A Tender Feeling

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Sometime before chapter 6, Pre-relationship. (PS. I added some relaxing music at the top. It adds to the atmosphere of the story! Enjoy!). Chrom

I sit down, let out a deep breath, and stare at the glistening river in front of me. Anna does the exact same thing and rests her head on my shoulder, something she does a lot. Not that I mind. I find it to be quite relaxing and comforting. I instinctively rest my head on hers and smile.

"Good job today. You're getting better at avoiding magic attacks, that's for sure!" Anna says.

I chuckle. "Hey, I'm always the one that compliments you! Don't take my job!" I jest.

Anna laughs. "Haha! Well soooory! Didn't mean to be nice to you!" She laughs again. "Well, if you're that concerned, what have you got for me?" She asks.

"Your Thunder spells were extra shocky today!" I say. Really, is that the best you got?!

Anna bursts out laughing. "HAHAHA!!! MY ATTACKS WERE EXTRA SHOCKY?!?!? HAHAHA!!!"

I playfully nudge her. "Hey! I'm working on it! We've never trained like this before! Give me a break!" I say. Early today, I asked Anna to help me on my resistance to magic and my ability to avoid spells. Which she agreed to do happily.

"Well, this is different than you teaching me sword techniques! This is my element! And technically, I was the one teaching you and telling you what to do!" She says.

I laugh and rest my head on hers once more. "Indeed..."

The sun begins to set, giving the river an orangish blue shine. I smile and gaze at the scenery.

"It's weird. Isn't it?" Anna murmurs.

My eyes shift to her. "Hmm?"

"Us. This. Everything. It's so surreal." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Anna let's out a deep breath. "There is a war that plagues the world. There are people fighting, bleeding, dying. The whole world is going to hell, but... just look around you! The world still spins. Flowers keep growing. Animals go about themselves. Rivers flow. Nature goes at its normal pace... even though the battlefield is not far from it... and we do everything in our power to make sure it isn't bloodied. We do everything to make sure the peace and serenity are kept to a place like this. So more of those places exist in the world. People too. Everyone still has their own life. Their own story. Hopes and dreams. Everyone still has a life outside of war and fighting. People are going about their days. Whether it be with their friends and family, or just having time to themselves. People are building friendships, and falling in love... people can be caught up in a moment that they forget the world and war around them... I think I finally understand why your sister desires peace so much..."

I stare at her... speechless.

I chuckle. "That's some speech there... I have never thought about it that way... huh. I guess it makes sense when I think about it for a moment. I have been so caught up in the war and protecting my people that I never understood why Emm desires peace so much... She has a good reason."

Anna giggles softly and smiles. "Well, I'm glad I was able to enlighten you a bit. Though, I'm probably not the best person to talk to about peace..."

I find and squeeze her hand. "Nonsense. You have your own ways of achieving peaceful solutions!" I pointed out.

"Not really... I kinda have a bad habit to resulting to violence and threats whenever I'm mad..." she sighs.

"Well, I can't disagree with that. But with that tactical mind of yours, you just so happen to be one of the most diplomatic people I know. Heck, if it weren't for you, I don't think I would have been able to use diplomacy when we were in Ferox." I chuckle.

Anna closes her eyes. "Thank you for saying so... I guess I just have to iron out my aggressiveness and then I'll be as diplomatic as Lady Emmeryn!"

I laugh. "Well don't iron out too much of that aggression! You still need it on the battlefield, AND you need it for my sake as well! Who else is gonna correct me from doing stupid!" I say, pulling Anna to her feet. "You also need it for sword fighting! C'mon! Let's have a match! THEN I'll show you who's the master of compliments!"

Anna laughs. "Ok then!"


FLUFF!!!!!! Yes. Just. Yes! I can't remember how I got this idea, all I know is that I wanted more pre-relationship Chrobin shoulder rests!!!!!!! Also, if you guys think it's a good idea, I really liked putting a song as a part to set the atmosphere. If you like that, I can add more music to my stories so you can listen to it while reading! Or you can just listen to your own music, that's fine too! XD Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: A Tiny Love: Sword Art Online

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