Synced Nightmares

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Sometime before chapter 6. Anna (Pre-relationship)

I groan as I place my head in my hands. Gods... who knows how long I've been up... I think it's already tomorrow at this point! I take a brief glance at my pocket watch, 1:27... "UGGHH!!!' I plant my face into my desk. I am so tired but no matter what, I end up getting a nightmare! It was one of those nights where no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to bring myself to fall asleep without having a nightmare. Should I go and wake up Chrom...? We did promise the other we would be more than willing to miss a few hours if sleep for each other... but it usually ends up as one of us falling asleep in the other's tent... Maybe I should just continue reading this book and see if sleep takes me...

I continue to quietly read my book until I hear a quiet voice at the entrance of my tent. "Anna? Are you awake?" Chrom whispers.

What the...? Does he have mind reading powers or something? "Yeah. Come in."

Chrom enters my tent and quietly closes the flap "Let me guess, nightmares keeping you up?" He asks, sitting down across from me.

I sigh and nod "Yeah... you?"


We stay silent for awhile.

"What is wrong with us?" I ask.

Chrom looks up "Well... it's probably just the stress. You and I both are extremely exposed to it, and it can mess with our minds sometimes." He says.

I nod "Have you... have you ever had nightmares like you have? How frequently, I mean." I ask.

Chrom shakes his head "Not until just recently, no." He answers.

I look down "I see..."

I feel Chrom put his hands on my shoulders "Oh no. Don't you dare get any ideas that this is your fault! You are not the reason I have been having nightmares!" He demands.

I look at him "Am I really, though? You always tell me your nightmares involve me one way or another! Whether it'd be me getting hurt, or dying, or anything else for that matter! I am always in your nightmares..." I mutter.

Chrom grits his teeth "That's because I care about you, Anna! What about me? There have been multiple times where you have had nightmares of me getting hurt. Am I the reason you have nightmares?" He asks.

I gasp "What? No! Never! You can never be the cause of my nightmares!" I say.

Chrom nods "Exactly. I don't cause yours, you don't cause mine. It's as simple as that. Now, what was your nightmare about?" He asks, sitting back down.

I sigh "You know, same stuff as usual. All of my friends dying, there's a lot of fire, I think I saw a spider or two in there." I say.

Chrom laughs "Haha! Well, I think you covered mine as well. Minus the spiders, at least." He says.

I giggle "Haha! Well, I think we've covered all our bases here. So, what should we do now? I don't think either of us will be able to fall asleep for awhile? Any ideas?" I ask.

Chrom sighs "Nope. It's too late for sparing. Taking a walk can be dangerous. We can't distract ourselves with chores because everyone's asleep. I was hoping you'd have an idea." He says.

I sigh "Well, we could just play chess until we fall asleep." I suggest.

Chrom nods "That sounds like a great idea."

We both fall asleep about an hour later


*Clears throat* NEEEEEEEEERRRRDDDDDS!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! This plays back to my headcanon of these two having constant nightmares and comforting each other about it. Yeah. I kinda just wanted to post something kinda short and sweet tonight so I had at least written something today. I don't think I will be updating any of my other things tomorrow because I'll be working on My Story and I'll hopefully get a few chapters of that posted. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: A poignant redemption: I am Setsuna OST

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