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Jack: Sunday, 10 September

"Mark? Mark?" I repeated it several times over but there was no answer, just the dead line. I could hear commotion but I had no idea what it was. "Mark!" I was practically shouting. 

"Jack, stop shouting." Mrs. Fischbach said as she walked in the room. "What's the matter?"

"I called Mark and he picked up and I don't know something happened and he's not answering me." I panicked and she took the phone from my hands.

"Hello?" She said. "Oh! You're not Mark." There was a pause and she nodded along slowly. "Yes, I'm his mother." Then her calm expression changed to panic. "What?!" 

"What is it, what is it?"

"Yes okay of course." She nodded. She put down the phone. "Go get in the car, Jack."

"Am I driving?"

"No, sit in the passanger seat." 

I nodded and complied with what she said. A few moments later, Mrs. Fischbach came out and got into the driver's seat. 

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Mark's at the hospital." She told me as she glanced at me a little bit. "He got hit by a car." 

"Is he okay?" I asked. 

"I'm not sure." 

I leaned back and swallowed the frog in my throat. I didn't have anything else to say, just questions that I couldn't answer. We drove to the hospital in silence. We rushed in to the front desk. 

"Hello," Mrs. Fischbach greeted her almost out of breath from running in here. I didn't listen, I looked around the room hoping this was a game, it had to be a game it had to be!

"Jack, come on sweetheart." She said and grabbed my wrist and rushed down the hallway. She ran into the room and nearly collided with the nurse. "Excuse me I'm his mother." 

"Sorry you can't be in here." She said and pushed back on me. 

I crept around the nurse who didn't even noticed me and poked my head over. "Hey!" One of the doctor's shouted, "Get him out of here."

They reached out of me and I heard Mrs. Fischbach shout, "No don't touch him, don't!" They froze. "You can't touch him, he has ptsd, you can't touch him."

"Oh, alright." The doctor said. "Are you his mother?"

"No I'm his mother." She said and pointed at Mark. I couldn't see his head but I could see his wrist lined with wires. I wanted to hold his hand but they weren't going to let me. 

"Please, the nurse can fill you in, but we need to focus." The doctor said and the nurse ushered us out. Mrs. Fischbach was holding on to me tight, I was amazed I hadn't broke into tears. I just didn't know how to understand it.

We went into a small room with chairs and a television. What was this? A grieving room? 

"So, Mark was hit by a car, we know that." Mrs. Fischbach began.

"Okay, so when he was hit by the car he hit his head. It appears the skin split and his head bled but it also appears that he has traumatic brain injury. Which we won't know exactly how it effects him until he wakes up." The nurse said. "The doctors are operating, they say he lost a lot of blood before he even got here." 

"What does traumatic brain injury do? What does that mean?" Mrs. Fischbach asked.

"Well it could mean many things, that's the issue." The nurse said. "He'll probably have frequent headaches for a while, uh.. It could cause nausea or vomiting, mood issues, behavioral issues, sensory to light, issues with balancing, dizziness, fainting, fatigue."

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