Hair Raising Annoyance

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Sometime before chapter 6. Chrom (pre-relationship)

"Alright, are you all set to go?" I ask Anna as she finishes up packing for our patrol.

She drapes her coat over her shoulders and nods. "All set!"

We exit her tent and begin to walk towards the camp exit. I ignore the stupid face my sister makes as we walk by. We don't find it weird to walk closely together, and neither should she.

"Hey, Anna! I need to ask you something!" Ricken yells.

Anna whips around and hits me in the face with her ponytail. She turns back to me. "Oh, gods! I'm so sorry!" she laughs.

I brush away a strand of hair and laugh with her. "It's fine! Gods your hair is long!" I exclaim.

Anna brushes back her ponytail and flashes me a sheepish smile. "I'm well aware of that! I should probably see what Ricken wants. I'll be just a moment," she said, running off.

"Gods...she could use that thing as a lethal weapon if she wants!"


"So if a food is naturally crispy and you burn it, does that mean you cooked it to be crispy?" I ask Anna. It was one of those really random conversations Anna and I have at meals sometimes.

Anna furrows her brow and looks up. "...This is why no one allows you in the kitchen without supervision." she teases.

I roll my eyes. "Oh come on! I'm not that bad!"

"You gave me food poisoning last time you cooked,"

"Fair enough."

Just then, a loud noise comes from outside and Anna whips her head toward it...smacking me in the face with her ponytail. Again. "What was that?!" she asks.

"Anna...your hair..."

She turns back to me and covers her mouth to hide her giggles. "I did it again, didn't I?" she asks.

"Only the fifth time this week..." I sigh.



"Shh! Don't be loud! All the animals will hear you from a mile away!"

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm not as nimble as you, Anna!"

Anna and I are on hunting duty and so far we've tracked nothing. I don't exactly have the best tracking skills in the world or the stealthiest abilities, but I at least add muscle operation. Anna is equipped with a hunting bow and a few arrows in case we found something she could shoot down. Another new found ability of Anna's: she's a pretty good archer. I took archery lessons growing up, but it's not really my preferred weapon. I only use those skills when absolutely necessary. Not to mention I'm not a very good shot.

I look around and listen to the noises of the forest, making sure Anna is in close reach of me in case we're ambushed. After that archer incident, I've been sure to be careful.

All of a sudden, Anna whips around and shoots an arrow at a tree branch. ...I bet you can guess what hit me in the face.

I remove a strand of hair from my face as Anna sets down her bow. "I got it!" she exclaims, running to the base of the tree the shot at. She bends down and picks up the dead carcass of a large bird struck by an arrow. "This is a big one! It'll definitely feed a handful of us! ...Is something wrong?"

I shake my head and sigh, realizing it's not even worth bringing up. "No...Just...Nevermind. Good catch! Let's store it somewhere and see if we can find anything else."



"Hey, Sumia? Have you seen Anna?" I ask the pegasus knight.

Sumia turns to me and thinks for a moment. "Hmm...I think I saw her in the armory taking inventory?" she answers.

"Ok, thank you, Sumia," I said, beginning to walk to the armory tent.

"Oh! Y-you're welcome, captain..." Sumia calls, her voice seeming to have a sad tinge to it.

I approach the armory and I can tell Anna is in there because I can hear her humming. A habit she seemed to pick up whenever she's in deep thought. I lift the flap and enter the tent. "Hey, Anna. I need to ask you- what?"

Anna turns to me. "Is something wrong?" she asks.

"Your hair,"


"Your hair. What did you do with it?"

Anna's long brown hair was pulled up into a messy bun, clearly done in a rush.

"Oh! That," she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "Well, I've noticed I've been causing you a bit of trouble with my hair, so I put it up in a bun so I don't slap you anymore!"

I stare at the bun. " didn't need to change your hairstyle for me..." I'm having mixed feelings about this...

Anna smiles then looks back at her scroll to mark something down. "No. It's fine! Now, what did you want to ask me?"

I snap back to reality. "Oh! Right, that! Well, I was wondering..."

I try my best to stay on topic but my mind can't stop thinking about Anna and her new hairstyle. I mean, sure, it's annoying, but that doesn't mean I wanted her to change anything about herself! She shouldn't change for anyone! She's beautiful and perfect the way she is! Wait, what was I thinking about? Oh, Anna! Not to mention the new look is just not...well, Anna. The Anna I know HATES restricting her hair too much! She likes how the ponytail keeps her hair out of her eyes and that it still allows her hair to move freely! And...I like that.

Just as Anna is about to reply to my question, I step closer to her and undo the bun, letting her ponytail to fall out. "Chrom, what are you doing?" she asks.

I blush and look down. "You look better with the ponytail. The bun makes you look like some kind of fancy woman. I know that's not my Anna," I mumble.

Anna blushes and strokes her ponytail. "W-well...Are you sure? Even though I may slap you again?"

I nod. "It's a risk I'm willing to take! Now, can we please solve this problem? If someone overhears this conversation they'll think we're in a relationship or something." I point out.

Anna laughs. "Haha! Sure! So, like I was saying, I think we should..."

She turns around and slaps me in the face once more.


...So I actually did this. WHERE THE HECK DO I COME UP WITH THIS CRAP!?!?!?!?! Anyways, I'm apparently hitting goals left and right because along with My Story having 2K reads, this just hit 1K reads! I'm so happy that everyone is enjoying these little stories and I cannot wait to write even more! So thank you. I hope you look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: It's Not Like I Like You!: Static-P

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