What Do I Look Like, Chrom?

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Sometime after Chapter 1. Anna

Hmm... what do I look like? I ask myself as Chrom and I hunt for the others. So far we've tracked nothing, and we have made it clear that if we can't find anything "normal" in the next hour, Frederick and Lissa will just have to deal with whatever wild-game we can find.

"Hmm... Hey, Chrom? What do I look like?" I ask.

Chrom turns to me, eyebrow raised. "What do you look like? You mean you don't know?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I can hardly remember my own name, let alone what I look like, so I thought I'd ask you." I say.

Chrom scratches the back of his head. "Gods that's rough... what you look like, huh? You really have no idea?" He asks.

"The only things I have seen are whatever my head can turn to. I have no idea what my face or anything like that looks like." I say.

Chrom ponders the question for a moment. "Well...you have light brown hair that's tied in a ponytail with braids... it's a bit of a mess right now, but I'm sure you can get it back to normal once you get a feel for things again. Oh, you also have this little hair that kinda sticks up near the base of your head, it's kinda cute." I blush a bit when Chrom calls me 'cute.' "Hmm...your eyes... well, they're blue. Have you ever heard of a sapphire? Or can you remember what one looks like?"

I close my eyes and think for a moment. "A sapphire... that's a type of gemstone, isn't it?"

Chrom nods. "Yes. Good. Well, your eyes are a bright sapphire blue. Huh... I don't know if I'll be able to tell you anything else because I'm not very good at describing facial features. I'm sure Lissa can tell you." He says.

I nod. "Oh, ok. I'll do that... it's still a bit strange to picture myself, though..."

Chrom looks at me with pity. "I... I can't imagine what you're going through right now... I'm sorry... Well, I'm sure you can get a better look at yourself when we return to the capital, hopefully, we'll get there soon." He says.

I smile. "Ok! Shall we continue hunting?"

Chrom looks around. "Yeah... I also want to try finding something..." He says.

I nod. "Alright then."

We walk around for a bit, then Chrom stops. "Did you find something?" I ask.

Chrom looks to me. "Not an animal, but I did find what I was looking for. Follow me."

He takes me to a small puddle on the ground. "Chrom? What's this for?" I ask.

"It's not the best, but it'll give you something. Here, look into it."

I look down, and stare into the puddle, there, I see a woman staring back at me. When I blink, she blinks. When I move, she moves. When I open my mouth to talk, she does the same. "Is... is this me?" I ask.

"Yes. It's not a clear image right now, and you can't really see all the colors, but at least you kind of know what you look like." Chrom says.

I continue to stare at the woman. "Wow...I...I look like that..." I mutter.

Chrom smiles as I stare at my reflection.


Shippy FedExy stuff!!!!!!!! I love these two so much <3

Currently listening to: Konoha peace: Naruto OST

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