Stones on the Lake

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Sometime before chapter 6. Chrom (Pre-relationship)

I continue to run through the forest, trying to get as far away from camp as possible. Gods... I really need to watch what I say around Sully... that woman is explosive! Long story short, I said something stupid to Sully while training, and she is currently very mad at me. I ran away for camp to try and avoid her fury, and I think I'm in the clear.

I slow down and rest on a tree "Far... enough..." Just then, I hear the Plunk of something hitting the water. I look around and decide to investigate. I come to a clearing in the forest with a lake. I find the source of the noise, and it turns out, it was Anna.

She dosesn't even notice me, and she throws another rock at the lake. It skips three times and plunks in the water. "Anna?"

Anna straightens up at the sound of her name, and she turns to me, the sunset behind her makes her look like someone from a storybook. "Chrom? What are you doing here? I'm pretty sure I was alone." She asks.

I sigh and walk closer to her and the lake "To keep if brief, Sully got mad at me and now I'm trying to avoid her wrath. I found you completely by chance." I say.

Anna nods "Ah, I see. Well, it's pretty quiet here. I'm sure Sully won't find you here. I wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon so I guess you are stuck with me until you decide to go back." She says.

I sigh and smile "I won't complain to that." I pick up one of the stones on the ground and throw it across the lake. "So, what are you doing out here?" I ask.

Anna sighs "Just doing some deep thinking, that's all." She says.

"If you have a lot on your mind you can always talk to me," I say.

She stares off, and throws another rock "Lots of things, I guess. Some things are personal, some make me think they affect the entire army, some are just random things." She says.

I raise an eyebrow "Like what?" I ask.

She sighs again "Like how everyone's life in my hands during battle. One little screw up can cause the death of one of our comrades. It scares the hell out of me knowing that. That's why I study as hard as I do, I can't let my ignorance be the death of one of my friends."

I stare at her "Gods, Anna... You never seemed to show it..." I mutter.

"Mhm... I can never allow for my fear and insecurity show. If I do, the others will grow fearful themselves. They won't trust me the way that they do. You're the only person I can show these emotions to because I know that you face the same kind of stress." Anna says, skipping another rock.

I stare at the lake and sigh "That is true... I guess that's why I was always afraid to go on large missions with my Shepherds prior to meeting you... I could never fully trust myself to strategize a way to fight and win a battle without losing anyone..." I say.

Anna nods "Indeed... but... I guess every battle that we fight and win, it makes me feel a little more confident every time! Pretty soon I will be able to somewhat push away my anxieties." She says.

I smile "Good. Now, I can tell there's something else on your mind. What is it?" I ask.

Anna sighs "I guess it's about time you knew. I have apparently made a name for myself. Lots of generals and commanders have apparently heard of me and my strategic expertise, and I have received many letters about them wanted to hire me." She says.

I snap my head towards her "What?! Why haven't you told me this sooner?!" I ask.

"I didn't think it would become so large! Honestly!" She says.

Worry begins to bubble inside of me "W-what have your answers been?" I ask.

Anna stares off into the sunset "No, of course. I'm already in your service, and I did promise you I would stay by your side for the rest of this war." She says.

I sigh in relief "Good... wait... what are you going to do after the war?" I ask. Why am I asking these questions?! Why do I have the feeling that I never want to part ways with her?!

Anna laughs "Let's not go that far! No one knows WHEN this war will end, so I haven't planned my life after it. Not to mention I have no idea where I come from so I don't even know if I have a family. I don't know. Maybe I'll just stay with you and help you rebuild Ylisse." She says.

An unknown sense of warmth spreads in my heart "Good! I mean... well... I'm sure I will need your help with plenty of things in the near future!" I say.

Anna giggles "Yes. You are not going to mess around and do stupid things all by yourself after all! You need your partner in crime!" She says.

I laugh "Haha! I guess so..."

"Do you think it's safe for you to go back?" Anna asks.

I stare into the sunset "... I think so... but no one said we had to go back..." I mutter.

Anna smiles "Then I guess we're staying here."

We continue to chat and skip stones until the sun fully sets.


And another thing from my mind's folder! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of a couple of bros talkin' about stuff at a lake. Yeah. I hope you look forward to reading more! Bye!

Currently listening to: Lone Digger: Caravan Palace

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