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Mark: Sunday, 10 September

When I woke up that morning, I was pleasantly greeted by Jack's cute face. He seemed relaxed, like in his dreams nothing could hurt him. Like he was content. He was happy. I didn't really think I could believe that, but it was nice to see him.

"Hello sleeping beauty." I whispered to him as I pushed his hair out of his face. He muttered a little bit but didn't wake up. I decided to do something nice for Jack. He deserved it after the torment he went through. I climbed out of the bed and wrote a small note saying that I headed to the store. I left it by the edge of the bed, where Jack was still sleeping like a sound little baby.

I got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth, and slipped on my sneakers. I grabbed my wallet and headed out the door. "Good morning Mark." My mother greeted me.

"Hey mom."

"Jack upstairs?" 

"Yeah, he's sleeping." I said. "I'm gonna head over to the store and get him some candy or something. Maybe it'll make him happy."

"Okay." My mother said. "I think it's raining through. If you want I'm sure someone can drive you." 

"Nah, I'm good." I shrugged. "The store isn't that far, I can just grab an umbrella." 

"Okay Mark."

I grabbed a small gray umbrella and headed out the door, it was sprinkling lightly so I opened it and walked down the wet sidewalk to the store. I could see the cheap sign hanging on the front, it looked like one of the lights didn't work but it was hard to tell in the daylight.

I walked in the front door and when I looked at the counter I saw Felix standing next to a couple of unknown buddies. I stood still for a second as I looked at him. He glanced up and saw me standing there and began to take steps backwards. Knowing he was - by law - too close to me. I looked him up and down and nodded in peace as I journeyed farther into the store. The clerk was a little freaked out by our interaction, but didn't ask questions.

I picked out probably ten different kinds of sugary and chocolaty snacks, hoping Jack would like one of them. I thought of something else I could get him, and picked up a small stuffed bear in hopes he would like it. 

I handed it to the clerk, and he asked me, "Why'd Felix look so afraid of you?" Huh, he knew his name.

"He's not afraid of me. I just have a restraining order against him. If he comes too close it violates it. But I understand there's not much to do about it in that kind of position." I shrugged. 

"Restraining order?"

I nodded.

"What for?" 

"Well," I took a deep breath. "I don't really think that's in my liberty to discuss. It doesn't really involve me as much as it does a third party." 

The clerk nodded and realized I wasn't about to say anything else. So he checked me out and bagged all of my things, I don't really remember the total, I just grabbed some cash from my wallet and passed it to him as I looked out the window, I could see one of the guys with Felix looking in through the door. I mean, he was trying to make it seem like he was just hanging out around there. But it was obvious to me that he wasn't. 

He was taking a long drag of a cigarette when he realized I was staring at him and walked off.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my receipt and left, my phone started vibrating in my pocket. Said something about the house phone.

"Y'ello?" I said into my cell. 


"Hey Jack, what's up honey bun, you woke up?" 

"Uh..Yeah. You went to the store your mother said?"

"Yeah, just stay in my room." I said. "I got something for you." 

There was a pause. "You got me something?" He sounded hopeful, excited, and even a little emotional at the idea. 

"Yeah it's just a little thing, but I thought it would make a good gift."

"A gift?"

I laughed a little. "Yeah, I got you a gift." 

"You didn't have - "

"I know I didn't have to, I wanted to." I said. "Just - "

I was standing on the road when I heard an engine revving behind me that made me stop talking and look behind me. I tilted my head at the sound of the noise. I then noticed it was Felix who was sitting in the car. I realized very quickly that he was not about to follow that restraining order. 

"Jack?" I said into my phone.

"Yeah Mark?" Jack responded. "Is everything okay." 

It wasn't, for some reason my legs couldn't move. It was like I was frozen in time. The car began to move, it was burning rubber that smelt awful. 

"I love you, okay?"

"Wait what?" Jack immediately became very alert but I didn't have time to say anything. The car hit me as if I was nothing at all, I went over the hood and over the roof and Felix and his buddies drove off, I think the person in the store noticed and called 911 before rushing out. But I could hear Jack's continued voice on my phone that was laying on the ground. Saying my name over and over. My hands weren't holding onto anything, it felt like my grip was just, gone. Like I couldn't close my hands even if I wanted to.

My head was swimming and I felt it roll around a little bit and I could tell if the side of my face had blood or rainwater on it. But my head stopped moving too, and my eyes closed a little, then a little more, and eventually closed all the way. For a moment I could continue to hear the sound of Jack's voice and the clerk. But then.. It was all gone.

I couldn't hear a thing. 


Hey everyone! I just have a few quick announcements before we all move on with our lives.

Recently I posted on my board that I wanted you guys to ask me questions and I would compile them into a chapter in my "About the Author" book because it sounded like a good idea and also fun. Don't ask me about books, because the answer is almost always "soon" and I posted a little thing about myself already so you can look at that. Also if you look at the post I made today, it'll talk more about it. Please go do that =)

Also you all can follow me on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram @missyrinny and interact with me on a more personal basis =3 So I'd be glad to hear from you all. But yeah, that's all I really have!

Also yah, I did copy and paste this from Dweeb lol.

I love messing around with your guys' feelings =)



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