What Do We Do?

344 9 12

Right after Chrom proposed to Anna. Chrom

I hug Anna as tight as possible, smiling wildly against her hair. I still can't believe she loves me...! I still can't believe that we're here right now...! I still can't believe she agreed to marry me!!! I...I can't believe that any of this has happened...I feel like I'm dreaming...If so, I do not want to wake up...!

I begin to come back to reality when I hear Anna crying. "Are you alright, my love? Why are you crying?" I ask, thoroughly concerned for my love.

Anna just shakes her head and buries her head in my chest. "No...I-I'm not crying out of sadness...I'm crying because I'm so happy! Gods...I would never have thought that I'd be standing here with you today...I would never have thought that I would hear you say you love me...!" She sobs.

I chuckle and kiss her head. "Well...You better get used to me telling you that! Because from now on, I'm going to be saying that every day! I love you!"

Anna laughs and hugs me tighter. "I love you, too...Gods...I was so scared...I was so afraid that you hated me...Like I had said something to offend you...But, in reality, I was quite wrong! And it turned out to be the exact opposite of what I was dreading! ...I love you so much..."

Guilt fills my heart and overwhelms the sense of warmth and love I felt in it. "I am so sorry about that...I realize now that my actions were stupid and I made you worry so much...I am so sorry, Anna! Please forgive my ignorance!"

Anna nuzzles my shoulder. "Chrom...It's ok...just promise me that you will never leave my side again! That you'll never leave me alone like that without a reason..." She mumbles.

I hug her tighter. "I won't ever leave your side again, that I promise!"

We continue to hold on to one another for a long time. I want to hold her like this forever and ever...I want to keep her safe in my arms...I want to make sure nothing ever happens to her! A few more minutes pass, and I feel Anna begin to pull away a little.

She still remains in my embrace and looks up at me, a look of worry on her face. "...Chrom? H-how are the courts and other noble houses going to react to our marriage?!" She asks in a scared tone.

I stare at her for a moment, then frown. "I don't care how they react. I don't care if they don't approve. They can't stop me from doing what I want. Last time I checked, Emm is the only person who can give me orders, and I know that she'd want me to follow my heart." I say, bringing Anna closer to me.

"B-but...I don't want to ruin your reputation! The prince who said he never wanted to get married is now engaged! How do you think that's going to make you look?!"

"To hell with my reputation! I could give less of a damn about what a bunch of hoity-toity nobles say about me! Nothing is going to stop me from marrying you...not them...not anything..." I say in a reassuring fashion.

The worried look in Anna's eyes still does not disappear. "You didn't really answer my question there! How will the courts react?" She asks.

I sigh. "Some, probably not so well. I hate to use the term but you are technically a commoner, and some people don't like mixing royal blood with common blood. But that doesn't technically mean that all will. Some may accept you once they hear what you've done for Ylisse," I shake my head. "But no matter what, I'll marry you. I could care less if you aren't accepted!"

Anna begins to cry. "But what if it isn't that simple! My origins are unknown and you have no idea of who I am! What if I'm Plegian or something?! I could be your enemy!"

I pull Anna close to me. "I know exactly who you are. I know more about you than anyone else. I may even know more about you than you know yourself. I know that you're Anna. And as for your origins, who cares! It's in the past! Let it go! And you can never be my enemy! You are my closest friend and lover, and you're my tactician! As far as I'm concerned, you're as much of a Ylissean as anyone born here, and perhaps you are!"

"But...but what if it turns into something worse than we thought?! What if you lose your royal title?!"

I sigh. "Then I'll gladly give it up if it means being with you! You are my life, Anna! I could care less if the people demand I release myself from my title as a prince! The only title I care about is being your husband! Get that through your head! Stop worrying about me! You make me so happy, and being with you is the only thing I care about! So stop worrying!" I demand, stroking her soft brown hair.

Anna gives up and leans into my embrace. "I-I'm sorry! I'm just so scared of everyone's reaction to this! I...I'm sorry..."

"Shh...it's ok...I know I'd be nervous if I was you...just relax...nothing can come between us. My love..." I whisper in her ear.

Anna giggles. "Hehe...I don't know if I'll ever get used to hearing that..." She admits.

I smile. "My love," I kiss her cheek. "My love," I kiss her forehead. "My love..." I kiss her lips. "I can call you that as much as I like...My love..."

Anna giggles again. "I never said I disliked it! It just sounds foreign to me...I like it!"

I chuckle. "Well, at least you're feeling better, right? No more of that, ok? Please, let's just enjoy everything right now! Gods know we won't be able to once we actually have to do our jobs!" I say.

Anna giggles. "Haha! You're right! But first...I think we should discuss our course of action with this. Should we tell everybody, or should we keep it a secret?" She asks.

...She makes a good point...As much as I would love to shout to the world, "Anna is mine!" that may not be a good idea. She is a tactician, and people may think she'll be unfair because she has a lover...and I need to protect her from Gangrel...I'm sure the Shepherds would keep our engagement a secret if we but asked it of them...but someone else might her about it, and Gangrel will no doubt come after and harm Anna...

I take a deep breath. "I think we should keep it a secret. Not only because the others might think you're unfair with your strategies, but because Gangrel might try to harm you if he finds out the prince has someone special to his heart. Let's keep it a secret until the war is over, then we'll be able to tell everyone. You may also want to wear your ring under your gloves to be safe."

Anna nods and nuzzles my neck. "Good plan...I was thinking that too...Yeah. Let's wait for the war to be over, then we can tell everyone." She says.

I smile. "When peace is restored and everyone is happy...We'll be able to begin our life together...and build a happy family..." I mutter.

Anna looks up at me. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, my love..."

"So be it, then. I promise that I will make you happy, Anna! I promise that we'll be able to start a life together...I promise that we'll be able to be together for the rest of our lives...I love you..."



Currently listening to: No One's in This Alone: Static-P

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