Take You Down With Me!

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Sometime before chapter 6. Chrom (Pre-relationship)


I roll away from Anna's sword and prepare an attack. "Take this!" I slash at her stomach, to which she jumps back and counter attacks. I jump back and lunge at her. Little did I know, she set up a trap! She expertly rolls away and kicks at my legs, making me loose balance.


I fall to the ground and am met with the point of Anna's sword. "Gotcha!" She says happily.

I chuckle and smirk at her "Ha! Best two out of three?" I ask.

Anna rolls her eyes and helps me up "You can be such a sore loser sometimes! Fine! Let's go again! We'll be able to without bothering anyone, anyways. It was a pretty good idea to get away from camp for this." She says.

I nod "Indeed. That and we needed to get away from the smell of Sully's last, uh, cooking attempt." I say.

Anna shudders "Don't remind me! Ugh! I can still smell it! Anyway, shall we get started again?" She asks, preparing her sword.

I smirk and do the same "En Guarde!"

We slash and jab at each other, trying to gain the upper hand. Moments later, my brain does that thing it does where I get completely lost in the fight and enjoy myself way too much. I apparently lose myself way too much, and just as I'm about to jump back to prepare another attack...

"Chrom, look out!" Anna shouts.

Too late. I trip back and fall into a pond.

I emerge from the surface and sputter out some water "Argh! Gods! Ah!"

Anna gapes at me "Oh... my gods... Are you-ha-are you... Haha! Are you ok?! Hahaha!!!" Anna tries her best to conceal her laughing, but she is clearly failing.

I roll my eyes "Yeah, yeah... laugh it up! It's not every day I fall into a pond! Haha!" I say sarcastically.

Anna continues to laugh, trying to calm herself down "I-I'm sorry! Haha! I just didn't expect for that to happen is all! Haha! H-here, let me help you out." She outstretches her arm to me.

I smile and gladly take it...

Only so I can pull her down with me!

Anna lets out a shriek as I pull her into the water, making a large splash as she hits the water. I quickly swim away from her impact and start to laugh.

Anna splashes around and comes to the top "Gah! You jerk!" She splashes water at me, to which I try to block as I continue to laugh.

"Haha! Sorry, Anna! Hahaha, you look like a soaking wet dog with all that hair of yours!" I point out.

Anna glares at me "Oh, shut up! It's not funny!" She complains.

"It kinda is! Haha!"

Anna gives up and begins to laugh "Heheh...Fine...It sorta is..."

I smile at her "Haha! See? Anyways, let's get out of here." I say. Anna nods and we drag ourselves out of the water.

We begin to dry ourselves off to the best of our ability. Anna wrings out her hair "Burrrrr...I-it's a bit more chilly than I remembered..." She says.

I slightly shiver as well "Yeah... We should probably get back to camp soon if we don't want to catch cold." I say.

Anna nods and picks up her coat "Y-yeah...I sure am lucky to have taken this thing off before we started!" She drapes it over herself then sneezes.

"Uh oh. We better get going, and fast!" I say. Anna sniffles and nods. I chuckle as he walks down the path towards camp "Haha...Well, we're going to have a fun time explaining to the others why we are soaking wet!" I say.

Anna sniffles again then sneezes "Y-yup..."

I begin to feel a bit of guilt and pity toward my friend "I'm sorry, Anna...I didn't mean for you to catch cold..." I mutter, stepping a bit closer to her.

Anna wipes her nose and shakes her head "No...It's ok...I know you didn't mean it...That just means I'm going to have to think of something extra tricky when I get back at you!" She declares, her voice nasally.

I nervously chuckle "Oh boy...Now I'm scared..."

"You should be."


This was another thing I found in my mind vault! Don't ask! I am EXTREAMLY tired, and I want to sleep, here's a random picture I have on my computer,

This was another thing I found in my mind vault! Don't ask! I am EXTREAMLY tired, and I want to sleep, here's a random picture I have on my computer,

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