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Mark: Tuesday, 25 September

If Cry was some rich kid, I would be able to find him here. I was walking around school for the first time in a while, people looked at me weird. They saw my braces and were shocked, especially if they already knew me before.

I stopped some and asked if they knew Cry or where to find him. Many said no, did he even go to this school? Or was he just that elusive? 

I was starting to think I would never find him, until one kid knew exactly who he was. "Yeah, he's right over there. The one in the mask."

I was a little surprised to know that was Cry, I had seen him a few times and thought he was peculiar. But I never thought I would actually run into him. I walked up to him and he turned when I was in his peripheral vision. I watched as he took out his headphones and spoke, his voice was not at all what I anticipated.

"Hello Mark." 



"Where's Jack?"

Cry laughed a little. "You fired him, idiot." 

"I know, I didn't say I didn't. I am simply looking for him."

"What for?"

"Is it your business?"

"Well since I'm the only one who can tell you where he is.. Yes, it is my business." Cry said. I looked at his eyes - after all I couldn't see much else - and I knew that he was not about to tolerate any part of this.

"Fine." I sighed. "I just want to apologize, I messed up, I want to offer him his job back."

"He already has a new job." Cry shrugged. "Can't help you there."

"Yes you can! You're the one who gave him the job." I sighed.

Cry shook his head. "Jack may live with me, but he doesn't work for me. I wouldn't allow such a thing."

"Well.." I trailed off. "Who does he work for?"

"He works for my neighbor." Cry said. "That guy right over there." 

I turned around to see who Cry was pointing at and there stood Felix, right beside him was Jack. Dressed in his nice suit, one hand behind his back and the other carrying Felix's books down the hallway. He was.. Smiling?

"What is he doing with Felix!?" I snapped at Cry, he looked me up and down and I could tell he was completely unamused with my sudden outburst. 

"I won't continue to discuss anything with you if you're going to shout at me." Cry said.

"Fine, I'm sorry." I sighed. "Why is he with Felix?"

"Felix is his employer." 

"Well I understand that." I said. "But Felix? After everything Felix did to him, why is he working for Felix."

"Because what else was he supposed to do? Jack needs to work for someone."

"And he couldn't have worked for you or anyone else?" 

"We don't need his work." Cry shrugged. "A lot of people don't need more people, paying for labor is paying for labor."

"So Felix?" I sighed.

"What do you want me to tell you!?" Cry snapped at me. "I am not in charge of Jack and neither are you, if he wants to work for Felix - he can. But if you hadn't been such an ass to him in the first place because you can't swallow your pride than you don't deserve him anyways. You're gonna regret it when the turn of the year comes."

I didn't know what Cry was referring to, but he walked away from me. I saw Jack hand Felix the rest of his things before bowing slightly and taking his leave. I stood there for a moment, not quite sure if I should approach him or not. 

I decided not to follow Jack, but rather, approach Felix.

I walked straight up to him - as well as I could - and pushed on his shoulder. He turned to me and then looked down at my legs before smiling. "Did I do that?"

"How is it even possible for you to be here?" I asked. "You hit me with a car, shouldn't you be in jail?"

"You have no power here, Fischbach. Mr. Kirkby did, but you're not him. You're the Fischbach's, and you have no power. Especially against my family. After all, my father is the mayor." Felix reminded me. I let out a sigh. He was right, I had no power, but I at least thought the video was enough to get Felix arrested. "I should have hit you with a car earlier, Mark. It got me Jack, after all."

"What have you done to him?"

"Nothing." Felix said and when I stared at him in disbelief, he chuckled a little and continued. "I feel bad for what I did to Jack, he's a good kid. He doesn't deserve half of the hell he has had to endure and part of that is my own fault. So I will make it up to him, I will allow for him to make his own choices. If he wants to take things farther with me, so be it. He's actually warming up to me quite nicely. I think you throwing him out has caused him to drift to me. He's such a good boy."

"I didn't throw him out." I huffed.

"Oh you did too, you told him you wanted nothing to do with him. You fired him, and you're only upset because now he's mine and I'm not giving him back." Felix snarled at me. "At least, until the turn of the year, he is."

"The turn of the year, what does that mean?" I asked.

"When Jack turns eighteen." 

"What? He can't be a servant then? Or he just isn't obligated to?" 


"What is it?"

"I can't tell you, not even Jack himself knows. But everyone else does." Felix shrugs. He clamped his hand down on my shoulder. "You don't belong here, you are not one of us."

I glared at him. "I'm just not a part of your sick and twisted corruption." 

"Exactly." Felix smiled. He pushed back on my shoulder and because of the braces, I fell directly back onto the floor with a thud, Felix didn't wait to help me. Instead he walked away, leaving me stranded on the floor. 


Hey there's another chapter, I have all the rest all planned out. So I'm going to finish this, and then I'm going to finish Dweeb, and when all of that is said and done, I am going to run a couple of ideas by you guys in my "About the Author" book. I definitely have one that I'm going to do, but I would like to have more than one. Also, I am going to make set update days so it's not just a wing and a prayer that you guys get an update. I do like doing it as often as possible though because I really enjoy seeing a lot of your responses, but that's besides the point. 

Anyways, yeah, four more chapters. I'm gonna crank 'em out. They're all planned already, so it shouldn't take me more than a few days. I am going to focus on this though because to be completely honest I have ZERO idea on how to finish Dweeb, like none whatsoever. I feel like it's just The Jerk 2.0 and I don't know how to do jack shit about it.

Lol someone help. 


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