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Jack: Saturday, 22 July

When I woke up, it was to the sound of shuffling in the room. I stretched out my body and rubbed my eyes before realizing I was in an unfamiliar bed and instead of doing my chores I had been napping.

"Oh my gosh.." I muttered as I immediately went to rush out of the room.

"Are you going to leave so soon?" I heard Mark's voice and I froze. I turned to see him frowning at me.

"I-I have so much to do." I shook my head.

"Come here." Mark laughed. I took a few steps towards him and watched him adjust my clothes and hair. "Do you feel better?" He asked as he adjusted my appearance.

"Huh?" I muttered before realizing that I had fallen asleep in the yard, did Mark bring me up here? "I..I think so."

"You need to relax sometimes." Mark told me. "You're very stressed, whether you care to admit it or not."

"I'm not stressed." I shook my head. I didn't feel like I was, but did I appear it to Mark? "I just can't neglect my tasks."

Mark frowned. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Well, if you change your mind. I'm still here."

"Thank you." I smiled at him before rushing to finish my tasks.

Mark was super nice to me, and I really did appreciate it. Unfortunately for him, he needed to understand that he couldn't treat me so kindly. It would never go over well. Inviting me to the fireworks show was far enough. I was not his friend, I was a servant as terrible as that sounds. I simply could not engage with him as anything more.

So I straightened my posture, and laid dinner out in front of the Fischbachs. They muttered their thanks to me as I bowed and ducked out of the room as fast as I could. Ninette stood watch over their needs, I am sure they found something despicable about having a little girl catering to them, but she was just like us, nonetheless.

I cleaned and tried to finish as many tasks that I had missed while they ate. If I didn't then we wouldn't be able to leave until I did, that was a problem for all of us considering we didn't eat until we went home at night.

By the time they had moved into the living space or their bedrooms, when I asked for permission for my family to vacate, Mrs. Fischbach said she had one last thing for me. "Will you bring this upstairs to Mark?" She asked as she handed me a shoe-sized box. I nodded and brought it upstairs even though I had no idea what it was.

I didn't really want to go back into Mark's bedroom, but I did. Tapping my fists against the door, I heard Mark shout, "Who's there?"

"It's me, Sean." I answered seamlessly.

"Come in." When I walked inside the room, Mark was lying on his bed doing something on what looked like a new cell-phone. I held out the box to him. "What is it?" He asked.

I shrugged. "All your mother said was to deliver to you."

Mark stood and took it from me. "Doesn't seem important." He said as he glanced inside it. I watched him toss it on his dresser and then desired to be dismissed, so I took steps backwards towards the exit of the room.

"Are you leaving?" He asked me. I nodded. "Why don't you stay a little?"

"Because I need to go home, I haven't eaten yet and my family can't be dismissed until your mother allows it." I said with a smile. "I'll be back tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that in which you can ask me all kinds of questions."

Mark frowned but then that frown turned into a smile. "Okay." He said. "See you tomorrow then."

I walked out of the house and asked to be dismissed once more, this time being allowed. I walked back to my own home sat down, ate dinner, listened to my mother read, and then retreat to mine and Marika's bedroom. Routine as always.

In the cloak of night, I heard Marika speak up. "Jack? Are you asleep yet?"

"No." I responded. "Whatcha need?" I rolled over and could see my sister's face in the moonlight.

"So, how's everything been going with Mark? You two seem to get along really well." She smiled.

"I'm just trying to keep it professional." I shrugged.

"Keep it professional?" Marika scoffed. "No, no, no. Don't do that, that's an ass thing to do now that you're already friends. Mark really likes you the least you could do is be friendly back. Besides, he looked like he had a really hard time talking to people at the party. But he looks happy to be with you, there's no reason for you not to be friends."

"No reason? I can think of a few, Marika." I sighed.

"Because you work for his family, is that it?" Marika laughed lightly.

"You aren't judged by your character but rather the company you keep. I am sure that I am not good company to keep." I sighed. "After all we're just poor servants."

"But your not known to be bad, Jack." Marika reminded me. "A lot of the upper class really like you. They think you're charming too."

"Whatever, just go to sleep Marika." I sighed and rolled over on my side.

"You know I'm right." Marika laughed.

That was the last I heard of her before I woke to the sun the next morning. Dressing up, I headed next door and immediately greeted the mailman at the entrance before delivering the mail to Mrs. Fischbach.

"Thank you Sean." She said as she stood in the kitchen, ready for work. "Oh, one more thing. Mark wasn't feeling well before you got here. Just be sure to check on him periodically."

"Yes ma'am. Any other requests?" I asked.

"A repairman is coming later to fix the pool filtration thing." She explained. "Also, can you tell me who this is, Sean?" She turned a piece of mail to me and it had a familiar curly handwriting on it.

"Yes, that's the Westerholts." I nodded my head. "A very lovely and influential family. There's four of them, the two parents - Sharon and William - along with their two twin daughters, Jennifer and Jessica. I believe this month is the celebration of their ancestor Lars Westerholt. He built their estate and so they celebrate him at this time every year with a huge party. They celebrate everything with huge parties. It's a great place to go and discuss business among other things."

"Well, it seems as if we've been invited."

"Your father has always been invited." I pointed out.

"Well I suppose that means you get an evening off." Mrs. Fischbach chuckled.

I shook my head and pointed to the text at the bottom. "She invited you so she could request our help in managing the event. Once she knows and likes you, she'll invite you on your own."

"Oh, well thank you Sean. I have to get going." She smiled and left the room.

Now, time to deal with a sick one.


I hate being involved in plans, and then it doesn't work for one person so they change the day but when I say that day doesn't work for me they're like oh well that sucks to be you. I'll live either way, it's not a big deal.


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