulder comfortingly when she noticed that Maya looked even more distressed, and Maya couldn't help but think that it felt nothing like when Leila touched her.  

"No, I'm fine." She smiled at Clara and gently shrugged off her hand as she went to dial in her combination, and she thought she saw a small sign of hurt in Clara's eyes.  "I'm just tired, is all," she said, trying to get Clara to leave her alone.  I just want to sit in my misery alone...Is that so hard to ask?   She opened her locker and threw in her books and exchanged them for the ones she would need for the second half of the day.  She said her goodbyes to Clara, who still looked put out, and headed to the cafeteria to face her clearly imminent doom.  


Leila bit her lip as she headed into the cafeteria.  She had to weave through the herd of people to get to her table, and she noticed an angry looking boy sitting on a bench in the commons.  He was clothed in a dark green camouflage hoodie and baggy jeans, and had his hand shoved in the sides of his shirt, as if they were cold.  As she passed him, her glared at her and watched her walk to her place across the room.  Well that's creepy.  I wonder what his problem is.  She quickly forgot about him though when she actually got to her table only to see Maya sitting there alone waiting for her.  Her stomach tightened up with butterflies and her throat closed off in nervousness.  Don't cry.  Don't cry, she chanted to herself as she walked up to the girl she loved.

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