My Prince

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The day after Chrom proposed to Anna. Anna

I slowly stir from my slumber "Ungh..." I mumble. Why am I so tired...? Was I up late last night? I cover my face with my forearm and grumble again. I pull it away and open my eyes. My heart skips a beat and a small smile spreads on my lips as I see a small piece of jewelry on my finger. I hold my hand up and stare at the ring on my finger. I wasn't dreaming... thank the gods... Chrom and I are to be married soon...! I can hardly believe it! After so many weeks of keeping my feelings for him bottled up... I can finally express my love openly to him! Well... to some extent, at least! I finally decide to get up and get ready for the day, and totally not because the thought of seeing my beloved again or anything!

I exit my tent and walk into the camp's clearing, where Frederick is currently standing. "Goodmorning, Frederick." I greet the knight.

Frederick nods "Good morning, Anna. Is everything ready for today's march?" He asks.

I nod "Yup! I checked up everything with Chrom yesterday! Speaking of which, where is he?" I ask, looking around.

"I assume he is still asleep," Frederick says.

I sigh and gently face palm "Of course he is. The fool decides it is a good idea to do the night watch when he has to lead a march the day after!" I say.

Frederick sighs and shakes his head "Quite poor planning on Milord's part, I must say."

"Shall I wake him up?" I ask.

Frederick looks to me "That may be best, yes. However..."

I groan "I get it! You still don't completely trust me! Here!" I remove my coat and place my sword down, "See? Now I'm unarmed! I won't hurt him! Not that I ever will!" I say.

Frederick nods "Very well. You may wake him up now." He says. I nod and begin to head towards Chrom's tent.

I quietly enter his tent, and I smile as soon as I see my prince contently sleeping. I walk over to him and kneel down "Chrom. It's time to wake up!" No response. I sigh, and begin to shake him "Chrom! Wake up!" He grumbles, and scoots away from me. I giggle, I will not be defeated! I get a bit closer to him and begin to poke his face "Chrom, darling. It's time to get up! We are marching soon!" He groans and turns away from me. I sigh once more, There is no way he is waking up, is there?

I get an idea and smirk. I take his face and pull it towards mine. I kiss his lips sweetly and smile once I feel his hand settle on my back. I pull away and smirk as I see his tired eyes finally open "You know... I thought that it's the prince that is supposed to kiss the lady awake." I jest.

Chrom grumbles "Quiet, you." I let out a surprised sqeak as he pulls me down into the mattress, holding me close. "In case you have forgotten, I am not like normal princes', aren't I?" He says.

I blush as Chrom's grip on me tightens "Uhhh... I guess..." I say. He mumbles something else and rests his face on the top of my head. "Chrom! I wasn't kidding! You need to wake up! We are marching in a few hours and we need to prepare!" I say.

He groans "But I'm too tired!" He complains.

I sigh "And whose fault is that? C'mon, Chrom! It's time to wake up!" I command.

"But... grrr... can I at least lay here for five more minutes?" He asks.

I groan "Ugghh... Fine! But only five minutes!" I begin to try and remove myself from his grasp, only to find myself fruitlessly wiggling around in his arms.

He smirks and tightens his hold on me "Who said you can leave?" He says, snuggling close to me.

I blush even more and stay still in my prince's arms. A few minutes pass, and I can tell he fell asleep again. I gently retract myself from his arms and begin to exit his tent. Alright. I didn't want it to come to this, but you leave me no choice.

Moments later, I return with a bucket of water. "Sorry, I have to do this love!" I dump the water on him.

Chrom immediately shoots up and breaths heavily "Anna, what the hell was that for?" He shouts.

I attempt to hide my giggles "You weren't waking up so  had to take drastic measures!" I say.

Chrom groans "Oh, haha! Very funny! I bet you are very proud of yourself right now, aren't you?" He asks.

I giggle uncontrollably "Yes! Yes, I am!" I laugh even more.

Chrom smiles "Of course you are." He grabs my arm and pulls me to him. He catches me and my lips before I can fall down. I sigh in satisfied defeat and kiss him back, tangling my hand in his wet hair. We separate and smile at each other.

"Good morning, my prince."

"Good morning, my love."


...Ok, I'm kinda drawing a blank here. Uhhh, Chrobin? I can't think well when I'm hungry. Yeah.

Currently listening to: Thnks fr th Mmrs: Fall Out Boy

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