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Sometime before Chrom and Anna's relationship. Lissa

I glare at the brown haired tactician "Hrmmmmm" I grumble.

Anna looks over to me "Something wrong, Lissa?" She asks.

I slam my hands on the table and shoot up "Why isn't Chrom courting you yet?!" I yell.

Anna blushes "W-what?!?! Courting?!" She shouts.

I nod "Yeah! With all the time you two spend together, the more I get impatient! When will he ask you out?" I ask.

Anna blushes even more "Never! You are his sister, so you should know that he doesn't want a relationship with anyone! Ever!" She says.

I groan "Oh whatever! You can change his mind! All you need to do is start playfully flirting with him. Stay as close as you already are, but play hard to get. Oh! And Maribelle and I will need to give you a full on makeover. No offense but... well, and aren't exactly... well... your outfit doesn't exactly look like the kind that says "Hey! I really like you! Please ask me out!" Got it?" I ask.

Anna buries her face in her hands "Oh gods..." She looks up "That's the point, Lissa! I am not going to do any of those things! Besides, I don't even like him that way! He's my best friend, and I like it just that way!" She says.


"No buts! We are strictly friends! And that's all." Anna says.

I sigh "Whatever..."

Just then, Chrom runs up to us "Anna! C'mere! I have something to show you!" He calls.

Anna smiles and runs up to him, "What is it?" She asks.

Chrom pulls out a bag "Well, I was in town... and I found this! Two words: Chocolate. Bacon." He says, pulling out the chocolate covered meat.

Anna's eyes go wide "WHAT?! I THOUGHT THAT WAS ONLY A MYTH!!!!!" She yells.

Chrom smiles and nods "I KNOW! Do you want to eat the whole bag and get sick with me?!" He asks.

Anna vigorously nods "Would I?!" She yells, and they run off.

I groan "Yeah, "Friends". " I turn around, and walk away.


I walk around camp, looking for my brother "Chrom! Chrom where are you?! Grrrr... Hey! Stahl! Have you seen Chrom?" I ask.

Stahl looks to me "Oh, Chrom? He and Anna fell asleep during training again. They're under that tree over there." He says, pointing to an oak tree.

"Thanks!" I say, running off. Fallen asleep... why doesn't this surprise me?

I approach the tree "Chrom! I've been- Oh!" The sight before me makes me stop mid-sentence.

Chrom and Anna have fallen asleep, and were resting close together. Anna's head on Chrom's shoulder, and Chrom resting his head on hers.

I sigh, and smile "I guess I'll just talk to you later..." I say, walking away.

Yeah, "friends". I'll talk with Chrom about courting her later!


Currently listening to: Awake and Alive: Skillet

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