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Jack: Tuesday, 18 July

"Sean!" I stopped trimming hedges when I heard my name being called. I turned to see Mark standing by the door. "Can you come help me with something?" 

"Coming!" I said, I straightened out my clothes and put the trimmers on the ground. I walked inside the house and followed Mark upstairs to his room.

"Do you drive?" He asked me.

"Of course." I responded. I had been forced to get my license when I was of age so that I could drive Mr. Kirkby where he needed to go. Therefore, I did have it. 

"That's what I have been told." Mark said as he pulled his wallet out of his jacket. "My mother asked to send you to the store for some things."

"Oh, do you have a list?" I asked. 

"I know what it is." Mark said. "I just want you to take me." 

"Oka - What?" I paused. "You're coming with me to the store? Mark you really don't have to, I can go by myself it's fine." 

"Well considering I am bored out of my mind, I want to go do something." Mark said. I didn't argue any further and I walked out the door with Mark. Driving down the road, Mark didn't say anything to me until I pulled into the lot of the grocery store. 

"You shop here?" Mark asked me.

"Of course." I nodded. "Why? Where did you want to go?" 

"This is just a really expensive place." Mark noted.

I laughed a little, he really had no idea what it meant to have money. "Mark," I began. "You just inherited a fortune and you're worried about money?" 

"My dad said that you got a lot of stuff in the will too." Mark told me and I froze before shaking my head. 

"No, we didn't get anything." I said. "Who told your father that?"

"I dunno, just what he told me." Mark shrugged. "I think it's rather silly that you wouldn't get anything. Are you sure?"

"Mark, I'm positive. We didn't receive anything from the will." I reiterated. "I don't know why your father would be thinking that we did. Come on." I got out of the car and held my hands behind my back as I stood straight and followed Mark into the supermarket. He was dressed very casually compared to how I was dressed. He was wearing plain jeans and a t-shirt while I was wearing dress pants and a button-up shirt with a vest on top. I suppose it was odd to see, but there was no reason for me to wear anything else. 

"Having so much money," Mark said as he looked at something on the shelf. I was carrying a basket as I walked alongside him. "Makes me a little nervous."

"How so?"

"I'm afraid my mother is going to spend it all and then we won't have any left." Mark admitted. 

"Well, she did receive the company. So you should continuously be seeing income from that." I reminded him. Mark didn't look like be believed me too much, but he didn't argue it any further. 

"Now that I have more options," Mark began as he took two boxes of the shelf. "I don't know which one is the better one."

"In the end it's all a matter of opinion." I shrugged. 

"Which one do you like? I mean.. You cook so you must know." Mark said.

"We don't eat the food we cook, Mark." I laughed lightly, trying to make it seem less embarrassing that we couldn't afford the fancy branded food. 

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