Perfumed and Pretty

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Sometime before chapter 6. Lissa

"Hey, Lissa? Can I ask you something?" Chrom asks.

I set down the herbs I was working with and turn to him. "Sure thing, big brother. What is it?"

He rubs the back of his head and looks down. "What, um... What do girls usually like for presents? Like...if you wanted to give them a gift, or something?" he asks nervously.

I ponder the question for a second. "Hmm...for a girl? Oooohhhh! Is there someone you liiiiiiiiike!?" I tease.

He shoots up. "What!? No! N-not at all!" he stuttered. "I...I just want to know..."

"Does this relate to Anna, by any chance?"

"No! Now can you please answer the question?!" he demands.

I put my hands up in defense. "Fine! Fine! Sorry!" I apologize half-heartedly. "Hmm...well, if it were me, I'd say chocolate, flowers, perfume, all of that!"

He nods his head. "R-right... What's your favorite type of perfume, Lissa?" he asks.

"I like the scent of chamomile and vanilla,"

"...Could you possibly...go out into town and...maybe...get some perfume for me...?" he requests nervously.

"...Who is it?"

"No one!"

"Is it Anna?"


"Are you sure?"


"...Are you sure you're sure...?"


I stamp my foot. "What is going on?! Do you have some secret girlfriend I don't know about?!" I demand.

He shakes his head. "N-no! I don't! Liss, please! I don't have time to go to town and get if myself! That, and I could be recognized, and it would raise suspicions! Please, just do this for me...?" he begs.

"I'm suspicious, too!" I sigh. "Fine. I know that you'd be too embarrassed to go into a perfume store."

Chrom sighs in relief. "Gods bless you, Lissa...I owe you one!" he said.

I roll my eyes and turn away. "Whatever! I'll be back with your stupid perfume for your stupid mystery girlfriend, for your stupid face!" I whisper that last part.

"I DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!!" he shouts after me.

I crack a small smile. "Suuuuuuuure... Still, it's nice of him to want to get something for her in this dark of a time...if he even has one!"


"I got your perfume!" I chimed as I tossed the bottle to Chrom.

He catches it. "Thank you so much, Lissa! I really mean it!" he rejoiced.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever, I had to help Stahl with some other errand, anyway," I said. "...Are you not gonna tell me who that's for?"

Chrom sighs and shakes his head. "Sorry, Liss... I-I can't talk right now... I, uh, gotta go...!" he mutters and takes off.

"To give the perfume to his mystery girlfriend!"


"Hey, Anna! Has that new shipment of gauze come in, yet?" I ask the brown haired tactician.

She turns to me, her clipboard in her hands. "Oh, yes! It's in the medical tent," she replied. "Sorry, I forgot to tell you! I was busy with something else!"

I shake my head and smile. "It's alright! I know how busy you are!" I said. "Especially since babysitting my brother is on your workload, now!"

She laughs at my remark. "Ha! Normally I would defend him in some kind of way, but that is pretty much my job!" she agrees.

"Haha! Right?"

"Gods, Liss, I don't know how you put up with him growing up! I admire you for that!" she jests.

I laugh too. "Hehe! Thanks! He was quite a handful!" I said. "Well, I'm going to unload those supplies, now."

Anna nods and looks at her clipboard. "Right. I have to go, too. It was nice talking to you," she said, beginning to walk off.

"You too!"

We walk past each other, but just as we pass, I pick up some strange scent.

Is that... Chamomile and vanilla?


So I was reading Lissa and Stahl's supports and it said that Chrom wanted Lissa to go and get perfume for him, and thus this was born! I know that in the S support, Lissa tells Stahl it was a gift for her, but they're not S supported, are they? #Liss'qu I just thought that it would be totally cute to do this because Chrom was really vague about who it was and that totally made me think, "AHHHHHHHHHHH IS IT FOR HIS SECRET FIANCE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" I just thought that that was really cute!

Also, a little announcement. I've been writing Side Stories for awhile now, and I've been noticing something. I write nothing but Chrobin/Chranna, whatever. When I originally started this, I said it was going to be about ALL the Shepherds and their interactions! ...And I've been failing to do that. I've given the spotlight to only two characters. In the beginning, I was able to figure out stories that involved everyone, but I honestly have no idea how it derailed into nothing but Chranna. Because of that, I think I'm going to be putting Side Stories on a little hiatus. DON'T WORRY!!! It won't be gone forever, and not long, hopefully. I just need some time to think things through and try and think of some stories that involve ALL of the Shepherds, or a couple other than Chranna. If you have a few suggestions, please, I'd be happy to hear them! I'll also be taking a small break for a few days. I'll hopefully be posting some of my other things like My Story or Parallel World. Thank you all so much for your support, and I hope you understand why I need some time off.

Thank you and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Hurricane: Panic! At The Disco

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